Probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die

In summary, the conversation was about a dispute over the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die after not rolling a 6 on the first roll. One person believed that the probability increases with each subsequent roll, while the other argued that it remains 1/6. The concept of independent rolls was also discussed, along with the fallacy of assuming past losses will lead to future wins. The conversation concluded with the suggestion to settle the argument with a game and make some money in the process.
  • #1

I need some help in resolving a dispute. Recently, a friend of mine told me that the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die after not rolling a 6 is not 1/6. He believes it is not 1/6 but rather the probability of rolling 6 after not rolling a 6 increases with each subsequent roll.

However, this seems really silly to me.

Shouldn't the probability of getting a 6 on the second role after not getting a six on the first role be 6/6 x 1/6? By using the 6/6, I'm just signifying that there is no probability the first role was a 6 since we've already rolled it and it WASN'T A SIX!

In our argument, I proposed this thought experiment. I roll one die behind a curtain and can't see which number is rolled. I then roll the second die in front of the curtain and can observe what number comes up. Now, the probability of the second die coming up with a 6 is 1/6, no? The outcome of the first die will have no effect on the second die. We argued about that one for an hour. . .

Thanks for the help.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Each roll of the die is independent. You are correct. Sounds like you can win some extra money from your friend if you devise the correct game... (and prove your point at the same time).
  • #3
You are right that, no matter what you saw on the first roll, the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of the die is 1/6.

Your argument with the curtain is flawed, though. Suppose you had an unusual, brand new die that was rigged so that it never rolls the same number twice in a row. (but is otherwise fair)

Then, in your curtain experiment, the odds that your friend will see a "6" is exactly 1/6. However, the probability distribution for the second roll is clearly dependent on what you rolled the first time.
  • #4
The probability of having a chain of results not having a 6 does decrease. As there are 5/6 chances of failure, there are at n tries [tex]\frac{5^{n}}{6^{n}}[/tex] chances of failing. And we all now that this fraction goes to 0 as n goes to infinity. All in all, probability is a mathematical concept and its application to real life "luck" can be ambiguous. Probability depends on the set of events we chose to define it from. The Monty Hall problem is another example in which all depends on what defines the set of events we're working with.
  • #5
Guttersnipe said:
He believes it is not 1/6 but rather the probability of rolling 6 after not rolling a 6 increases with each subsequent roll.

This fallacy is called "The Gambler's fallacy" or "The Gambler's Ruin" and usually takes the form of assuming that having lost in the past one has a better chance of winning the next round of betting. Hence the "ruin" qualifier.

It is actually a misinterpretation of the law of large numbers. The person mistakenly assumes the future odds will change to adjust the outcome so the average will approach the expectation value as dictated by this law. Instead the earlier outcomes will simply get weighted less and less as the number of trials increases.

Thus given you've lost $100 so far on a rolling sixes game with 6:1 payoff. The law of large numbers doesn't say that if you keep playing your loss will approach zero but rather that your loss per turn will approach zero since $100/number of turns -> 0. It still predicts you will end up on average $100 in the hole, given that's how far down you are at this point in the game.

You should make him put his money where his mouth is (and make some cash as well).

James Baugh
  • #6

Thanks. That shut him up.

FAQ: Probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die

1. What is the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die?

The probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die is 1/6, or approximately 16.67%. This is because each roll of a die has an equal chance of landing on any number from 1 to 6.

2. How many times do I need to roll the die to have a higher chance of rolling a 6 on the second roll?

The probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die remains the same, regardless of how many times the die is rolled. Each roll is an independent event, so the previous rolls do not affect the outcome of the next roll.

3. Is there a way to increase the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die?

No, the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die cannot be increased. As mentioned before, each roll is an independent event and the outcome cannot be influenced by previous rolls or any external factors.

4. What is the probability of not rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die?

The probability of not rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die is 5/6, or approximately 83.33%. This is because there are 5 possible outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) out of 6 that do not result in a 6 on the second roll.

5. Can the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll of a die change if the die is loaded or biased?

Yes, if the die is loaded or biased, the probability of rolling a 6 on the second roll can change. This is because the weight distribution of the die is altered, resulting in a higher or lower chance of landing on certain numbers. However, this is not a true representation of probability and would not follow the standard rules of probability.

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