Pressure-Time relation for polytropic thermodynamic process

In summary: Dear Friends,I carried out an experiment of sudden release of oxygen (open nozzle) from an oxygen cylinder used for medical college and hospitals. I found that pressure drops quite rapidly and cylinder surface cools from outside such that water droplets accumulate on its surface. This experiment is carried out in an oxygen factory in Goa India. Now I do want to know what is theoretical relation between pressure and time in such a case.Can anyone show me the steps to arrive at such an equation?Vishwajeet, Goa-India.You can probably describe this with the ideal gas law: PV/nk_B = T, since the cylinder volume is fixed, the decreasing pressure
  • #1
Dear Friends,

I carried out an experiment of sudden release of oxygen (open nozzle) from an oxygen cylinder used for medical college and hospitals. I found that pressure drops quite rapidly and cylinder surface cools from outside such that water droplets accumulate on its surface. This experiment is carried out in an oxygen factory in Goa India. Now I do want to know what is theoretical relation between pressure and time in such a case.

Can anyone show me the steps to arrive at such an equation?

Vishwajeet, Goa-India.
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  • #2
You can probably describe this with the ideal gas law: PV/nk_B = T, since the cylinder volume is fixed, the decreasing pressure P means the temperature T in the cylinder must decrease also.
  • #3
ideal gas equation pV = nRT = n^2 k_B T. Therefore, variation of pressure and square of mole quantity should decrease so that your suggestions stands true. Please go ahead to discuss any further clarification for my help.
Thanks for quick response Tobychev.
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  • #4
Hi vishwanaya. Welcome to the board. I went through this a few years back here. Basically, you need to apply the first law of thermodynamics to the vessel such that:
dU = Qin - Hout

Do this in small time steps to determine the change in internal energy of the oxygen cylinder over time. The internal energy and pressure equate to a temperature. Read through the other thread and see if you have any questions.

Best regards.
  • #5
Hi Guys,

In my judgement, to get the pressure as a function of time, you also need to characterize the pressure drop vs flow rate relationship for the nozzle, and combine this with Q_Goest's recommendation.

  • #6
Thanks Q_Goest.
Relationship between P and T is not explicitly given there.
Can you help me in deriving such an equation?
  • #7
In my opinion, you must take into account the fluid mechanics involved in the process. If you try to relate pressure with time, you need to solve the pressure drop as transitory effect of fluid flow. This is a complex problem that could have more dependencies that pressure ratio. With enough pressure ratio, you can reach supersonic flow, or at least a mach number that justifies include air compresibility in the equations. If you want to be more accurate, you need include heat transfer also. The probe that your system is not adiabatic is the behavior that you are reporting in the exterior. As a first approach, you can assume incompresibility and adiabatic system, and solve Bernoulli's equation over time in order to have mass as a function of time inside the cilinder, pressure vs time and temperature vs time applying the equation for ideal gas. You can use a numeric method like euler looking for a solution of the differential equation.
I hope that this hel you.
  • #8
Thanks Curioso77.
While using Bernoulli's equation for Gravitational head mgh_in will get canceled with mgh_out.
Under kinetic head, 1/2mv^2, m will be equal in and out. v_out will be 1 mach as max speed that can be attained by a shock wave. speed v_in should we assume equal to what?
Under pressure head, P_out will be assumed 1 atm in SI units. P_in will drop with release of the gas.
To calculate P_o and P_in ratio, should I use adiabatic equation (P_in V_in)^1.4 in stead of isothermal equal?
  • #9
I recommend you to read about isentropic flow in order to have a better understanding of the whole phenomenom. For example, you can read the chapter 4: Isentropic Flow, from "The dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow", by Ascher Shapiro, a classic book. At least at a first approach, it should be work.
  • #10
release of O2 gas

curioso77 said:
I recommend you to read about isentropic flow in order to have a better understanding of the whole phenomenom. For example, you can read the chapter 4: Isentropic Flow, from "The dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow", by Ascher Shapiro, a classic book. At least at a first approach, it should be work.

Thanks Curioso77.
Vin is zero.

My question is about sudden release of O2 gas from cylinder 7 m^3 vol and ini pressure 150 kg/cm^2. Pressure-time relation. It involves polytropic states` knowledge and derivation. I am basically an experimentalist. I look forward to publish a paper with the help of a physics theoretician. I have taken P-t readings, plotted graph on origin software program. It clearly shows that with isotropic relations result deviates by about 33% from actual value. Even isentropic relation does not hold good since there must be some inflow of heat from surroundings. Can you help me? I will do experimental part. We will discuss other nitty-grittys if you are interested.
Dr. Vishwajeet Goa India
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FAQ: Pressure-Time relation for polytropic thermodynamic process

1. What is the pressure-time relation for a polytropic thermodynamic process?

The pressure-time relation for a polytropic thermodynamic process describes the relationship between pressure and time during a process where the temperature remains constant and the gas follows a specific polytropic path.

2. How is the pressure-time relation calculated for a polytropic thermodynamic process?

The pressure-time relation for a polytropic thermodynamic process can be calculated using the equation P1V1^n = P2V2^n, where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume, P2 and V2 are the final pressure and volume, and n is the polytropic index.

3. What is the significance of the polytropic index in the pressure-time relation?

The polytropic index, or n, in the pressure-time relation represents the ratio of specific heats for the gas being studied. It is a constant value that describes the relationship between pressure and volume during a polytropic process.

4. How does the pressure-time relation differ for different polytropic processes?

The pressure-time relation for a polytropic thermodynamic process will differ depending on the value of the polytropic index, n. Different values of n will result in different curves on a pressure-time graph, representing different polytropic processes.

5. What are some real-world applications of the pressure-time relation for polytropic thermodynamic processes?

The pressure-time relation for polytropic thermodynamic processes is useful in various fields such as engineering, chemistry, and physics. It can be applied in the design of heat engines, the study of gas dynamics, and the analysis of thermodynamic processes in industrial processes. It is also used in the study of gases in stars and planetary atmospheres.
