Probability for an exponential random distribution

In summary, the task is to find the exact value of P(|Y- μ| < 1.4σ) for an exponential random variable with parameter β. This can be solved by setting up the integral from μ - 1.4σ to μ + 1.4σ, substituting for μ and σ in terms of β, and reducing the fractions to eliminate all β's. It is important to note that the lower limit of integration should be 0. This process can also be applied for smaller multiples of σ.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the exact value of P(|Y- μ| < 1.4σ) for an exponential random variable with parameter β.

Homework Equations

The only equation that I can think of is the exponential distribution equation:

The Attempt at a Solution

I have been unable to attempt it because I don't know what exactly this question is attempting to ask. It wants to solve for Parameter β, but it has a probability of P(|Y- μ| < 1.4σ)

Could I set my integral up from 1.4σ to infinity? and have my y variable equal to 'Y - μ' in my integral? I don't know what that would solve, if anything.

I'm not looking for an answer, just an idea of what to look for when attempting these equations, or better yet, what I'm missing or not understanding.
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  • #2
I have also noticed that it is in the structure of a Tchebysheff's inequality, which may or may not change something...

I attempted to do the integral of it. I took the integral from 0 to 1.4σ and β = Y - μ and ended up getting -1 + e ^(1.4σ / (Y - μ))

I have no idea if this is the correct way to get to this answer, but it is what I attempted to do.
  • #3
[itex] | Y - \mu | < 1.4 \sigma [/itex] implies
[itex] \mu-1.4\sigma < Y < \mu+1.4\sigma [/itex]
so that defines the interval for the integration.

Look up (or compute) the formula for [itex] \mu [/itex] and [itex] \sigma [/itex] in terms of the parameter [itex] \beta [/itex]. Substitute these expressions , either before or after you do the integral. The only "unknown" in the problem will then be [itex] \beta [/itex]. If this problem has a numerical answer then all the [itex]\beta[/itex]'s will cancel.
  • #4
Stephen Tashi said:
[itex] | Y - \mu | < 1.4 \sigma [/itex] implies
[itex] \mu-1.4\sigma < Y < \mu+1.4\sigma [/itex]
so that defines the interval for the integration.

Look up (or compute) the formula for [itex] \mu [/itex] and [itex] \sigma [/itex] in terms of the parameter [itex] \beta [/itex]. Substitute these expressions , either before or after you do the integral. The only "unknown" in the problem will then be [itex] \beta [/itex]. If this problem has a numerical answer then all the [itex]\beta[/itex]'s will cancel.

Well I did the integral from μ - 1.4σ to μ + 1.4σ using the above mentioned equation and I got:
[ -e^(-(μ + 1.4σ)/β) + e^ (-(μ - 1.4σ)/β)]

And it's looking for the exact answer of this.
Well the other equations I know are the equations for the mean and variance
given by:
Mean: μ = E(Y) = β
Variance: σ^2 = V(Y) = β^2

I don't know exactly what to do from here. I could do some substitution for the mean, but I don't know what that would do.
  • #5
RET80 said:
I don't know exactly what to do from here. I could do some substitution for the mean, but I don't know what that would do.

You can substitute for [itex] \sigma [/itex] too.[itex] (\sigma^2 = \beta^2 [/itex] and because both are positive, we can conclude [itex] \sigma = \beta [/itex]. All the [itex] \beta's [/itex] will be gone when you reduce the fractions.

There is an important technicality about this problem. The formula for the exponential density only applies for those y that are non-negative. So when I said that the limit of integration was [itex] \mu - 1.46 \sigma [/itex] to [itex] [\mu + 1.46 \sigma [/itex], I was wrong. That lower limit would only be correct if

[itex] \mu - 1.46 \sigma \geq 0 [/itex].

i.e. [itex] \beta - 1.46 \beta \geq 0 [/itex] which is false.

The lower limit of integration should be 0 in this case.

If the problem asks about a smaller multiple of [itex] \sigma [/itex] such as "find the probability that [tex] | Y - \mu | < 0.5 \sigma [/tex] you could do it the way I originally suggested.

FAQ: Probability for an exponential random distribution

What is an exponential random distribution?

An exponential random distribution is a probability distribution that describes the time between events in a Poisson process, where events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate.

What is the formula for the probability density function of an exponential random distribution?

The probability density function (PDF) of an exponential random distribution is defined as f(x) = λe^(-λx), where λ is the rate parameter and x is the time between events.

What is the relationship between the mean and standard deviation of an exponential random distribution?

The mean of an exponential random distribution is equal to 1/λ, while the standard deviation is also equal to 1/λ. This means that the shape of the distribution is determined by the value of λ, with smaller values leading to a more spread out distribution and larger values leading to a more concentrated distribution.

How is an exponential random distribution used in real-world applications?

An exponential random distribution is commonly used to model the time between failures of mechanical or electronic systems, the time between customer arrivals in queues, and the time between radioactive emissions in nuclear decay processes.

How do you calculate the probability of a specific event occurring within a given time frame for an exponential random distribution?

To calculate the probability of a specific event occurring within a given time frame for an exponential random distribution, you can use the cumulative distribution function (CDF), which is defined as F(x) = 1 - e^(-λx). This gives the probability that the event will occur within x units of time.
