Probability of Winning with 21 Cards: OK You Probabilitizers!

In summary, the probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!" cannot be determined without more information on the specific rules and gameplay. While there may be strategies to increase the chances of winning, they depend on the rules and cards dealt. The number of players can also affect the probability, as well as various variables such as the game rules and strategies of other players. Mathematical calculations can be used, but the equations and formulas will vary based on the specific scenario.
  • #1
OK you probabilitizers:
21 cards are labelled: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
You pick 5 cards at random, no replacement.
To "win", you need at least 3 DIFFERENT cards < 6.
Example: two 3's counts as one 3; three 4's counts as one 4.
So, as example, 5,2,5,9,5 is not a winning that?
But 3,1,3,3,5 is a winner...ok?
What's the probability of picking a winning combo?​
Mathematics news on
  • #2
No takers? Solution:
Relabel the cards: 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11
so there are C(21, 5) equally likely hands.

Sort the hand. Then a winning combination must be one of the following.


Two high cards and three different low cards
C(6,2) * C(5,3) * 3 * 3 * 3 = 150 * 27 = 4050
(The last factors of 3 are the selection of a, b, or c.)


One high card, three different low cards, and a matching low card
C(6,1) * C(5,3) * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 2 / 2 = 60 * 81 = 4860
(The division by 2 is to allow for the order of the match.)
One high card and four different low cards
C(6,1) * C(5,4) * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 2430


Two pairs of matching low cards, and a different low card
C(5,2) * 3 * 3 * C(3,1) * 3 = 810
(The middle factors of 3 are the omission of a, b, or c.)
A triple low card, and two different low cards
C(5,1) * C(4,2) * 3 * 3 = 270
Four different low cards, and a matching low card
C(5,4) * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 2 / 2 = 1620
Five different low cards
3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 243

So the probability of a winning combo is
(4050 + 4860 + 2430 + 810 + 270 + 1620 + 243) / C(21,5)
= 14283 / 20349
= 1587 / 2261
= 70.2 %
  • #3
If you want to post challenge problems to which you already know the solution then we have a special forum for that. I'll move this there now.

FAQ: Probability of Winning with 21 Cards: OK You Probabilitizers!

1. What is the probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!"?

The probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!" depends on the specific rules and gameplay of the game. It is not possible to determine a general probability without more information.

2. Is there a strategy to increase the chances of winning with 21 cards?

There may be strategies that can increase your chances of winning in "OK You Probabilitizers!", but it ultimately depends on the rules of the game and the cards you are dealt. It is important to understand the rules and use logical thinking to make strategic decisions.

3. How does the number of players affect the probability of winning with 21 cards?

The number of players can have an impact on the probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!" because it affects the distribution of cards and the strategies of other players. The more players there are, the lower the probability of winning may be.

4. Can mathematical calculations be used to determine the probability of winning with 21 cards?

Mathematical calculations can be used to determine the probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!" However, the specific equations and formulas used will depend on the rules of the game and the specific scenario.

5. Are there any variables that can affect the probability of winning with 21 cards?

Yes, there are many variables that can affect the probability of winning with 21 cards in "OK You Probabilitizers!" Some examples include the rules of the game, the number of players, the cards you are dealt, and the strategies of other players.
