Pro Writer Needs Help To Develop Paper

In summary: Siegel, a professional writer and editor with no formal background in physics or math, is seeking help to examine an interesting and unique theory he has had for several years. He is unsure if the concept is valid or not, and is looking for guidance on how to pursue it further. However, due to the rules of the forum, he is unable to share his theory at this time.
  • #1
Hello. I'm a professional writer and editor but all of my experience has been in the commercial fields, so I have no formal physics or math background.

I've always had a profound interest in physics and have kept up with "conceptual" advances just about as much as any layman can be expected to. I have had this one particularly interesting theory for several years and not only does it seem to be rather unique, but also does not seem to have been pursued by other researchers. However, I have no way of knowing if this is because the concept is unique or totally invalid.

So basically I'm looking for help to examine this idea and see if it's just a dead end or if there is actually something to all this. Although there are no experiments currently configured to prove the theory I trust that it would be a rather simple process to do so.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
chimichan9a said:
Hello. I'm a professional writer and editor but all of my experience has been in the commercial fields, so I have no formal physics or math background.

I've always had a profound interest in physics and have kept up with "conceptual" advances just about as much as any layman can be expected to. I have had this one particularly interesting theory for several years and not only does it seem to be rather unique, but also does not seem to have been pursued by other researchers. However, I have no way of knowing if this is because the concept is unique or totally invalid.

So basically I'm looking for help to examine this idea and see if it's just a dead end or if there is actually something to all this. Although there are no experiments currently configured to prove the theory I trust that it would be a rather simple process to do so.

Thanks in advance!
Welcome to Physics Forums.

Please note that we do not permit discussion of theories that have not been published in mainstream journals on the general forums. However, you may submit and discuss your paper to the".
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  • #3
Thank you for the welcome.

I've reviewed the submission rules for Independent Research, and it seems that my "theory" is nowhere near ready to adhere to the standards stated:

The opening post must contain an abstract that states a) why the theory/work submitted to IR is important, b) what is new about it, c) where the proposed theory fills holes or addresses deficiencies in addition/contrast to being at variance with current theory, and d) a summary of results that support the new/revised theory.

...especially d!

I'm also concerned that I might fall into this category:

Threads which contain obvious misrepresentations or gross misunderstanding of basic accepted science, especially when used in attempt to compare one's personal theory to currently accepted science, will not be accepted.

Therefore, is there a more appropriate forum than this one or Independent Research for a "freeform" discussion of the validity or lack thereof of my "concept"?

  • #4
Sorry for the double post, but can anyone assist me with either my query or suggestions as to the proper forum to post it in? Thank you.
  • #5
There should be an exception two the rules allowed if you specifically state so because some of this stuff is fun to read.
  • #6
I can certainly guarantee you some fun, James. My "theory" may leave people laughing their butts off. But, then again, there might be something to it. Unless I can get some direction as to where and how to post it on this forum though, we'll never know! :)
  • #7
As has been said, PF is not an appropriate place to publish original research. If you wish to have it published in the usual places for original research (pre-prints, journals, etc.) then you should pursue the requirements for such publication (academic sponsorship for submission to arxiv, for example).

- Warren

FAQ: Pro Writer Needs Help To Develop Paper

1. What is the purpose of the paper?

The purpose of the paper is to present a clear and well-researched argument or analysis on a specific topic or question. This can include presenting new findings, interpreting existing data, or proposing a solution to a problem.

2. Who is the intended audience for the paper?

The intended audience for the paper can vary depending on the specific topic and purpose. It could be written for a general audience, other scientists in the field, or a specific group of stakeholders. It is important to consider the audience when developing the paper to ensure the language and content is appropriate and engaging.

3. What research methods will be used in the paper?

The research methods used in the paper will depend on the topic and purpose, but may include primary research such as experiments or surveys, or secondary research such as literature reviews or data analysis. It is important to choose appropriate methods and clearly explain them in the paper.

4. How will the paper be structured?

The paper should have a clear and logical structure that guides the reader through the argument or analysis. This typically includes an introduction, background information, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. However, the structure can vary depending on the purpose and requirements of the paper.

5. What resources will be used to support the paper?

The resources used to support the paper should be credible and relevant to the topic. This can include academic articles, books, data sets, and other reliable sources. It is important to properly cite these sources and use them to strengthen the argument or analysis presented in the paper.

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