Prime-counting function questions

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  • Thread starter AdamsJoK
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In summary, there is confusion surrounding the existence of the prime counting function, with some people searching for a clear formula but only finding approximations and algorithms. However, it is important to note that a function does not necessarily need to have a formula, and the current procedure for the prime counting function is to list and count prime numbers. There are some formulas available but they are computationally intensive and inefficient for large numbers. Approximate solutions can also be used, as long as they are rounded to an integer value. Ultimately, the best approach is to find the most efficient algorithm for computing the prime counting function.
  • #1
I'm confused about the existence of the prime counting function.

When I search for information about pi(x), I turn up a lot of information on approximations and algorithms for finding pi(x) but there doesn't seem to be any clear cut formula, yet it seems to exist?
If there exists formula for the prime counting function, is it that they just aren't very friendly to work with and therefore we resort back to using the approximations? If so, what makes them hard to work with exactly?

Thank you.
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  • #2
AdamsJoK said:
I'm confused about the existence of the prime counting function.

When I search for information about pi(x), I turn up a lot of information on approximations and algorithms for finding pi(x) but there doesn't seem to be any clear cut formula, yet it seems to exist?

The mathematical definition of a "function" doesn't require that function have a formula. It only requires that each x in the domain of the function is mapped to some unique y in the co-domain. To show a function exists, you only have to show that some procedure exists for finding y once x is given. The procedure for the prime counting function is "List all the prime numbers that are less than equal to x and count how many numbers are in the list".

People interested in mathematics are interested in functions that do have formulas of the usual type. It would be nice to discover such a formula for the prime counting function, but (as far as I know) all that is currently available are approximations.

People who study computer science, study algorithms and often these are functions that can't be implemented as straightforward formulas. For example, a computer could be programmed to compute the prime counting function. The program wouldn't be a simple one-line formula. There would be a lot of steps to the program.
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Likes Lucas SV and AdamsJoK
  • #3
Figures I was being sloppy, a function is just a ordered pair(with some rules). The 2nd paragraph answers the question.

Helpful post, I appreciate it, thank you.
  • #4
I don't know what you call clear cut, but i found two formulas that look prety clear to me:

from, and

from ##f## and ##\mu## are defined in the webpage.

The second formula is more algorithmic, if you look at the definitions. But the first formula is also computationally intensive. The choice of algorithm certainly matters for the computer scientist, and algorithms that lead to approximate solutions are fine too because the computed values should be close to an integer, so they can be rounded to get the correct value, which we know is an integer.

But perhaps the better reason to use approximations, is that for large ##n##, the exact algorithms are extremely inefficient, in particular the first formula (Hardy and Wright, 1979). Just you try computing ##\pi(100)## and you will see what I mean.

What you really want is a easy formula to compute the prime counting function, but what you really should ask for is the best algorithm for computing it. To make this point clear we consider the function ##f(x)=x^2+3x##. The formula I have given actually prescribes a great algorithm to compute the values of the function. It just happens that in this case, the computational power you need is very small, compared to ##\pi(x)##. I'm just highlighting the obvious but overlooked fact that how hard it is to compute values for functions depends on the algorithm you use, and on the functions themselves.
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Likes AdamsJoK
  • #5
Hey Lucas SV, you're right I do mean easy to compute. I overlooked the first which is pretty "clear cut" but as you have said, it's useless because of how large factorials get.

Appreciate the insight, thank you.
  • #6
Lucas SV said:
approximate solutions are fine too because the computed values should be close to an integer, so they can be rounded to get the correct value, which we know is an integer
Try using an approximate solution to compute pi(x) - pi(x-1).

FAQ: Prime-counting function questions

What is the prime-counting function?

The prime-counting function is a mathematical function that counts the number of prime numbers less than or equal to a given number. It is denoted by π(x), where x is the input number.

How does the prime-counting function work?

The prime-counting function works by using a mathematical formula called the prime number theorem. This theorem states that the number of primes less than or equal to a given number x is approximately equal to x/ln(x), where ln(x) is the natural logarithm of x.

Can the prime-counting function be calculated for large numbers?

Yes, the prime-counting function can be calculated for extremely large numbers. However, as the input number increases, the time and resources required for the calculation also increase significantly.

Are there any practical applications of the prime-counting function?

Yes, the prime-counting function has several important applications in number theory, cryptography, and computer science. It is also used in the analysis of algorithms and in the development of efficient data structures.

Is the prime-counting function related to the distribution of prime numbers?

Yes, the prime-counting function is closely related to the distribution of prime numbers. It provides valuable information about the density of prime numbers and their distribution among all natural numbers.
