Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals

  • MHB
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In summary: We say 1 is a prime ideal if and only if it is maximal, and all the other ideals in $Z_{12}$ are either prime or maximal as well, but 1 is the only maximal ideal in $Z_{12}$.)In summary, the theorem states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the ideals of a ring and the ideals of the quotient ring which contains the original ideal. The maximal ideals of $Z_{12}$ are $Z_{12},2Z_{12},3Z_{12},4Z_{12},6Z_{12}$.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
1) Find all prime ideals and all maximal ideals of [TEX] \mathbb{Z}_{12}[/TEX].

2) Find all prime ideals and maximal ideals of \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}_2 \ \times \ \mathbb{Z}_4\).
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  • #2
Re: Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals of Z12

Peter said:
Find all prime ideals and all maximal ideals of [TEX] \mathbb{Z}_{12}[/TEX].

According to a well-known theorem, the ideals of $Z_{12}$ are $Z_{12},2Z_{12},3Z_{12},4Z_{12},6Z_{12}$ and $12Z_{12}=\{0\}$. Now, find the corresponding quotient rings. For example, $Z_{12}/2Z_{12}$ (isomorphic to $Z_{6}$) is neither integral domain nor field so, $2Z_{12}$ is neither prime ideal nor maximal ideal. $Z_{12}/4Z_{12}$ (isomorphic to $Z_{3}$) is field so, $4Z_{12}$ is maximal (as a consquenece prime), etc.
  • #3
Thanks Fernando, most helpful.

Are you able to give me the statement of the theorem that's you refer to in your post.

Thanks again,

  • #4
Peter said:
Are you able to give me the statement of the theorem that's you refer to in your post.

Yes, I quote Proposition 1.1 from Atiyah, MacDonald's Introduction to Commutative Algebra:

Let $A$ be a commutative and unitary ring and $\mathfrak{a}$ an ideal of $A$. Then, there is a one-to-one order-preserving corresponding between the ideals $\mathfrak{b}$ of $A$ which contains $\mathfrak{a}$ and the ideals $\bar{\mathfrak{b}}$ of $A/\mathfrak{a}$, given by $\mathfrak{b}=\phi^{-1}(\bar{\mathfrak{b}})$.
  • #5
Ok, here is just another couple of points.

If I is an ideal of a ring R, then I is first and foremost an additive subgroup of the group (R, +).
Since $Z_{12} = <1>$ is a cyclic subgroup under addition. There is exactly one unique subgroup of size p where p is a divisor for 12. So the divisors are 1,2,3,4,6,12And these additive subgroups are (Subgroup of 1 element)$<1^{12/1}>$,(Subgroup of 2 elements $<1^{12/2}>$, (Subgroup of 3 elements)$<1^{12/3}>$ etc...

All these additive subgroups (Denoted by S) are ideals of $Z_{12}$ for if $ r \in Z_{12} $ and $ x \in S $ then x*r = r * x = x + x + x + x.. + (r times) $\in S$ (since S is closed under addition).

It is not hard to show that for any cyclic ring R(Ring with a cyclic group under addition), the ideals of R are the subgroups of (R,+), Hence ideals of size p where p divides the order of R

Now for any ideal I of $Z_{12}$, the order of $Z_{12}/I$ is $12/d$ where d is a divisor of 12. So yu have order of $Z_{12}/I$ = 1,12,6,4,3,2. So we know for I to be maximal $Z_{12}/I$ must be a field, or must have order $p^n$ where p is a prime and n is a positive integer. so the ideals where the order of $Z_{12}/I$ = 4,3,2. are maximal ideals. Or maximal ideals are 3$Z_{12}$,4$Z_{12}$ $6Z_{12}$.
Thus these are also prime ideals.

The others, namely, $Z_{12}/2Z_{12} \cong Z_6$, is not a prime ideal because 2*3 = 0 $\in Z_6$, which means it has atleast one zero divisor. and $Z_{12}/12Z_{12} \cong Z_{12}$ $\{e\}$is also not prime since 6*2 = 0 $\in Z_{12}$(We do not include the ideal $Z_{12}$ in consideration for being a "prime" ideal, akin to how we don't say 1 is a prime number.
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FAQ: Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals

1. What is the difference between a prime ideal and a maximal ideal?

A prime ideal is a proper subset of a ring that satisfies certain properties, including that the product of any two elements in the ideal is still in the ideal. A maximal ideal is a proper subset of a ring that cannot be properly contained in any other ideal. Essentially, a prime ideal is the "middle ground" between a maximal ideal and the entire ring.

2. How are prime ideals and maximal ideals related?

Every maximal ideal is also a prime ideal, but not every prime ideal is a maximal ideal. This means that every maximal ideal is also a "stronger" version of a prime ideal, but not every prime ideal is the "strongest" version of itself.

3. Can a ring have more than one prime ideal?

Yes, a ring can have multiple prime ideals. In fact, in most cases, a ring will have more than one prime ideal. For example, the ring of integers has infinitely many prime ideals, including the ideal generated by the prime number 2, the ideal generated by the prime number 3, and so on.

4. How are prime ideals and maximal ideals used in algebraic geometry?

In algebraic geometry, prime ideals and maximal ideals are used to study the structure of algebraic varieties. Specifically, prime ideals correspond to irreducible subvarieties, and maximal ideals correspond to points on the variety. This allows for the use of algebraic techniques to study geometric objects.

5. Can prime ideals and maximal ideals be used in applications outside of mathematics?

Yes, prime ideals and maximal ideals have applications in other fields such as computer science and economics. In computer science, they are used in the study of formal languages and automata. In economics, they are used in game theory and decision-making processes. Prime ideals and maximal ideals are also used in coding theory and cryptography.

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