Probability Calculations for Disease and Card Decks

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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of binomial and hypergeometric distributions to find the probability of a certain number of babies having a disease in a given sample size. The conversation also covers the concepts of mean and variance and how they can be found using the given variables. The second part of the conversation focuses on using the same distributions to find the expected number of aces in a deck of shuffled cards.
  • #1
(Note -- I use ( x ) to mean binomial coefficients. I'm not sure how to
......( y )
get them right in LaTeX and I'd rather spend time working on my problems for now.)

Suppose that the chance of a special disease in human births is 0.002. (1) What is the probability of observing at least 4 (including 4) infants having the disease in 1000 human births?
(2) How many infants are expected to have the disease and what is the variance?

Ok, for (1) I have this:

N=1000, j=4, p = disease = 0.002

So I used the binomial formula:

( N )
( j ) * (p)^j * (1-p)^(N-j)

( 1000 )
( 4 ) * (0.002)^4 * (1-0.002)^(1000-4)

Is this right?

For (2): I have no idea...

For a deck of well shuffled cards,
(1) How many Aces do you expect to appear among the top 6 cards?
(2) What is the chance that the top 6 cards are made of 3 Kings, 2 Queens, and 1 Ace?

For (1): I thought to use the Hypergeometric formula.

N = 52, n = 6, M = # of aces = 4, j = ??


( M ) ( N-M )
( j ) ( n-j )
( N )
( n )

( 4 ) ( 48 )
( j ) ( 6-j )
( 52 )
( 6 )

For (2): I used the Hypergeometric form again.

N = 52, n = 6,
M1 = # of Kings = 4,
M2 = # of Queens = 4,
M3 = # of Aces = 4,
j1 = 3, j2 = 2, j3 = 1

( M1 )( M2 )( M3 )( N-M1-M2-M3 )
( j1 )( j2 )( j3 )( n-j1-j2-j3 )
( N )
( n )

( 4 )( 4 )( 4 )( 40 )*
( 3 )( 2 )( 1 )( 0 )**
( 52 )
( 6 )

* N-M1-M2-M3 = 40
** n - j1 -j2 -j3 = 0

Thanks for the help and I hope this post is understood.
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  • #2
In the first one, you've given the probability that _exactly_ four babies have the disease. The probability that _at least_ four babies have the disease is 1 - (the probability that 0, 1, 2, or 3 babies have the disease). For the second part, how is the disease incidence distributed? You're just looking for the mean and variance of that distribution.

In the second one, part 1, you are on the right track with the hypergeometric distribution and you've set it up basically right but what are they asking? They are not asking the probability that you will draw any particular number of aces, they are asking the mean number of aces. The second part is correct.

[tex]a\choose b[/tex]
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  • #3
Thanks, 0rthodontist, this helps a lot.

For the first problem, second part, we are looking for the mean and variance. I'm not really sure how to set up the equations using the given variables.

mean = E{x} = mu1{x} = (0.002)*SUM(i=0 to 1000) of ??

What exactly would I be summing?

If I find that out, I can find variance by V{x} = mu2{x} - mu1{x}^2 , where mu2{x} = E{x^2}

The second problem I understand now.

Thanks again.
  • #4
I don't think you're really expected to find the mean and variance on your own--you can just look it up. The disease is distributed according to the same distribution you used to find the probability of any particular number of babies having the disease.
  • #5
I see. Thanks a bunch for your help, Orthodontist.

FAQ: Probability Calculations for Disease and Card Decks

1. What is probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood that a certain event will occur. It is expressed as a decimal or percentage between 0 and 1, where 0 represents impossibility and 1 represents certainty.

2. How is probability calculated?

Probability is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. This is known as the classical definition of probability, and is typically used for simple, equally likely events.

3. What is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?

Theoretical probability is calculated based on mathematical principles and assumptions, while experimental probability is determined through actual observations and data. Theoretical probability can be used to predict outcomes, while experimental probability is based on real-life results.

4. What is the difference between dependent and independent events?

Dependent events are those where the outcome of one event affects the outcome of another event. Independent events are those where the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of another event. For example, drawing two cards from a deck with replacement is an independent event, while drawing two cards without replacement is a dependent event.

5. How can probability be applied in real life?

Probability is used in many real-life situations, such as predicting weather patterns, stock market trends, and sports outcomes. It is also used in decision-making processes and risk analysis, such as in insurance and gambling industries.

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