Probability Problem: Boxes & Balls - Calculate Probability

  • Thread starter natugnaro
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In summary, the probability of getting n balls in the ith urn is: p(n=0) = (1-pi)^2=0 p(n=1) = 2pi(1-pi) p(n=2) = pi^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given M boxes as well as N similar (distinguishable) balls. Each single
ball is assigned to box i with probability pi, where i = 1...M. All N balls are distributed
independently among the M boxes, where as many as desired balls fit into each box. How large is the probability that the i-th box contains ni balls?

The Attempt at a Solution

My answer is (pi)^N,
I think of this problem as some analogy to throwing a dice with M faces N times, where each
face has a probability of pi to show up.
But I'm not shure if this analogy is or my answer is good.
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  • #2
Could you use either the latex typesetting system, or at least click those buttons above the box for superscripts and subscripts? It's not so easy to parse your meaning. I assume you mean pi. But what is ni? Is it some undefined ni, or a typo for "no" or what?
  • #3
you want to get to a pdf & must consider all the events

given M boxes, N balls the ith box has a probability of the ith box having n balls is:
P(Bi = n)

if you ask what the probabilty of getting all N balls in the ith box is, then
P(Bi=N) = pi^N

which aligns with what you have, however now consider getting one (and only one) ball in the ith box

first the probabilty is the first ball is pi, but then every other ball after must go in a different box, which has probabilty (1-pi)^(N-1)

so the probabilty of getting only the first ball is:

but then you must consider all the cases when it is the 1st ball, 2nd ball, etc. or n seprate cases

so the probabilty of one ball in the ith box is:
P(Bi=1) = N pi (1-pi)^(N-1)
  • #4
sorry for superscripts/subscripts, yes I meant pi and ni, I have just copy/pasted the problem. Anyway I think that lanedance understood the problem.

then for two balls in the ith box (other balls elsewhere but not in ith box):
P(Bi=2)=N pi^2 (1-pi)^(N-2)

for three balls in the ith box:
P(Bi=3)=N pi^3 (1-pi)^(N-3)

so for n balls in the ith box:
P(Bi=n)=N Pi^n (1-pi)^(N-n)

is this ok ?
  • #5
natugnaro said:
then for two balls in the ith box (other balls elsewhere but not in ith box):
P(Bi=2)=N pi^2 (1-pi)^(N-2)

not quite, the probabilty for getting only the balls k & m (k,m<=N), in Ui (the ith urn) is:
pi^2 (1-pi)^(N-2)

but remember you need to choose k & m from N potential values...
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  • #6
I can choose two balls from N in ([tex]\stackrel{N}{2}[/tex]) = N!/(2!(N-2)!) ways, so for
two balls it would be :
P(Bi=2)= N!/(2!(N-2)!) pi^2 (1-pi)^(N-2) ?
  • #7
Yeah that looks better and should generalize to the n case well
  • #8
then the generalization to n cases wolud be:
P(Bi=n)= N!/(ni!(N-ni)!) pi^ni (1-pi)^(N-ni) ?
  • #9
Looking good, now you want to check they all sum to one

Consider expanding the following
  • #10
lanedance said:
Looking good, now you want to check they all sum to one

Consider expanding the following

I could expand it by a binomial theorem but I would always arrive at ((1-pi)+pi)^N=1 for any N, why is this expansion important ?
  • #11
natugnaro said:
I could expand it by a binomial theorem but I would always arrive at ((1-pi)+pi)^N=1 for any N, why is this expansion important ?

compare the terms in the expansion with the terms for p(n)... should give you a nice feeling that everything adds up to one ;)
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  • #12
I still don't get it, let's say that N=2, then :
((1-pi)+pi)^N = ((1-pi)+pi)^2 =(1-pi)^2+2pi(1-pi)+pi^2=1

and for N=2 general expression becomes :
P(Bi=n)= 2!/(ni!(2-ni)!) pi^ni (1-pi)^(2-ni)

what sholud I compare here and find out that it sums up to 1 ?
  • #13
so for N=2, throwing 2 balls into the urns

((1-pi)+pi)^2 =(1-pi)^2+2pi(1-pi)+pi^2

Probability of getting n balls in the ith urn
p(n=0) = (1-pi)^2
p(n=1) = 2pi(1-pi)
p(n=2) = pi^2

obviously the probability of getting gretear than 2 balls is zero so this set is exhaustive and must sum to one
  • #14
I get it now.
Thanks for your answers !

FAQ: Probability Problem: Boxes & Balls - Calculate Probability

1. What is the basic concept of probability?

The basic concept of probability is the likelihood of an event occurring. It is a measure of how likely it is for a certain outcome to happen, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. A probability of 0 means the event is impossible, while a probability of 1 means the event is certain to happen.

2. How is probability calculated in the context of boxes and balls?

In the context of boxes and balls, probability is calculated by dividing the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, if there are 5 red balls and 10 total balls in a box, the probability of selecting a red ball at random would be 5/10 or 0.5.

3. What is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?

Theoretical probability is based on mathematical calculations and assumes that all outcomes are equally likely. Experimental probability, on the other hand, is based on actual data and results from conducting experiments or collecting observations. It may differ from theoretical probability due to chance or other factors.

4. How can we use probability to make predictions?

Probability can be used to make predictions by calculating the likelihood of certain outcomes and using that information to estimate the chances of a particular event happening. By understanding the probability of different outcomes, we can make more informed decisions and predictions.

5. How does the number of boxes and balls affect the probability calculation?

The number of boxes and balls can affect the probability calculation in different ways. For example, if there are more boxes or balls, the total number of possible outcomes will increase, which may affect the probability of a particular outcome. Additionally, the distribution of balls in the boxes can also impact the probability calculation.

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