Pressure in a liquid without gravity

In summary, the pressure of a non-moving liquid in space would be 0 due to the impact of the molecules on the container's surface. This counterintuitive pressure would be affected by the temperature of the liquid.
  • #1
Say there was a container filled with liquid floating in space. What would the pressure of the liquid be? Also would it be affected by the temperature of the liquid? I would assume so since faster moving particles would hit the walls of the container with more force.

The reason I'm asking is because with gases you have the ideal gas law where the temperature, pressure, and concentration of the gas are all related to each other. However, in liquids the only calculation for pressure in a static liquid is found by the formula for hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, a non moving liquid in space would have a pressure of 0 which is extremely counterintuitive since the molecules in the liquid would still be impacting the surface of the container.

What really got me thinking about this was the concept of osmotic pressure. Apparently, the osmotic pressure of blood can be as high as 8atm. This osmotic pressure is affected by the temperature and concentration of the solute in a similar manner as the ideal gas law. Therefore, it's incredibly intuitive that blood would have such a high osmotic pressure since the solute concentration would usually be much higher than that of gas at SATP. Now what is unintuitive is that in order for water to reach a pressure of 8atm there must be a column of it 80m high while it's concentration (density) is much higher than that of solutes in a typical solution. Where does my misunderstanding lie?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Dragynfyre said:
Say there was a container filled with liquid floating in space. What would the pressure of the liquid be?

Assuming the tank kept the fluid from freezing/boiling etc, the pressure can be anything from the vapor pressure of the liquid all the way up to the bursting limit of the tank. The only thing you've removed is the hydrostatic pressure head.
  • #3
So is there no way to find how the pressure will change with temperature? Also why would the vapour pressure come into play if there is no space in the tank for it to evaporate?

I've thought of a way to illustrate my point further with osmosis. Consider a closed cylindrical container half filled with 2L of water at room temperature. The height of the water is 1m. Above the water there is some air at 1 atm. Now there is a semipermeable membrane right through the middle separating the water into two sections with 1L on each side. This cylinder filled with water is at the surface of the earth, therefore, you can calculate pressure on the membrane as pgh+1 atm = 9.8kPa +101kPa = 110.8kPa near the bottom of the membrane (less as you go higher up the water column). Now if you were to add 0.1 mol of NaCl to one side of the water then the osmotic pressure applied by the solute to the semipermeable membrane, given by the Morse equation, would be 498kPa without even factoring in the hydrostatic pressure of the water. How is it possible for so little solute to trump the pressure of so much water and air?
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FAQ: Pressure in a liquid without gravity

What is pressure in a liquid without gravity?

Pressure in a liquid without gravity refers to the force per unit area exerted by the liquid in the absence of a gravitational force. This can occur in situations such as outer space or a weightless environment.

How does pressure in a liquid without gravity differ from pressure on Earth?

On Earth, pressure in a liquid is affected by the gravitational force, causing it to increase with depth. In a weightless environment, however, pressure is constant throughout the liquid regardless of depth.

What factors affect pressure in a liquid without gravity?

The main factor affecting pressure in a liquid without gravity is the density of the liquid. The higher the density, the higher the pressure. Additionally, temperature, composition, and external forces can also affect pressure.

What are some real-life examples of pressure in a liquid without gravity?

One example of pressure in a liquid without gravity is the water inside a spacecraft or space station. Another example is the liquid in a weightless environment, such as a swimming pool on the International Space Station.

How is pressure in a liquid without gravity measured?

Pressure in a liquid without gravity can be measured using instruments such as a manometer or a pressure gauge. These instruments measure the force exerted by the liquid per unit area and can provide accurate readings even in weightless environments.

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