Pressure, Volume, and Temperature at a Point in a Thermodynamic Cycle

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving pressure, volume, and temperature. The problem statement was not provided, but the person asking for help was reminded to type it out instead of posting images. Posting images is allowed as backup or to show extra details, but not as a substitute for typing out the problem. The person asking for help was also advised to provide accurate and complete problem statements to avoid confusion and ensure proper context. Guidelines for students and helpers were also referenced for more information.
  • #1
Jeremy Stone

Homework Statement

Question: Graph:

Homework Equations

Answer for Q1 (Just the formula) :

The Attempt at a Solution

I have realized that from 1-2, there is an increase in pressure, decrease in volume and increase in temperature I have realized that from 4-1, there is an decrease in pressure, constant volume and decrease in temperature I have realized that from 3-4, there is an decrease in pressure, increase in volume and decrease in temperature I am not sure where to go from here and what values to substitue in
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  • #2
Posting images instead of typing out the problem is not allowed. Please type out the problem. Images are ok as backups or to show extra details such as diagrams. Please start your thread over and do it according to the rules. Type out the problem, DO NOT post an image in lieu of typing out the problem.

Reproduce the problem statement accurately.
Type the problem statement exactly as worded. If you're only asking about one part of a long problem it may not be necessary to type up the entire problem, but you need to ensure you've provided the proper context for the sub-problem. If you paraphrase or summarize, make sure you're not changing the meaning or omitting important information. It's very frustrating trying to help with a problem only to discover that critical information is missing.

In addition to the typed version, you may want to attach a scan or electronic copy of the problem statement. Please do not do this in lieu of typing up the statement. Posting images, while convenient for you, can be troublesome for others, especially if they're trying to view the thread on a phone or tablet.

FAQ: Pressure, Volume, and Temperature at a Point in a Thermodynamic Cycle

1. What is the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature in a thermodynamic cycle?

In a thermodynamic cycle, pressure, volume, and temperature are all interrelated. As pressure increases, volume decreases, and vice versa. Temperature also has an inverse relationship with volume - as temperature increases, volume also increases. This is known as the ideal gas law, which states that PV=nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is temperature.

2. How do pressure, volume, and temperature change during the different stages of a thermodynamic cycle?

In a thermodynamic cycle, pressure, volume, and temperature will vary depending on the specific stage. During the isothermal stage, temperature remains constant, while pressure and volume will change. In the adiabatic stage, no heat is exchanged, so temperature will change while pressure and volume remain constant. During the isobaric stage, pressure remains constant while volume and temperature change. In the isochoric stage, volume remains constant while pressure and temperature change.

3. Can pressure, volume, and temperature be controlled at a specific point in a thermodynamic cycle?

Yes, pressure, volume, and temperature can be controlled at a specific point in a thermodynamic cycle. This is often done by manipulating the external conditions, such as changing the heat input or the amount of work done on the system. However, the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature must still follow the ideal gas law.

4. How does the ideal gas law apply to pressure, volume, and temperature in a thermodynamic cycle?

The ideal gas law, PV=nRT, applies to pressure, volume, and temperature in a thermodynamic cycle by describing the relationship between these variables. This law states that the product of pressure and volume is directly proportional to the product of the number of moles and temperature. This means that as one variable changes, at least one other variable must also change to maintain the relationship.

5. What other factors can affect pressure, volume, and temperature in a thermodynamic cycle?

In addition to external conditions, such as heat input and work done, other factors that can affect pressure, volume, and temperature in a thermodynamic cycle include the specific properties of the gas being used, the type of thermodynamic cycle being used, and any losses or inefficiencies in the system. These factors can impact the overall behavior of pressure, volume, and temperature at a specific point in the cycle.

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