Probability theory question (mini max functions)

In summary, the problem is to find values of 'a' that minimize and maximize VarZ, given the independent random variables X and Y with means of 5 and variances of 1 and sigma^2 respectively. By using the formula Var(a*X + b*Y) = a^2 * Var(X) + b^2*Var(Y) + 2*a*b*Cov(X,Y), we can determine that VarZ = a^2 + (1-a)^2*sigma^2. To find the minimum and maximum values of VarZ, we can differentiate this function with respect to 'a' and solve for a, which gives a = sigma^2/(1+sigma^2). To check for "
  • #1

Homework Statement

EX=EY=5, VarX=1, VarY=sigma^2 >1
Z=aX+(1-a)Y, 0<=a<=1
find a that minimizes VarZ, and another a that maximize VarZ

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Not even sure where to begin
*EX=5, VarX=1 thus EX^2 = 26
marginal px(x) =26/x^2 = 5/x but this finds me x not px(x)
*then I tried rewriting the equation a=(Z-Y)/(X-Y), but then I don't know how to utilise the mean and variance values.

Please help.
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  • #2
kwy said:

Homework Statement

EX=EY=5, VarX=1, VarY=sigma^2 >1
Z=aX+(1-a)Y, 0<=a<=1

Did you omit the fact that X and Y are independent random variables?

find a that minimizes VarZ, and another a that maximize VarZ

Homework Equations

Let P and Q be independent random variables let k be a constant then
Let W = kP

[tex] Var(W) = ? [/tex]
[tex] Var(W + Q) = ? [/tex]

From calculus:
To minimize [itex] F(a) [/itex] on the interval [itex] 0 \leq a \leq 1 [/itex] set [itex] F'(a) = 0 [/itex] and solve for [itex]a[/itex]. Compare the value of this [itex] F(a) [/itex] to the value of [itex] F(0) [/itex] and [itex] F(1) [/itex] to check for "endpoint extrema".
  • #3
Yes, they are independent random variables. Can you please provide a bit more guidence? I just know Var(W) = kEX^2 -(kEX)^2? Am I totally off track?
  • #4
Don't your course materials prove theorems like

[itex] var(kX) = k^2 Var(X) [/itex] ?
  • #5
Thanks for your patience, the course went so fast, I am still trying to revise all the notes between full time work.
so Var(W)= k^2Var(P)
does Var(W+Q)= VarW + VarQ + 2xCov(W,Q)??
  • #6
kwy said:
Thanks for your patience, the course went so fast, I am still trying to revise all the notes between full time work.
so Var(W)= k^2Var(P)
does Var(W+Q)= VarW + VarQ + 2xCov(W,Q)??
Yes, to the last question. In fact, Var(a*X + b*Y) = a^2 * Var(X) + b^2*Var(Y) + 2*a*b*Cov(X,Y) for constants a and b.

  • #7
Hi Ray, since the RVs X and Y are independent, I don't have to worry about the Cov(XY) right? Hence, the equation is now
VarZ = a^2VarX + (1-a)^2VarY (VarX = 1, VarY = sigma^2)
= a^2 + (1-a)^2*sigma^2 and where do the mean values come in?
How can I differentiate this?
Thanks in advance.
  • #8
kwy said:
Hi Ray, since the RVs X and Y are independent, I don't have to worry about the Cov(XY) right? Hence, the equation is now
VarZ = a^2VarX + (1-a)^2VarY (VarX = 1, VarY = sigma^2)
= a^2 + (1-a)^2*sigma^2 and where do the mean values come in?
How can I differentiate this?
Thanks in advance.

Don't let the fact that the variable is 'a' instead of 'x' confuse you. You could differentiate
[tex] F(x) = x^2 + (1-x)^2 s^2 [/tex] with respect to [itex] x [/itex], couldn't you?

As to where the mean values come in, that's a good question! Is there a part 2 to this question?
  • #9
kwy said:
Hi Ray, since the RVs X and Y are independent, I don't have to worry about the Cov(XY) right? Hence, the equation is now
VarZ = a^2VarX + (1-a)^2VarY (VarX = 1, VarY = sigma^2)
= a^2 + (1-a)^2*sigma^2 and where do the mean values come in?
How can I differentiate this?
Thanks in advance.

The means do not "come in"; that is the whole point of the formula!

As to the second question: you have a function of a. You should be able to differentiate it.

  • #10
Thanks so much Ray and Stephen. It makes sense now.
  • #11
Hi Guys, I think the means may be of use somewhere. There is no 2nd part to the question, the aim is to determine values of a that will i) minimise VarZ and ii) maximise VarZ. Following differentiation, a = sigma^2/(1+sigma^2). From this value and 2 random variables, how can I check the "endpoint extema"? Do I simply test with F(0,0) and F(1,1). Many thanks.
  • #12
The endpoint extrema are the values of Var(Z) = F(a) when a = 0 and when a = 1. (There's only one varaible 'a' here, so you don't need a notation suggesting that F has two variables.) There are 3 candidates for 'a': a = 0 , a = 1 or a = sigma^2 / (1 + sigma^2), each produces a different value for Var(Z).
  • #13
Got it. Thanks heaps.
  • #14
kwy said:
Hi Guys, I think the means may be of use somewhere. There is no 2nd part to the question, the aim is to determine values of a that will i) minimise VarZ and ii) maximise VarZ. Following differentiation, a = sigma^2/(1+sigma^2). From this value and 2 random variables, how can I check the "endpoint extema"? Do I simply test with F(0,0) and F(1,1). Many thanks.
Your function f(a) is a^2 + v*(1-a)^2, where v = sigma^2. The graph y = f(a) is an upward-opening parabola on the whole real a-line, so on 0 <= a <= 1, only three possibilities can occur: (i) f(a) is decreasing (i.e., non-increasing) as a function of a on the interval [0,1]; (ii) f(a) is increasing on [0,1]; or (iii) f(a) is decreasing on the left part of [0,1] and increasing on the right part. (Draw sketches to pin down your understanding.) Now you need to determine whether you are in case (i), (ii) or (iii), and then determine how to find the max and min of f(a) on the a-interval [0,1].

  • #15
Many thanks.

Related to Probability theory question (mini max functions)

1. What is the purpose of using probability theory in mini max functions?

The purpose of using probability theory in mini max functions is to quantify the likelihood of different outcomes in a game or decision-making scenario. It allows us to assign numerical values to uncertain events and make informed decisions based on the probabilities of different outcomes.

2. How does probability theory help in minimizing risk in mini max functions?

Probability theory helps in minimizing risk in mini max functions by providing a framework for calculating the expected value of different outcomes. By calculating the expected value, we can choose the option that minimizes potential losses and maximizes potential gains.

3. Can probability theory be applied to all types of mini max functions?

Yes, probability theory can be applied to all types of mini max functions as long as there is an element of uncertainty involved. It can be applied to various fields such as economics, game theory, and decision analysis.

4. How does the concept of expected value relate to mini max functions?

The concept of expected value is closely related to mini max functions as it involves calculating the average outcome of a decision or strategy over a large number of trials. In mini max functions, the goal is to minimize the maximum potential loss, and the expected value helps in making the best decision to achieve this goal.

5. Are there any limitations to using probability theory in mini max functions?

One limitation of using probability theory in mini max functions is that it assumes that all outcomes are equally likely to occur. In real-world scenarios, this may not always be the case, and the calculated probabilities may not accurately reflect the actual outcomes. Additionally, probability theory does not take into account personal biases or preferences, which may also impact decision-making in mini max functions.

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