Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1

The double integral should be easy to evaluate, as it is the area of a simple geometric figure. It is just the area of a quarter circle of radius 1, so it is π/4. There are many ways to do this integral, but your way seems long.
  • #1
If you were to pick two random numbers on the interval [0,1], what is the probability that the sum of their squares is less than 1? That is, if you let [itex]Y_1[/itex] ~ [itex]U(0,1)[/itex] and [itex]Y_2[/itex] ~ [itex]U(0,1)[/itex], find [itex]P(Y_1^2 + Y^2_2 \leq 1)[/itex]. There is also a hint: the substitution [itex]u = 1 - y_1[/itex] may be helpful - look for a beta distribution.

Here's what I've done so far:

I know that the density function for [itex]Y_1[/itex] and [itex]Y_2[/itex] is the same, [itex]f(y_1) = f (y_2) = 1[/itex] on the interval [0,1].

[itex]P(Y_1^2 + Y_2^2 \leq 1) = P(Y_2^2 \leq 1 - Y_1^2) = P(-\sqrt{1 - Y_1^2} \leq Y_2 \leq \sqrt{1 - Y_1^2}) = \int^{\sqrt{1 - Y_1^2}}_{-\sqrt{1 - Y_1^2}} dy_2 = 2\sqrt{1 - Y_1^2}[/itex]

And that's where I get stuck. I thought that maybe be a beta distrbution with [itex]\alpha = 3/2[/itex], [itex]\beta = 1[/itex], but the beta function, [itex]\beta(3/2, 1) = 2/3 \neq 1/2[/itex].
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  • #2

Hey thisguy12 and welcome to the forums.

The way that comes to my mind is to find the PDF of the square of the uniform distribution U(0,1) and then use the convolution theorem to get the CDF for the sum of the two distributions since both are independent.

In terms of getting the PDF of the square of the uniform distribution, you can use a transformation theorem.

Also your PDF expression in the last line is wrong, since for one you can values that are greater than 1 which makes it invalid.

Do you know how to calculate the pdf of a transformed random variable? You don't necessarily need convolution per se for the second part, but its probably a good idea to be able to find the PDF/CDF of your transformed variable to go to the next step.
  • #3

One easy way. The joint distribution of X and Y is uniform over the unit square.
The condition X2 + Y2 ≤ 1 is simply putting the variable pair inside a quarter circle of radius 1, so the probability is then the area = π/4.
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  • #4

chiro said:
Hey thisguy12 and welcome to the forums.

The way that comes to my mind is to find the PDF of the square of the uniform distribution U(0,1) and then use the convolution theorem to get the CDF for the sum of the two distributions since both are independent.

In terms of getting the PDF of the square of the uniform distribution, you can use a transformation theorem.

Also your PDF expression in the last line is wrong, since for one you can values that are greater than 1 which makes it invalid.

Do you know how to calculate the pdf of a transformed random variable? You don't necessarily need convolution per se for the second part, but its probably a good idea to be able to find the PDF/CDF of your transformed variable to go to the next step.

Okay so using the transformation method, I found the density functions for [itex]U = Y^2_1[/itex] and [itex]W = Y^2_2[/itex].

[itex]h(Y) = U = Y^2_1[/itex]
[itex]h^{-1}(U) = Y_1 = \sqrt{U}[/itex]
[itex]\frac{d[h^{-1}(u)]}{du} = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}}[/itex]
[itex]f_U(u) = f_{Y_1}(\sqrt{u}) \frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}} = 1(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}})=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}} [/itex]

Using the same method, I also get [itex]f_W(w) = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{w}} [/itex].

So now I am looking for [itex]P(W + Y \leq 1)[/itex]. The joint distribution function of two independent random variables is the product of their two marginal density functions, [itex]f(x_1, x_2) = f_{x_1}(x_1)f_{x_2}(x_2)[/itex].

Thus, [itex]f(u, w) = f_u(u)f_w(w) = (\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}})(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{w}}) = \frac{1}{4\sqrt{uw}}[/itex]. So [itex]P(W + Y \leq 1)[/itex] = [itex]\int^1_0 \int^{1-u}_0 f(u, w) dw du[/itex].

Is this method correct? If so, this integral should give me the correct answer, right?
  • #5

thisguy12 said:
Okay so using the transformation method, I found the density functions for [itex]U = Y^2_1[/itex] and [itex]W = Y^2_2[/itex].

[itex]h(Y) = U = Y^2_1[/itex]
[itex]h^{-1}(U) = Y_1 = \sqrt{U}[/itex]
[itex]\frac{d[h^{-1}(u)]}{du} = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}}[/itex]
[itex]f_U(u) = f_{Y_1}(\sqrt{u}) \frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}} = 1(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}})=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}} [/itex]

Using the same method, I also get [itex]f_W(w) = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{w}} [/itex].

So now I am looking for [itex]P(W + Y \leq 1)[/itex]. The joint distribution function of two independent random variables is the product of their two marginal density functions, [itex]f(x_1, x_2) = f_{x_1}(x_1)f_{x_2}(x_2)[/itex].

Thus, [itex]f(u, w) = f_u(u)f_w(w) = (\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}})(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{w}}) = \frac{1}{4\sqrt{uw}}[/itex]. So [itex]P(W + Y \leq 1)[/itex] = [itex]\int^1_0 \int^{1-u}_0 f(u, w) dw du[/itex].

Is this method correct? If so, this integral should give me the correct answer, right?

That looks pretty good to me.

It would be nice though to get another opinion on this from an experienced member just to be sure.
  • #6

If you get π/4 from the double integral, then it is right, although it looks like a difficult way to get an easy answer.

Related to Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1

1. What is the significance of the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" in probability theory?

The "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" is an important concept in probability theory as it helps us understand the distribution of the sum of squared random variables. It is particularly useful in analyzing the behavior of various statistical models and making predictions based on data.

2. How do you calculate the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1"?

The "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" can be calculated using mathematical equations and algorithms based on the properties of uniform random variables. The calculation may differ depending on the specific distribution and parameters of the random variables involved.

3. Can the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" be used to solve real-world problems?

Yes, the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" can be applied to real-world problems in various fields such as finance, engineering, and medicine. It can help us make informed decisions and predictions based on data and probability analysis.

4. How does increasing the number of uniform random variables affect the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1"?

As the number of uniform random variables increases, the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" will tend to decrease. This is because the sum of squares of more random variables will result in a larger value, making it less likely for the sum to be less than 1.

5. Are there any limitations to using the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" in probability analysis?

As with any mathematical model, there are limitations to using the "Probability of Sum of Squares of 2 Uniform RVs < 1" in probability analysis. It may not accurately represent real-world situations and may not account for all factors that may affect the outcome. Therefore, it should be used with caution and in conjunction with other statistical tools.

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