Problem about the derivation of divergence for a magnetic field

In summary: Essentially, we can interchange the integral and the curl because they operate on different variables and the function is well-behaved. This allows us to obtain the formula for the magnetic vector potential and show that the divergence of the magnetic field is 0.
  • #1
georg gill
Summary:: I am trying to derive that the divergence of a magnetic field is 0. One of the moves is to take the curl out of an integral. Can someone prove that this is addressable

Biot Savart's law is

$$B(r)=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int \frac{I(r') \times (r-r')}{|r-r|^3}dl'=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int \frac{J(r') ds \times (r-r')}{|r-r|^3}dl'=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int \frac{J(r') \times (r-r')}{|r-r|^3}dV'$$

We use:

$$\frac{(r-r')}{|r-r'|^3}=-\nabla \frac{1}{|r-r'|}$$

$$B(r)=-\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int J(r') \times \nabla \frac{1}{|r-r'|}dV'$$

We use the identity

$$-J \times (\nabla \Psi)=\nabla \times (\Psi J) - \Psi (\nabla \times J)$$

$$B(r)=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int \nabla \times \{\frac{ J(r')}{|r-r'|} - \frac {1}{|r-r|}\nabla \times J(r') \}dV'$$

$$\nabla \times J(r')$$ is 0 since we take the derivative of r on a function of r'.$$B(r)=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi} \int \nabla \times \frac{ J(r')}{|r-r'|} dV'$$

My question. The next move is to take the curl outside the integral so that one obtains

$$B(r)=\frac{\mu _0}{4\pi}\nabla \times \int \frac{ J(r')}{|r-r'|} dV'$$

Indeed this is a nice move as one obtains the formula for the magnetic vector potential. And also gives that the divergence of the magnetic field is 0 since divergence of the curl is 0. But my problem is: How can one prove that one can take the curl outside the integral when the curl inside the integral has r as a variable?
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Likes Delta2
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  • #2
If this is a homework problem, then you should have posted it in the homework forum and have filled out the template. Since you have shown your work, however, I'll point out that you have been sloppy with your variables; the denominators should have [itex]|r-r'|[/itex], and the integral is over [itex]dV'[/itex] thus operating on the primed variable [itex]r'[/itex]. The curl, on the other hand, is unprimed and operates on [itex]r[/itex]. Integral and curl can be interchanged because they operate on different variables.
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Likes Delta2
  • #3
marcusl said:
If this is a homework problem, then you should have posted it in the homework forum and have filled out the template. Since you have shown your work, however, I'll point out that you have been sloppy with your variables; the denominators should have [itex]|r-r'|[/itex], and the integral is over [itex]dV'[/itex] thus operating on the primed variable [itex]r'[/itex]. The curl, on the other hand, is unprimed and operates on [itex]r[/itex]. Integral and curl can be interchanged because they operate on different variables.
I have tried to update the prime notation. Should I move it to homework?

The problem is that I want a proof for why integral and curl can be intechanged because they operate on different variables. I have been given the argumentation before. But I need a proof. For example if you start with the integral it seems that you would integrate the current density and also the denominator which would give an ln function or something. After that you would have to derivate this ln function back to [itex]\frac{1}{r-r'}[/itex]. If you go the other something else migh happen. And also why does this laways hold. There has to be a mathematical proof for this. For example I have a mathematical proof for the fact that [itex]\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y}=\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y \partial x}[/itex]?
  • #4
Proof? I'm not a mathematician and don't do proofs. As for a demonstration, you could try it in one dimension: write the integral as a Riemann sum in the limit that [itex]\Delta z=0[/itex] and the derivative as the usual limit of differences (the basic definition from Calc I) and notice that they operate on different variables so you can interchange terms.
  • #5
georg gill said:
Indeed this is a nice move as one obtains the formula for the magnetic vector potential. And also gives that the divergence of the magnetic field is 0 since divergence of the curl is 0. But my problem is: How can one prove that one can take the curl outside the integral when the curl inside the integral has r as a variable?
In terms of a proof, all the multi-variable cases reduce to the single variable case where you have: $$g(x) = \int f(x, y) \ dy \ \ \text{and} \ \ \frac{d}{dx}g(x) = \int \frac{\partial}{\partial x} f(x, y) \ dy$$ And what you are really doing is reversing the order of two limits: the integral and the derivative. In general, if ##f## is a well-behaved function, then you can do this. There's a lot more here (including proofs) if you are interested:
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Likes Delta2, georg gill and vela
  • #6
marcusl said:
If this is a homework problem, then you should have posted it in the homework forum and have filled out the template. Since you have shown your work, however, I'll point out that you have been sloppy with your variables; the denominators should have |r−r′|, and the integral is over dV′ thus operating on the primed variable r′. The curl, on the other hand, is unprimed and operates on r. Integral and curl can be interchanged because they operate on different variables.
The problem is that I want a proof for why integral and curl can be intechanged because they operate on differnet variables. I have been given the argumentation before. But I need a proof. For example if you start with the integral
PeroK said:
In terms of a proof, all the multi-variable cases reduce to the single variable case where you have: $$g(x) = \int f(x, y) \ dy \ \ \text{and} \ \ \frac{d}{dx}g(x) = \int \frac{\partial}{\partial x} f(x, y) \ dy$$ And what you are really doing is reversing the order of two limits: the integral and the derivative. In general, if ##f## is a well-behaved function, then you can do this. There's a lot more here (including proofs) if you are interested:
Thanks for the proof!

FAQ: Problem about the derivation of divergence for a magnetic field

1. What is the derivation of divergence for a magnetic field?

The derivation of divergence for a magnetic field is a mathematical process used to determine the amount of magnetic flux that flows through a closed surface. It involves calculating the divergence of the magnetic field vector, which represents the amount and direction of magnetic flux at any given point in space.

2. Why is the derivation of divergence important in understanding magnetic fields?

The derivation of divergence is important because it helps us understand how magnetic fields behave and interact with other objects. It allows us to calculate the strength and direction of the magnetic field at any point in space, which is crucial in many applications such as electromagnetics, magnetohydrodynamics, and plasma physics.

3. What are the key equations used in the derivation of divergence for a magnetic field?

The key equations used in the derivation of divergence for a magnetic field are the Gauss's law for magnetism and the divergence theorem. The Gauss's law for magnetism states that the magnetic flux through a closed surface is equal to the net current passing through the surface. The divergence theorem relates the flux through a closed surface to the divergence of the magnetic field within that surface.

4. Can the derivation of divergence be applied to all types of magnetic fields?

Yes, the derivation of divergence can be applied to all types of magnetic fields, including static and time-varying fields. However, the equations used may vary depending on the specific type of magnetic field being analyzed.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the derivation of divergence for magnetic fields?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of the derivation of divergence for magnetic fields. Some examples include designing and analyzing magnetic sensors, motors, generators, and other electromagnetic devices. It is also used in understanding and predicting the behavior of magnetic fields in space, such as in the Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind.
