Probability Distribution Function, H-atom

In summary: Basdevant lists this as the answer for the radial probability distribution function:P(r)dr=|\psi_{1,0,0}(r)|^2(4\pi)r^2drI just don't know how he got there!In summary, to find the probability distribution function for momentum in the ground state of Hydrogen, you need to solve the spectral equation for the H atom, assume discrete spectrum, and then write down the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian.
  • #1
logic smogic
I'm reading Basdevant/Dalibard on 'Stationary States of the Hydrogen Atom' in preparation for a final this week, and the "Probability distribution function" for finding an electron in a spherical shell of thickness dr in the ground state is given.

It's not derived, so I was wondering if anyone could explain how to find such a distribution function.

Momentum, for example. If I wanted to find the probabilty distribution function for momentum, how would I do that?

I think I've got the wavefunction for the ground state of Hydrogen:
(using the equation involving spherical harmonics, the radial equation, and n=1, l=0, m=0)

Any insight would be very much appreciated!

Oh, to clarify, Basdevant lists this as the answer for the radial probability distribution function:


I just don't know how he got there!
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Physics news on
  • #2
logic smogic said:
I'm reading Basdevant/Dalibard on 'Stationary States of the Hydrogen Atom' in preparation for a final this week, and the "Probability distribution function" for finding an electron in a spherical shell of thickness dr in the ground state is given.

It's not derived, so I was wondering if anyone could explain how to find such a distribution function.

Solve the spectral equation for the H atom. Assume discrete spectrum (the continuous one is harder to treat, its treatment is often missing in textbooks) and then write down the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian. By squaring the modulus of these vectors (position wavefunctions, if you assume that you use the coordinate representation in [itex] L^{2}\left(\mathbb{R}^{3}, d^{3}x\right) [/itex]) you get the probability density function for localizing the electron within an open domain from R^3.

logic smogic said:
Momentum, for example. If I wanted to find the probabilty distribution function for momentum, how would I do that?

Fourier transform [itex] \langle r,\theta,\phi|nlm\rangle [/itex] and then consider the square modulus.

logic smogic said:
I think I've got the wavefunction for the ground state of Hydrogen:
(using the equation involving spherical harmonics, the radial equation, and n=1, l=0, m=0)

Any insight would be very much appreciated!

Oh, to clarify, Basdevant lists this as the answer for the radial probability distribution function:


I just don't know how he got there!
  • #3
logic smogic said:
Basdevant lists this as the answer for the radial probability distribution function:


I just don't know how he got there!

You get it from the volume integral of [itex]|\psi_{1,0,0}(r)|^2[/itex] in spherical coordinates, integrating over the angular coordinates but not the radial coordinate:

[tex]P(r)dr=\int_0^{2 \pi} \int_0^\pi |\psi_{1,0,0}(r)|^2 r^2 \sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi[/tex]

In case you or anyone else reading this needs reminding, [itex]r^2 \sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi[/itex] is the volume element in spherical coordinates, like [itex]dx dy dz[/itex] is the volume element in rectangular coordinates.
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  • #4
Fourier transform LaTeX graphic is being generated. Reload this page in a moment. and then consider the square modulus.

jtbell said:
You get it from the volume integral of [itex]|\psi_{1,0,0}(r)|^2[/itex] in spherical coordinates, integrating over the angular coordinates but not the radial coordinate:

[tex]P(r)dr=\int_0^{2 \pi} \int_0^\pi |\psi_{1,0,0}(r)|^2 r^2 \sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi[/tex]

In case you or anyone else reading this needs reminding, [itex]r^2 \sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi[/itex] is the volume element in spherical coordinates, like [itex]dx dy dz[/itex] is the volume element in rectangular coordinates.

Okay, so for momentum, my plan of attack is to FT [tex]\psi_{1,0,0}(r)[/tex] to [tex]\phi(p)[/tex], and then

Related to Probability Distribution Function, H-atom

1. What is a Probability Distribution Function (PDF)?

A Probability Distribution Function (PDF) is a mathematical function that describes the likelihood of a random variable taking on a certain value. It maps the possible outcomes of a random variable to their corresponding probabilities.

2. How is the PDF used in the context of the Hydrogen atom?

In the context of the Hydrogen atom, the PDF is used to describe the probability of finding an electron at a specific distance from the nucleus. This is known as the radial probability distribution function and is used to understand the electron density distribution in the atom.

3. What does the shape of the PDF for the Hydrogen atom look like?

The shape of the PDF for the Hydrogen atom is a bell-shaped curve, known as the 1s orbital. This curve represents the probability of finding the electron at different distances from the nucleus.

4. How does the PDF change for different energy levels in the Hydrogen atom?

The PDF for the Hydrogen atom changes for different energy levels by having different numbers of peaks and nodes. The 1s orbital has no nodes, while the 2s orbital has one node, and the 3s orbital has two nodes. This is due to the different energy levels having different numbers of radial nodes.

5. How does the PDF relate to the concept of quantum numbers in the Hydrogen atom?

The PDF is directly related to the concept of quantum numbers in the Hydrogen atom. The principal quantum number (n) determines the shape and size of the PDF, the angular momentum quantum number (l) determines the number of nodes in the PDF, and the magnetic quantum number (m) determines the orientation of the PDF in space.

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