Probability distribution function / propagator

In summary: This is the same as the second equation given in the conversation.In summary, the second equation is derived by using the concept of the propagator to calculate the average squared distance between beads s and p in a polymer. By simplifying the expression, we can reach the second equation, which is equivalent to the first one.
  • #1
I have the following equation:

[tex]\frac{1}{2N^{2}}\int_{s} \int_{p} \left\langle (\textbf{R}_{s} - \textbf{R}_{p} )^{2} \right\rangle[/tex]

which describes the radius of gyration of a polymer. (the term being integrated is the average position between beads p and s)

This is shown to be equivalent to:

[tex]\frac{1}{2N^{2}}\int_{s} \int_{p} \left| s - p \right| b^{2} [/tex]
where b is the step size.

All my textbook says is that the second equation has been found by using the propagator (probability density function) and two integrals:

[tex]G(\textbf{R}, N)=\left( \frac{3}{2\pi Nb^{2}}\right)^{3/2}e^{- \frac{3R^{2}}{2Nb^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]\int^{\infty}_{- \infty} e^{-ax^{2}}=\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}[/tex]
[tex]\int^{\infty}_{- \infty} x^{2} e^{-ax^{2}}=\frac{1}{2a} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}[/tex]

I have no idea how this "propagator" is used to reach the second equation. Is anyone able to shed any light on what's happened? Many thanks in advance!
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  • #2

I can explain how the second equation is derived from the first one. The first equation is a general expression for the radius of gyration of a polymer, where N is the number of beads and \textbf{R}_{s} and \textbf{R}_{p} represent the positions of beads s and p, respectively. The term being integrated, \left\langle (\textbf{R}_{s} - \textbf{R}_{p} )^{2} \right\rangle, is the average squared distance between beads s and p.

To understand how the second equation is derived, we need to use the concept of the propagator. A propagator is a mathematical representation of the probability density function that describes the motion of a particle over time. In this case, the propagator is used to describe the probability of a polymer being at a certain position, \textbf{R}, after N steps.

Using the propagator, we can write the probability of a polymer being at a certain position, \textbf{R}, after N steps as:

P(\textbf{R}, N) = G(\textbf{R}, N) \cdot P(\textbf{R}, N-1)

where G(\textbf{R}, N) is the propagator and P(\textbf{R}, N-1) is the probability of the polymer being at position \textbf{R} after N-1 steps.

We can then use this equation to calculate the average squared distance between beads s and p as:

\left\langle (\textbf{R}_{s} - \textbf{R}_{p} )^{2} \right\rangle = \int_{s} \int_{p} (\textbf{R}_{s} - \textbf{R}_{p} )^{2} \cdot P(\textbf{R}_{s}, N) \cdot P(\textbf{R}_{p}, N) d\textbf{R}_{s} d\textbf{R}_{p}

Using the definition of the propagator and the properties of the Gaussian function, we can simplify this expression to:

\left\langle (\textbf{R}_{s} - \textbf{R}_{p} )^{2} \right\rangle = \left| s - p \right| b^{2}

where b is the step size.


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A discrete probability distribution function is used for variables that can only take on a finite or countable number of values, such as rolling a die or flipping a coin. A continuous probability distribution function is used for variables that can take on any value within a certain range, such as height or weight.

What is a propagator in physics?

In physics, a propagator is a mathematical function that describes how a physical system evolves over time. In quantum mechanics, the propagator is used to calculate the probability amplitude of a particle moving from one point to another in space and time.

How is the propagator related to the probability distribution function?

In quantum mechanics, the propagator is used to calculate the probability amplitude of a particle moving from one point to another in space and time. This probability amplitude is then squared to obtain the probability distribution function, which describes the likelihood of the particle being at a certain position and time.

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The probability distribution function is a fundamental concept in statistical analysis as it allows us to mathematically describe the uncertainty associated with a random variable. It is essential in making predictions and drawing conclusions from data, and it is used in various fields such as finance, engineering, and biology.

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