Probability of a random walk reaching the point X; maximal c

In summary, the article discusses a strategy for calculating the probability of a stock price reaching a certain point using a random walk model. The article also mentions the use of "maximal curves" and converting the price using volatility into a standard unit variable for comparison against a step process. The author admits to having little knowledge of mathematics and asks for clarification on how the formula is calculated and how to obtain the maximal curves. They also acknowledge that this may not be the most practical or advisable strategy.
  • #1
0 As the title indicates, I want to calculate the Probability of a stock price reaching a determined point, by considering the system as a random walk model, and after that, to compute the so called "maximal curves". I found the whole explanation in this article: The thing is that I have little knowledge of mathematics, and thus I have no idea about how that formula is calculated. (Excuse my ignorance, but I do not know what the n above the term (m+n)/2 means. I have no idea about how to calculate it) Secondly, After calculating it, it says that "we convert the price Z, using the volatility, into a standard unit variable, for comparison against the step process". What does this mean? I understand from it that I have to Z-score the price movements (Price movement/ (sigma* sqr(time/steps))) But how do I get the maximal curves from "comparing it with the step process". I do not really understand that part of the article Again, I apologize for my ignorance and silly questions Thank you all beforehand
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  • #2
borson said:
I found the whole explanation in this article: The thing is that I have little knowledge of mathematics, and thus I have no idea about how that formula is calculated.

Random walks are not a particularly easy topic. You are in way over your head. There are much easier ways to lose all your money. For some background on the Foreign Exchange world and associated "advice" on the internet, see this recent thread:

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my favorite thing in that article is the "discrete unitary step function" which sounds like either "discrete unit step function" or the author is just making things up.

Related to Probability of a random walk reaching the point X; maximal c

1. What is a random walk?

A random walk is a mathematical concept used to model the movement of a point in a random or unpredictable manner. It is often used to describe the behavior of particles in physics, the stock market, and other fields.

2. How is the probability of a random walk reaching a specific point calculated?

The probability of a random walk reaching a specific point is determined by considering the number of possible paths that can lead to that point and the likelihood of each path being taken. It can be calculated using statistical methods such as the binomial distribution or the central limit theorem.

3. What factors affect the probability of a random walk reaching a specific point?

The probability of a random walk reaching a specific point is influenced by several factors, including the starting point, the number of steps taken, and the direction and magnitude of each step. It can also be affected by any constraints or boundaries in the system.

4. Can the probability of a random walk reaching a specific point be predicted with 100% accuracy?

No, the probability of a random walk reaching a specific point cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. It is a probabilistic concept, meaning that there is always a level of uncertainty and randomness involved in the outcome.

5. What is the significance of the maximal c in the probability of a random walk reaching a specific point?

The maximal c represents the maximum distance that the random walk can take from the starting point. It is an important factor in calculating the probability of reaching a specific point, as it can impact the number of possible paths and the likelihood of each path being taken.

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