Priciple of Optical Reversibility - How can it be proved?

In summary, the principle of optical reversibility can be derived from the more basic principles of Fermat's principle and the isotropy of the medium in which light is propagating. This principle states that the path a light ray takes from point A to point B is the same as the path taken from point B to point A, as long as the medium is isotropic. This can be observed in experiments and serves as a fundamental principle in understanding the behavior of light.
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How can we derive or prove the principle of optical reversibility from more basic principles?
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It's based on experimental observation.
Experiment is the 'bottom line' in physics, which determines whether a basic assumption is true or false.
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  • #4
@Andy Resnick

I guess I meant something different. I am talking about the fact that, light traces back its traversed path if it is made to travel backwards.

For example, consider a glass surface which reflects and refracts some fixed amounts of the light ray falling on it from the air medium. So , a part of this ray is reflected back into air and a part of it is refracted into the glass plate.

Now if we reverse the direction of the light rays, i.e. let the two reflected and refracted rays, these two rays will travel backwards on the same path and will eventually combine to give the original light ray.

How can we prove this result?
  • #5
metalrose said:
How can we prove this result?

You can't. (Maybe you could with great difficulty and ingenuity - but that's not the point)
We create experiments to test hypotheses in the simplest possible way.

It isn't necessary to test every possible situation to see if a principle holds 'in that particular situation'. Once it's been established, the point is taken as 'proved' (pending further refinement).

If I drive my car down the road at sixty miles an hour and don't brake at the end, I'll go off the road at the curve. I don't need to test the hypothesis.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest I should take care on the curve, as there is that the optical principle of reversibility holds.
  • #6
metalrose said:
@Andy Resnick

I guess I meant something different. I am talking about the fact that, light traces back its traversed path if it is made to travel backwards.

How can we prove this result?

Looking at the Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction formula- near the bottom of the page:

We see that it is symmetric; that is, a source point at Q will produce at the observation point P the same effect as a point source of equal intensity placed at P will produce at Q. That's the Helmholtz reversion theorem, or reciprocity theorem.

Alternatively, Fermat's principle can be used in which case there is no time or direction: the optical length is the shortest.

Or am I still not understanding your question?

Edit: When ultrashort pulses are involved, scattering behavior is very different than in the steady-state regime: IIRC, the far-field scattering pattern by an ultrashort pulse is very different than for constant intensities.
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  • #7
@Andy Resnick

The links you posted went way over my head. I'm a freshman in college, and have hardly any prerequisites to deal with the stuff you're talking about.

Anyways, I'll store all these links and will visit them later on when I'm in a position to understand something.

Thanks anyway!
  • #8
metalrose said:
How can we derive or prove the principle of optical reversibility from more basic principles?

I don't know if you can consider the following principle as more "basic" or not, but light rays obey the so-called Fermat principle: the path a ray takes to go from point A to point B is the one that minimizes the time of percurrence (remember that the speed of light in a medium is inversely proportional to the refraction index of the medium). From this principle you can deduce all the kinematics of light rays (whenever the "light ray" approximation is valid), that is, the laws of refraction and reflection. The time of percurrence to go from A to B is the same of the time to go from B to A, if the media of propagation are isotropic: if you see a point, that point sees you!
  • #9
@metalrose: I think principle of optical reversibility is itself a basic principle, that can't be derived from something else.

@Petr Mugver: I don't agree with your reasoning.

First, it is limited to isotropic media.

Second, you haven't proved that the time it takes in one direction is equal to the time it takes in the reverse direction. Who said that the index of refraction is direction-independent? (As we all know, it isn't, but we know that from experiments only)

By the way, if A sees B, B doesn't necessarily sees A. This is a common mistake. Have you seen those security glasses? Although the path light takes is the same in the two directions, light intensities may be different.
  • #10
Acut said:
@Petr Mugver: I don't agree with your reasoning.
First, it is limited to isotropic media.

The principle of optical reversibility is not valid for anisotropic media.

Acut said:
Second, you haven't proved that the time it takes in one direction is equal to the time it takes in the reverse direction. Who said that the index of refraction is direction-independent? (As we all know, it isn't, but we know that from experiments only)

That's precisely the hypothesis of isotropic media.

Acut said:
By the way, if A sees B, B doesn't necessarily sees A. This is a common mistake. Have you seen those security glasses? Although the path light takes is the same in the two directions, light intensities may be different.

Again, those glasses are made of a material that is not isotropic. I didn't make that assumption for nothing.

Related to Priciple of Optical Reversibility - How can it be proved?

1. What is the principle of optical reversibility?

The principle of optical reversibility states that light rays will follow the same path when traveling in either direction through a given optical system.

2. How can this principle be proved?

This principle can be proved through several experiments, including the use of a double slit apparatus or a Michelson interferometer.

3. What is the significance of the principle of optical reversibility?

The principle of optical reversibility is important because it allows us to make accurate predictions and measurements in optics, and it is a fundamental concept in the study of light and its behavior.

4. Are there any exceptions to this principle?

While the principle of optical reversibility holds true in most cases, there are some exceptions, such as when dealing with non-linear optical systems or in the presence of strong magnetic fields.

5. How does the principle of optical reversibility relate to other laws or principles in physics?

The principle of optical reversibility is closely related to the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, as well as the principle of time reversal symmetry in classical mechanics.

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