Pressure drop across a valve in tank

In summary, the conversation revolves around the pressure and forces on valves in a water treatment center. The pressure in a fully filled tank with closed valves can be problematic, and the design of valve 1 must be able to withstand the pressure difference. However, opening and closing valves in real plant situations is not usually a problem. The presence of air in the water can also affect the pressure and cause difficulties, as seen in a case involving a high pressure water pump for a pressure test chamber. This was solved by installing a bleed valve and a larger pump for initial filling.
  • #1
I've gotten some good answers here before, so I'm giving it another try:
Recently I attended a building-engineering meeting, and trying to learn something new (or refresh old knowledge in some cases..) I had a hydrodynamic question/case. My firm is engineering a concrete tank for a water treatment center, so the loads on the main construction are known. But I was curious about forces on a couple of valves:

Now, the pressure in the bottom tank is given by the height from the water level into top tank, density of fluid and g. So in the case were bottom tank, top tank and tubes are full, valve 2 closed, the pressure at valve 1 would be h1 x ρ x g. This would be the case wether valve 1 is open or closed. Valve 1 would have the same pressure over it as under it, and opening/closing wouldn't change anything.
Now if everything has filled up, you close valve 1 (nothing happens). But as you open valve 2 things change. Pressure goes from h1 x ρ x g to nothing? Reference height is now equal to water height. Water will not explode out of the valve (depending on how solid the tank is: if it is elastic I guess some water could run out as it decompresses?). But at valve 1 it now has higher pressure at the top than the bottom. So we close valve 2 again, and valve 1 still has the h1 pressure at the top and nothing under. Water can not be compressed, so to even out the pressure one has to some how add pressure to the tank, or open valve 1. This will be "hard" as it has a high pressure on top of it. Could valve 1 be sort of a "spring" that compresses down to the bottom tank by the force/pressure on top of it, and equalizing the pressure before opening?
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  • #2
The pressure in containers fully filled with water without any open valves is problematic - if water would be perfectly incompressible and the walls would be perfect it would be ill-defined, in practice it will depend on tiny details of the setup.

You should design valve 1 to be able to handle the pressure difference.
  • #3
Oh, just to clarify: I am only to calculate the tank, but out of curiosity I was wondering if my initial thoughts were correct or not. So from what I see valve 1 would need to be able to withstand the h1 pressure, but when one where to open it, it would be easier to do do if the pressure some how were equal?
  • #4
That depends on the design of the valve.
  • #5
With valve 1 closed tank pressure does not rise when you close valve 2 . Pressure will only rise again when you re-open valve 1 .

As @mfb suggests valve 1 could be difficult or easy to open depending on it's design . Valves though are almost always chosen to be suitable for the intended application so opening and closing valves in real plant is not normally a problem . (Assuming proper maintenance - very different story when there hasn't been any) .

Just for interest :

Ordinary tap water in a tank contains quite a lot of air and there may also be air trapped in the headspace and other voids . This air acts as a buffer making pressure in tanks relatively insensitive to minor pressurising effects . In the problem being discussed above the effect is beneficial but there are other instances where the trapped air can cause major difficulties .

An engineering company that I had done some design work for asked me one day to look at an unrelated problem which they were struggling with . They had supplied a high pressure water pump which the purchaser had intended to use for pressurising a large water filled pressure test chamber .

Everyone involved had made the usual assumption that 'water was incompressible' and that only a small amount of water would have to be pumped into raise the test chamber pressure to required level . Accordingly only a small capacity pump had been specified .

When first tried the pump took over an hour to raise the pressure - far too long for the schedule of tests
planned where pressure was to be raised and lowered several times in a day .

Reason was the air in the water . Starting from a nominally full test chamber another 2 to 3 % of chamber volume of water had to be pumped in before pressure started to rise . With a small pump and a very large chamber this took a long time .

Problem solved by installing a bleed valve and a second much larger pump to do the initial fill under more controlled conditions and to raise the pressure to a few bars above atmospheric . The smaller pump then had no difficulty taking the pressure up to the 30 to 40 bars required for tests .

Related to Pressure drop across a valve in tank

1. What is pressure drop in a valve and why is it important?

Pressure drop refers to the decrease in pressure that occurs as a fluid flows through a valve. It is important because it affects the efficiency and performance of the valve, as well as the overall system it is a part of.

2. How is pressure drop across a valve calculated?

The pressure drop across a valve can be calculated using the Bernoulli's equation, which takes into account the fluid velocity, density, and the geometry of the valve. It can also be determined experimentally by measuring the pressure difference before and after the valve.

3. What factors can affect pressure drop across a valve?

The main factors that can affect pressure drop across a valve are the type and size of the valve, the flow rate of the fluid, the viscosity of the fluid, and the presence of any obstructions or irregularities in the valve or piping system.

4. How can pressure drop be minimized in a valve?

To minimize pressure drop in a valve, it is important to choose the right type and size of valve for the specific application, ensure proper installation and maintenance of the valve, and avoid any obstructions or blockages in the valve or piping system. Additionally, using a valve with a lower resistance coefficient can also help reduce pressure drop.

5. What are the potential consequences of high pressure drop in a valve?

High pressure drop in a valve can lead to reduced flow rates, decreased efficiency, and increased energy consumption. It can also cause cavitation, erosion, and other forms of damage to the valve and piping system. In extreme cases, it can even result in valve failure and system shutdown.

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