Probability; what is "the long run"?

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  • Thread starter Cliff Hanley
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In summary, the long run refers to a large number of trials that allows for the observed proportion to more closely approximate the theoretical proportion. The specific number of trials needed depends on how close you want the observed proportion to be to the theoretical proportion, with probability theory giving no guarantees about any event actually happening. The record for successive non-reds in roulette is not easily determined, but the probability of a run of 28 non-reds in 130 million spins is about 1 in 127 million. The more trials that are done, the closer the observed proportion will be to the theoretical proportion. However, there is only a probability that the observed proportion will be close to the
  • #1
Cliff Hanley
On a roulette table with a single green zero the probability of the ball landing in a red pocket is 18/37 or 19/18 against (or approx 49% - with the odds for it landing in a non-red pocket (black or green) being approx 51%.

Probability theory tells us that although the ball will, at times, land in a non-red pocket several times in succesion, and, at times, many times in succession, in the LONG RUN it will land there approx 51% of the time (assuming an unbiased wheel etc).

But what is the LONG RUN?

A gambler can bet on red only to see the ball land in black (or green) say, 10 times in a row. Another gambler may see the ball land in black (or green) 15 or 20 times in a row (a freakish occurrence for some, but unremarkable for the mathematician – or experienced croupier).

Q. What is the ‘record’ for successive non-reds in actual play over the few centuries that roulette has been around?

Q. As a thought experiment, if we had monitored an unbiased wheel (with all other factors not causing any bias either) for the last two or three centuries what could the ‘record’ be in this case for successive non-reds?

Q. Does probability theory suggest that if we played for a long enough period of time we would see a hundred non-reds in succession? A thousand? Million? Billion, trillion etc?

Q. How can we predict when the LONG RUN (whatever that may be) will show us the true odds realized, ie, when we see there has been approximately 49% reds, 51% non-reds?

Q. If it’s the case that in theory we could see black come up say, a million times in a row (or more), is it true that (given sufficient spins) it would be the case in practice?
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  • #2
The "long runs" means a great many trials. If you are trying to measure the occurances of an event with close to a 50% probability, you do not need as large a number of trials as when trying to measure the occurances of events with much smaller probabilities. The math is easier with coin flips.

Obtaining heads n times in a row has a probability of (1/2)^n. So the probability of 10 heads in a row is 1/1024.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #3
Cliff Hanley said:
Q. Does probability theory suggest that if we played for a long enough period of time we would see a hundred non-reds in succession? A thousand? Million? Billion, trillion etc?
Yes. Why would it not?
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #4
Cliff Hanley said:
Probability theory tells us that although the ball will, at times, land in a non-red pocket several times in succesion, and, at times, many times in succession, in the LONG RUN it will land there approx 51% of the time (assuming an unbiased wheel etc).

Technically, probability theory gives you no guarantees about any event (or series of events) actually happening. Probability theory merely uses the given probabilities to assign probabilities to other events and series of events.

When people assert that some event will happen in the long run, this is an assertion about the physics or other applied science involved in a problem, not a theorem of mathematical probability theory. The best mathematical probability theory can do in such situations is to say the limit of the probability of an event approaches 1 as the "length" of the "long run" approaches infinity.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #5
Cliff Hanley said:
Q. What is the ‘record’ for successive non-reds in actual play over the few centuries that roulette has been around?
You can google this, although I'm not sure how reliable the answers would be.

Cliff Hanley said:
Q. As a thought experiment, if we had monitored an unbiased wheel (with all other factors not causing any bias either) for the last two or three centuries what could the ‘record’ be in this case for successive non-reds?
A wheel spun once a minute for 300 years will spin about 130 million times. The chance of 28 successive non-reds is about 1 in 127 million. However this doesn't mean that a run of 28 will happen, or that a run of more than 28 will not happen.

Cliff Hanley said:
Q. Does probability theory suggest that if we played for a long enough period of time we would see a hundred non-reds in succession? A thousand? Million? Billion, trillion etc?
Yes: if everyone on Earth spent their whole lives playing roulette until the Earth's atmosphere is burned off by the Sun they are likely to see a hundred non-reds, but a thousand are unlikely before the universe reaches heat death (caution - I did these calculations rather carelessly).

Cliff Hanley said:
Q. How can we predict when the LONG RUN (whatever that may be) will show us the true odds realized, ie, when we see there has been approximately 49% reds, 51% non-reds?
We can't, but we can say that the more trials we do the observed proportion is more likely to approximate the theoretical proportion more closely.

Cliff Hanley said:
Q. If it’s the case that in theory we could see black come up say, a million times in a row (or more), is it true that (given sufficient spins) it would be the case in practice?
See the above comment on heat death.

You would gain more understanding by learning about this section of probability (binomial probability/Bernouilli trials) and doing the calculations yourself.
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Likes Cliff Hanley and HallsofIvy
  • #6
"The long run" depends on how close you want to get to 18/37. Even then, there is only a probability that it will get as close as you specify. So you have to frame the question this way: "How large of a sample size would it take so that the probability of the sample result being within xxx of its theoretical value is yyy?". The answer to that question would give you the sample size that you could call "the long run" for that case.

Suppose you want to say that there is a probability of 95% that it is within 0.01 of 18/37. Then there is an equation that tells you how many trials that would take. So it tells you what "the long run" would mean for that case.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #7
I think the long run here would be described by the LLN --Law of Large Numbers.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #8
Probability theory tells us that if we play infinitely often we will certainly get to see, *infinitely* many times, a hundred non-reds in succession. And a thousand. And a million. And a billion, and a trillion.

You name it, you will get it ... with probability 1, infinitely many times.

The strong law of large numbers.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #9
WWGD said:
I think the long run here would be described by the LLN --Law of Large Numbers.
That is just replacing the vague term 'long run" with the equally vague term "large numbers". So it begs the question "What is large?". In many cases like the roulette table of the OP, there are actual numbers that can be calculated if the question is asked correctly:
Given a confidence level, say 95%, and a desired accuracy, say 0.1, what is the sample size, N. that would give a sample accuracy of 0.1 with 95% confidence?
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #10
gill1109 said:
Probability theory tells us that if we play infinitely often we will certainly get to see, *infinitely* many times, a hundred non-reds in succession. And a thousand. And a million. And a billion, and a trillion.

You name it, you will get it ... with probability 1, infinitely many times.

The strong law of large numbers.
For answering the OP, I think it's important to add that this is not a contradiction of the Law of Large Numbers. The probability of an unusual sequence, say 1000 reds in succession, is so small that there are almost certainly a huge number of more normal results before that happens. So when the 1000 reds eventually occurs, it almost certainly does not effect the sample average very much.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #11
gill1109 said:
Probability theory tells us that if we play infinitely often we will certainly get to see, *infinitely* many times, a hundred non-reds in succession. And a thousand. And a million. And a billion, and a trillion.
Actually "certainly" is a stretch isn't it. Yes, the probability of getting any string you can name approaches 1 as the number of trials approaches infinity, but since we can't actually do an infinite number of trials, we can't ever get an absolute certainty (probability = 1.0)
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #12
phinds said:
Actually "certainly" is a stretch isn't it. Yes, the probability of getting any string you can name approaches 1 as the number of trials approaches infinity, but since we can't actually do an infinite number of trials, we can't ever get an absolute certainty (probability = 1.0)

There is a further distinction between "actually" and "certainly". If we "actually" took a sample from a normal distribution and the value was 1.23 then an event with probability 1 ( namely the event "the value of the sample will not be 1.23) failed to "actually" happen.
  • #13
Stephen Tashi said:
There is a further distinction between "actually" and "certainly". If we "actually" took a sample from a normal distribution and the value was 1.23 then an event with probability 1 ( namely the event "the value of the sample will not be 1.23) failed to "actually" happen.
I have no idea what you just said / what it means.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #14
phinds said:
I have no idea what you just said / what it means.

I'm making the distinction between the statement "Event E occurs" (Or "Event E will occur") versus the statement "Event E has probability 1".

For a normally distributed random variable X, let D be the event "X = 1.23". Let E be the event "X is not equal to 1.23". The event E has probability 1.

A similar statement holds true for any particular numerical value v of X. The probability that "X is not equal to v" is 1.

As another example, we have to distinguish between the truth of a statement A and the event "A is true with probability 1" when doing mathematical proofs.

For example, in logic we have the pattern of reasoning:
If A then B
A is true
Conclude B is true.

However it is not a valid form of logical argument to say:
If A then B
A is true with probability 1
B is true
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #15
This still makes no sense to me but I'll take your word for it.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #16
phinds said:
Actually "certainly" is a stretch isn't it. Yes, the probability of getting any string you can name approaches 1 as the number of trials approaches infinity, but since we can't actually do an infinite number of trials, we can't ever get an absolute certainty (probability = 1.0)
I have to disagree. For any number, N, we can always continue long enough for N+1 occurrences. The probability of infinitely many occurrences is 1 because the probability of finite occurrences is 0.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #17
FactChecker said:
That is just replacing the vague term 'long run" with the equally vague term "large numbers". So it begs the question "What is large?". In many cases like the roulette table of the OP, there are actual numbers that can be calculated if the question is asked correctly:
Given a confidence level, say 95%, and a desired accuracy, say 0.1, what is the sample size, N. that would give a sample accuracy of 0.1 with 95% confidence?

Of course, this is the best we can do, but at least LLN gives you a theoretical backing, and, given a level of approximation wanted, then one can compute.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #18
@Stephen Tashi I do have one question and perhaps the answer to it will enlighten me as to the rest of your comments.

How is it that the statement "A is true with probability 1" is anything other than simply an excessively redundant way of saying "A is true" ?
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #19
As examples for the 49%/51% question:
After 1000 rolls, the chance to be within 1% of this result (so somewhere from 48/52 to 50/50) is roughly 50%.
After 10000 rolls, the chance to be within 1% is about 95%.
After 100,000 rolls, the chance to be within 1% is larger than 99.9999999%.

After 1 million rolls, the chance to be within 0.1% (between 48.9/51.1 and 49.1/50.9) is about 95% and the chance to be more than 1% away is completely negligible.
After 100 million rolls, the chance to be within 0.01% (between 48.99/51.01 and 49.01/50.99) is about 95%.
phinds said:
How is it that the statement "A is true with probability 1" is anything other than simply an excessively redundant way of saying "A is true" ?
Draw a random number from a uniform distribution over the real numbers in the interval [0,1]. "The number is not 0.5" has probability 1, but it is not certain. It is almost certain.
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Likes Cliff Hanley and FactChecker
  • #20
phinds said:
@Stephen Tashi I do have one question and perhaps the answer to it will enlighten me as to the rest of your comments.

How is it that the statement "A is true with probability 1" is anything other than simply an excessively redundant way of saying "A is true" ?

As mfb's example illustrates, the mathematical definition of probability is very technical. The mathematical definition of probability describes a situation where events are assigned numbers called "probabilities". It doesn't specify anything about whether events actually happen and it doesn't provide any guarantees about the frequency with which they happen.

A good way to understand the situation in an intuitive and philosophical manner is to consider the general problem of formulating a theory about "uncertainty". What we desire from theories for them to make definite statements and predictions. We don't want the theory itself to be "uncertain". So how can you say something "certain" about "uncertainty"?

Probability models uncertainty by assigning numbers to events. The assignment is something definite - e.g. "The probability that a fair coin lands heads is 1/2". The conclusions of the theory are definite - e.g. The probability of two heads in two independent tosses of the fair coin is 1/4". We can make definite statements because we are talking about "the probability of" an event instead of asserting something about the event happening without the clause "the probability of" attached to it. So the general pattern of results in probability theory is: "If the probability of ... is such-and-such then the probability of ... is so-and-so".

Because the conclusions of probability speak of the "probability of" events, the conclusions of probability theory are not conclusions about the events without the modifying phrase "probability of" attached to the event.People who apply probability theory to practical problems may assert that "E has probability 1" amounts to the same thing as "E happens" and this is a valid claim in many practical situations. However this claim is not a consequence of the mathematical theory of probability. The claim must be supported by some additional facts or assumptions about the practical situation being considered.
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Likes jim mcnamara and Cliff Hanley
  • #21
phinds said:
How is it that the statement "A is true with probability 1" is anything other than simply an excessively redundant way of saying "A is true" ?

It is a very different statement, and one whose difference is not usually taught well to students.
Let me change the wording to "A has probability 0" and "A is false". It's the same thing, but it's easier to explain it this way.
Here is the critical example. Pick any number between ##0## and ##1## at random (assuming every number has the same possibility = uniform). What is the probability you picked ##1/2##. Math says the probability is ##0##. But it's not impossible you picked ##1/2##. In fact, every number has probability ##0## of being picked. But you have to pick some number.

This is why something with probability ##0## is said in mathematics to be true "almost always" or "almost surely". The "almost" is very important!
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Likes Cliff Hanley and FactChecker
  • #22
micromass said:
Here is the critical example. Pick any number between ##0## and ##1## at random (assuming every number has the same possibility = uniform).

It's worth pointing out that the formal theory of probability does not assert that we can take random samples. It only asserts that given a distribution, we can determine the probability of certain events.

Of course, in applying probability theory we deal with situations where random samples are actually taken. However, in such a situation if we consider statements of the form "If we take a random sample of ... then...(some disagreeable conclusion)" the disagreeable conclusion might occur because the premise "we take a random sample" is false. For example, in a given practical situation, one can debate whether it is possible to take a random sample from a uniform distribution on [0,1]. For example, if the sample is a reading from digital display on a voltmeter then it has limited precision.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #23
micromass said:
It is a very different statement, and one whose difference is not usually taught well to students.
Let me change the wording to "A has probability 0" and "A is false". It's the same thing, but it's easier to explain it this way.
Here is the critical example. Pick any number between ##0## and ##1## at random (assuming every number has the same possibility = uniform). What is the probability you picked ##1/2##. Math says the probability is ##0##. But it's not impossible you picked ##1/2##. In fact, every number has probability ##0## of being picked. But you have to pick some number.

This is why something with probability ##0## is said in mathematics to be true "almost always" or "almost surely". The "almost" is very important!
OK, I get it, assuming that in the last sentence, you have a typo and meant probability 1 (or, alternatively, "almost always false"), yes?
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #24
phinds said:
Actually "certainly" is a stretch isn't it. Yes, the probability of getting any string you can name approaches 1 as the number of trials approaches infinity, but since we can't actually do an infinite number of trials, we can't ever get an absolute certainty (probability = 1.0)
You can make a mathematical model for an infinite number of trials and in that mathematical model there is probability 1 that any particular string will be repeated infinitely many times. As a consequence of the strong law of large numbers. To be sure, the mathematical result is obtained by showing that the probability any particular string is repeated at least some particular number of times in N trials converges to 1 as N tends to infinity.
  • #25
gill1109 said:
You can make a mathematical model for an infinite number of trials and in that mathematical model there is probability 1 that any particular string will be repeated infinitely many times. As a consequence of the strong law of large numbers. To be sure, the mathematical result is obtained by showing that the probability any particular string is repeated at least some particular number of times in N trials converges to 1 as N tends to infinity.
Yes, the "converges to 1" I get but since we can't run an infinite number of trials in reality, I don't like the "= 1". I realize that math cares not at all whether I like it or not.
  • #26
Dr. Courtney, you said,

“The "long runs" means a great many trials.”

The term, ‘a great many’, and ‘large numbers’ (as in The Law Of Large Numbers) seems to me to be vague given that mathematics is supposed to be a very precise discipline.

“If you are trying to measure the occurances of an event with close to a 50% probability, you do not need as large a number of trials as when trying to measure the occurances of events with much smaller probabilities.”

So we are likely to see the expected value regards reds/non-reds (48.6% v 51.4%) sooner than we might see the expected value for a single number, eg, red 36 (2.7...% v 97.2...%)?

“The math is easier with coin flips. Obtaining heads n times in a row has a probability of (1/2)^n. So the probability of 10 heads in a row is 1/1024.”

Q. Is the probability of 10 non-reds in a row 1.2750252 / 1000 [(19/37)^10]?

Q. Is another way of saying 1/1024 (re 10 heads in a row) 0.9765625/1000?

Q. If so, is the probability of 10 non-reds in a row 0.2984627 greater than the probability of 10 heads in a row (1.27... minus 0.97...)?
  • #27
phinds, you said,

“Yes. Why would it not? [re me asking; ‘Q. Does probability theory suggest that if we played for a long enough period of time we would see a hundred non-reds in succession? A thousand? Million? Billion, trillion etc?].”

I find it hard to imagine a hundred non-reds in a row (never mind a thousand, million or billion). I find it very hard to imagine a trillion in a row. I’m beginning to grasp the basics of probability (I think) but wondering whether the theory is borne out (or would be borne out) by the practice.

Q. Are there computer programmes that could simulate trillions (and more) spins to see if we would actually get runs of non-reds into (and beyond) the trillions?
  • #28
Cliff Hanley said:
I find it hard to imagine a hundred non-reds in a row (never mind a thousand, million or billion). I find it very hard to imagine a trillion in a row.
Sure, but the math doesn't care what we can imagine.

I’m beginning to grasp the basics of probability (I think) but wondering whether the theory is borne out (or would be borne out) by the practice.
yes it would
Q. Are there computer programmes that could simulate trillions (and more) spins to see if we would actually get runs of non-reds into (and beyond) the trillions?
any program will do it if you run it for long enough. It might take more than your lifetime, but it would happen.
  • #29
phinds said:
any program will do it if you run it for long enough. It might take more than your lifetime, but it would happen.
If the algorithm to generate random numbers is good enough. For trillions of random numbers, most algorithms are not.

@cliff: I posted example numbers as orientation in a previous post.
Cliff Hanley said:
Q. If so, is the probability of 10 non-reds in a row 0.2984627 greater than the probability of 10 heads in a row (1.27... minus 0.97...)?
Don't forget the factor of 1000. Yes.
Cliff Hanley said:
I find it hard to imagine a hundred non-reds in a row (never mind a thousand, million or billion).
It is unlikely to happen within the lifetime of Earth, even if you run a computer continuously for the next 5 billion years. If you run it for 1030 years, it is very likely to happen (with 100 non-red). If you run it for 10109 years, it is very likely to see a billion non-red in a row somewhere in this incredibly long experiment.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #30
mfb said:
If the algorithm to generate random numbers is good enough. For trillions of random numbers, most algorithms are not.
Good point. I was assuming more a more ideal situation. Well, OK, actually I wasn't assuming anything, I just didn't think of that :smile:
  • #31
Stephen Tashi, you said,

“Technically, probability theory gives you no guarantees about any event (or series of events) actually happening. Probability theory merely uses the given probabilities to assign probabilities to other events and series of events.”

Q. So those who say, for example, that we will see the expected value regards non-reds at roulette (19/37) in the long run, or, given sufficient spins, are in error? Can they only correctly say that we will probably see...’

You also said,

“When people assert that some event will happen in the long run, this is an assertion about the physics or other applied science involved in a problem, not a theorem of mathematical probability theory.”

Q. Would I be correct in presuming that the physics of a large number of spins of a roulette wheel in advance of said spins would be impossible to know?

“The best mathematical probability theory can do in such situations is to say the limit of the probability of an event approaches 1 as the "length" of the "long run" approaches infinity.”

Q. What does the ‘limit of the probability’ mean?

Q. By infinity do you mean an infinite number of spins?

Q. If so, how can an infinite number be approached? Isn’t a single spin just as close to an infinite number of spins as, say, a centillion (10^303) spins - in that after the former there are just as many spins ahead of us as in the case of the latter?
  • #32
Cliff Hanley said:
Stephen Tashi, you said,

“Technically, probability theory gives you no guarantees about any event (or series of events) actually happening. Probability theory merely uses the given probabilities to assign probabilities to other events and series of events.”

Q. So those who say, for example, that we will see the expected value regards non-reds at roulette (19/37) in the long run, or, given sufficient spins, are in error? Can they only correctly say that we will probably see...’
I think you have a good point there. When the probability can be shown to be 1 to within some large number of decimal places (and in this case it can be a VERY large number) we tend to talk in practical terms as though the outcome is a certainty, but I believe you are right that we should say will probably see since it is not mathematically guaranteed.
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Likes Cliff Hanley
  • #33
That's why I used "very likely". As in, a probability of more than 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % in the previous post (and I could add as many 9 as the forum would allow).
  • #34
Cliff Hanley said:
Q. So those who say, for example, that we will see the expected value regards non-reds at roulette (19/37) in the long run, or, given sufficient spins, are in error? Can they only correctly say that we will probably see...’

Yes, if were talking about mathematical probability, we can only say "we will probably see...".

You also said,

“When people assert that some event will happen in the long run, this is an assertion about the physics or other applied science involved in a problem, not a theorem of mathematical probability theory.”Q. Would I be correct in presuming that the physics of a large number of spins of a roulette wheel in advance of said spins would be impossible to know?

It would take someone familiar with the construction of roulette wheels to answer that question.

“The best mathematical probability theory can do in such situations is to say the limit of the probability of an event approaches 1 as the "length" of the "long run" approaches infinity.”

Q. What does the ‘limit of the probability’ mean?

Q. By infinity do you mean an infinite number of spins?
Are you familiar with the mathematical definition of a "limit of a sequence"? The limit of a sequence of probabilities is just a special case of that concept.

Q. If so, how can an infinite number be approached? Isn’t a single spin just as close to an infinite number of spins as, say, a centillion (10^303) spins - in that after the former there are just as many spins ahead of us as in the case of the latter?

The mathematical definition of a "limit of sequence" is specific and technical. That's what we need to look at.
  • #35
One fundamental fact about "the long run" is this:

Suppose we're interested in some event E with a positive probability Prob(E) = p > 0 of its occurring on anyone of many identical, independent trials.

And suppose we would like to conduct enough trials so that the probability of E occurring at least once is very high, say greater than Q = 1 - ε for some arbitrarily small quantity ε > 0.

Then, there always exists some positive integer N such that if N trials are conducted, the probability of E occurring at least once is at greater than the preassigned probability Q.

Proof: The probability of E not occurring on one trial is 1-p. So the probability of E not occurring at all on N independent trials is (1-p)N.

This means that the complementary probability, of E occurring at least once in N trials, is 1 - (1-p)N.

If we try to solve for N in the equation

1 - (1-p)N = Q

we get:

(1-p)N = 1-Q

and so

N = log(1-Q) / log(1-p)

where the log is to any fixed base, so we may as well have it be the natural log (base e).

But, there is no reason that this expression for N need be an integer. Hence we must increase N to the next integer to have a sensible equality, while still ensuring that our ultimate probability of E occurring at least once is greater than Q, as desired:

N = floor[1+log(1-Q) / log(1-p)]

It follows that

(1-p)N < 1-Q

and so the probability 1 - (1-p)N of E occurring at least once in N trials satisfies

1 - (1-p)N > Q

as desired.

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