Probability of Random Card Selection from 32-card Deck

In summary: C}{C^32})...}{C^32}=1306/4960$Yes, that was my guess...that the lowest 4 ranks (with aces high) being removed from each of the four suits.
  • #1
Three cards are randomly selected, without replacement, from a deck of 32. (without King of spades, Jack of hearts, jack of spades and queen of clubs)
Find the probability
a) That the cards are without spades and of choosing at least one ace
b) of choosing the same suit and there are no face cards
с) of choosing all suits

please help. Thanks beforehand
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  • #3
There are 20 cards missing from the usual deck of 52, but we only know 4 of these 20. Are you certain the problem is worded correctly?
  • #4
Hi MrGremlin,

Welcome to MHB! :)

I agree with MarkFL, this only makes sense if the total is 52. Then the problem becomes selecting 3 cards from 48 cards. Is that the problem you were given?

  • #5
MrGremlin said:
Three cards are randomly selected, without replacement, from a deck of 32. (without King of spades, Jack of hearts, jack of spades and queen of clubs)
Find the probability
a) That the cards are without spades and of choosing at least one ace
b) of choosing the same suit and there are no face cards
с) of choosing all suits

please help. Thanks beforehand

Welcome to MHB, MrGremlin! :)

Let's start with (a): 3 cards without spades and at least one ace.

(1) How many ways can you draw 3 cards that are no spades?
(2) How many ways can you draw 3 cards that are no spades and that contain no aces?
(3) Subtract (2) from (1) and you'll get the number of ways that there are no spades with at least 1 ace.
(4) How many ways can you draw 3 cards?
Divide (3) by (4) and you get the probability to draw 3 cards with no spades and at least 1 ace.

Btw, just like MarkFL and Jameson, it is unclear to me which cards are exactly in the deck, but these steps will work as soon as you can clarify that.
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  • #6
MarkFL said:
There are 20 cards missing from the usual deck of 52, but we only know 4 of these 20. Are you certain the problem is worded correctly?

the deck consist of 36 cards. And 4 of them are selected and removed

- - - Updated - - -

Petrus said:
I watched this video yesterday and it's great so if this help a litle

thank you for this video, but my problem isn't solved
  • #7
Which cards are initially present? I have a guess, but this should be specified in the problem statement.
  • #8
I like Serena said:
Welcome to MHB, MrGremlin! :)

Let's start with (a): 3 cards without spades and at least one ace.

(1) How many ways can you draw 3 cards that are no spades?
(2) How many ways can you draw 3 cards that are no spades and that contain no aces?
(3) Subtract (2) from (1) and you'll get the number of ways that there are no spades with at least 1 ace.
(4) How many ways can you draw 3 cards?
Divide (3) by (4) and you get the probability to draw 3 cards with no spades and at least 1 ace.

Btw, just like MarkFL and Jameson, it is unclear to me which cards are exactly in the deck, but these steps will work as soon as you can clarify that.
P(A)- there are only spades, P(B) - there are no spades.
My deck without King of spades and Jack of spades. So I have only 7 spades.
P(A) = ((C^0_4)*(C^3_29))/4960=3654/4960
P(B)= 1-(3654/4960) = 1306/4960
Right? I doubt it.
  • #9
MarkFL said:
Which cards are initially present? I have a guess, but this should be specified in the problem statement.

Hearts: 6,7,8,9,10,Queen,King,Ace
  • #10
Yes, that was my guess...that the lowest 4 ranks (with aces high) being removed from each of the four suits.

Can you apply the method thoughtfully laid out by I like Serena?
  • #11
MrGremlin said:

That is the answer to (4). Good.

P(A)- there are only spades, P(B) - there are no spades.
My deck without King of spades and Jack of spades. So I have only 7 spades.
P(A) = ((C^0_4)*(C^3_29))/4960=3654/4960

Not sure what you did there, but with 7 spades there are $C^7_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are only spades.
So $P(A)=\dfrac{C^7_3} {4960}$.

P(B)= 1-(3654/4960) = 1306/4960
Right? I doubt it.

I'm afraid the complement rules that not work here, since "no spades" is not the complement if "only spades".
It's also possible to have "some spades but not all spades".

However, what you can do, it to use:

$P(B) = \dfrac{\text{Number of ways that match with B}} {\text{Total number of ways}} \quad $ if each way to draw is equally likely (which it is)

Since there are 32-7=25 cards that are not spades, there are $C^{25}_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are not spades.
So the answer to my question (1) is $C^{25}_3$.


$P(B)=P(\text{no spades})=\dfrac{C^{25}_3} {4960}$
  • #12
I like Serena said:
That is the answer to (4). Good.

Not sure what you did there, but with 7 spades there are $C^7_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are only spades.
So $P(A)=\dfrac{C^7_3} {4960}$.


$P(B)=P(\text{no spades})=\dfrac{C^{25}_3} {4960}$
P(C) = at least one ace.= $1-\dfrac{ C^{28}_3} {N}= (4960-3276)/4960 = 1684/4960$

I try to
add the probabilities myself.

b) P(A) - without face cards. $P(A)= \dfrac{C^{20}_3} {4960} = 1140/4960$
P(B) - i don't understand. We have different number of suits. So i should find the probability for each suit
separately? Using formula P(1+2+3+4) = P(1) + P(2) ...-P(1234) -isn't correctly.

с) P(B) = different suits. P(B)= ((C^(4)_(3)* (C^(7)_(1)* (
C^(8)_(1) *(C^(9)_(1)/{4960}= 2016/4960

are these correct?
  • #13
MrGremlin said:
P(C) = at least one ace.= $1-\dfrac{ C^{28}_3} {N}= (4960-3276)/4960 = 1684/4960$

I try to
add the probabilities myself.

b) P(A) - without face cards. $P(A)= \dfrac{C^{20}_3} {4960} = 1140/4960$
P(B) - i don't understand. We have different number of suits. So i should find the probability for each suit
separately? Using formula P(1+2+3+4) = P(1) + P(2) ...-P(1234) -isn't correctly.

с) P(B) = different suits. P(B)= ((C^(4)_(3)* (C^(7)_(1)* (
C^(8)_(1) *(C^(9)_(1)/{4960}= 2016/4960

are these correct?

Erm... no.
  • #14
is it all wrong?
  • #15
MrGremlin said:
is it all wrong?

I'm afraid so.
  • #16
Well. I try to explain my solution.
1) P(C) - at least one ace
there are 32 cards in my deck. 4 of them are aces. 32-4=28.
P(D)-there are no aces. $P(D)=\dfrac{C^ {28}_3} {4960}$
P(C) = 4960 - P(D)
Where is my mistake?

  • #17
P(E)-without spades and no aces
$P(E)=\dfrac {C^{20}_3} {4960} = 1140/4960$
  • #18
MrGremlin said:
Well. I try to explain my solution.
1) P(C) - at least one ace
there are 32 cards in my deck. 4 of them are aces. 32-4=28.
P(D)-there are no aces. $P(D)=\dfrac{C^ {28}_3} {4960}$
P(C) = 4960 - P(D)
Where is my mistake?

The mistake is in what you are trying to calculate.
Problem (a) asks for no spades and at least one ace.
This is not what you are currently calculating.
You are looking at the entire deck, but you should only be looking at the cards that are no spades.

MrGremlin said:
P(E)-without spades and no aces
$P(E)=\dfrac {C^{20}_3} {4960} = 1140/4960$

This looks better, you found that indeed 22 cards are available for "no spades AND no aces", but afterward you should have $C^{22}_3$ instead of $C^{20}_3$.

So it should be:
$P(\text{no spades AND no aces})=\dfrac {C^{22}_3} {4960}$
  • #19
I like Serena said:
Since there are 32-7=25 cards that are not spades, there are $C^{25}_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are not spades.
So the answer to my question (1) is $C^{25}_3$.


$P(B)=P(\text{no spades})=\dfrac{C^{25}_3} {4960}$

I like Serena said:
This looks better, you found that indeed 22 cards are available for "no spades AND no aces", but afterward you should have $C^{22}_3$ instead of $C^{20}_3$.

So it should be:
$P(\text{no spades AND no aces})=\dfrac {C^{22}_3} {4960}$

If you combine my previous posts (see quotes), you can see that there are

$C^{25}_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are not spades (1).
$C^{22}_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are not spades AND that are not aces (2).
So there are $C^{25}_3 - C^{22}_3$ ways to draw 3 cards that are not spades AND that have at least one ace (3).

So the answer to (a) is $P(\text{no spades AND at least one ace}) = \dfrac{C^{25}_3 - C^{22}_3}{4960}$.
  • #20, Thank you very much.:)

So, b) P(A) - no face cards. there are 12 face cards in the deck.(including aces)
30-12 = 20 cards.
$P(A)= \dfrac {C^{20}_3} {4960}$
P(B)= the same number of colors. $P(\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+ \spadesuit)= 1 - P(\overline{\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+\spadesuit})$, but they are incompatible events. So $P(\overline{\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+\spadesuit})=0$ and P(B) = 1.

- - - Updated - - -

c)The number of cards by suits 7, 8, 8, 9. i.e. the number of successful samples = 7*8*8 +7*8*9 +7*8*9+8*8*9= 2032
P(A)= 2032/4960
  • #21
b) choosing the same suit and there are no face cards

MrGremlin said:, Thank you very much.:)

So, b) P(A) - no face cards. there are 12 face cards in the deck.(including aces)
30-12 = 20 cards.
$P(A)= \dfrac {C^{20}_3} {4960}$
P(B)= the same number of colors. $P(\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+ \spadesuit)= 1 - P(\overline{\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+\spadesuit})$, but they are incompatible events. So $P(\overline{\clubsuit + \diamondsuit+ \heartsuit+\spadesuit})=0$ and P(B) = 1.

You can't lump them all together.
It matters which suit you pick.

So let's start with the first suit $\clubsuit$.
How many cards that are not facecards?
Yielding how many ways to draw 3 cards in the single suit $\clubsuit$?

$P(\text{only }\clubsuit \wedge \text{no face cards in }\clubsuit) =?$

Related to Probability of Random Card Selection from 32-card Deck

1. What is the probability of randomly selecting a specific card from a 32-card deck?

The probability of randomly selecting a specific card from a 32-card deck is 1/32, since there are 32 total cards in the deck and only one of them is the specific card you are looking for.

2. What is the probability of randomly selecting a face card from a 32-card deck?

The probability of randomly selecting a face card (jack, queen, or king) from a 32-card deck is 12/32, since there are 12 face cards in a deck of 32 cards.

3. What is the probability of randomly selecting a red card from a 32-card deck?

The probability of randomly selecting a red card from a 32-card deck is 16/32, since half of the cards in a deck are red (16 out of 32).

4. What is the probability of randomly selecting a card lower than 5 from a 32-card deck?

The probability of randomly selecting a card lower than 5 (2, 3, or 4) from a 32-card deck is 12/32, since there are 12 cards lower than 5 in a deck of 32 cards.

5. What is the probability of randomly selecting two cards of the same suit from a 32-card deck?

The probability of randomly selecting two cards of the same suit from a 32-card deck is 8/32, since there are 8 possible pairs of cards of the same suit (2 hearts, 2 diamonds, 2 spades, and 2 clubs) in a deck of 32 cards.

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