Problem because of mechanical engineering :S :S

In summary: In my experience, older people are often lazy and tend to talk down to younger people. They also may have accomplished things, but don't feel as proud of them. You should try to keep yourself away from them to prevent them from changing your outlook on life.
  • #1
hello friends
iam a mechanical engineer graduated at 2007 and i am working in maintenance section in a big company @ work i always dealling with gears bearings mechanical elements
u know i have spent my studies dealling with fluid power , fluid mechanics and thermal engineering i come to work in here with this boring stuff
i can't find the difference between myself and technicians this jobs need very strong body to pull and exert mechanical efforts
may be everything in maintenance becomes by the excperience not depending on technical informations i don't know how to find myself
and all the books i have red in this working period were talking about fluid power , fluid mechanics, aero-dynamics i don't have the urge to read about my work stuff ?/
additionally my colleges at work they find some gear trains are intereisting although this gears may be simple two spur gear i don't know why the feel happy with those gears ?
but for your information guys i am clever mechanical engineer i have accomplished many solutions for many problems i just want to find my peace of mind ??
and after the international economical crisis i didnt find any alternative job for this so i think i still have time to work in this branch i don't know what to do
so please anyone help me !1
Engineering news on
  • #2
Sounds to me like you need to change jobs.

..i am clever mechanical engineer..

Regardless of the economical crisis, you should be able to find a job, if your clever enough. :smile:

Rework your resume and try again.

If you want to change jobs bad enough then you will find a new job.

PS: I hope you didn't use that IM garbage speak on your resume! So don't use it here either.

  • #3
you know i have modified a complicated hydraulic circuit cancelling many valves to make it simpler
  • #4
but i am feeling that i am loosing my hopes and wishs i lost my ambition i don't know what to do
  • #5
you know i have modified a complicated hydraulic circuit cancelling many valves to make it simpler

What does that have to do with anything? Who cares. That belongs on your resume not in this post. No one here is going to hire you with a reply to that.

Don't get hung up on your personal accomplishments. Modesty will take you far in life, bragging will take you know where.

but i am feeling that i am loosing my hopes and wishs i lost my ambition i don't know what to do

Tough it out until you find another job. There are many companies hiring, use a contracting agency if you need to.

i am clever mechanical engineer i have accomplished many solutions for many problems

See what bragging does. :wink:

  • #6
you know i have modified a complicated hydraulic circuit cancelling many valves to make it simpler
this is not written in my cv its just for you
and i am not bragging i have red many books solved many problems in work . i think i am a clever engineer :)
  • #7
can you read my first post again and help me in my problems you seem to be expert in engineering
  • #8
Sure, I can read it again. It basically states that you are a well qualified engineer, unhappy with your current work position and feel that you cannot find another job because of the economic crisis.

I am simply stating that you can either:

1. Find a new job ASAP in another field that you feel challenges you.
2. Tough it out for a while until the economic crisis ends and then find a new job.

The other stuff was just advice. If I hated my job, I would do everything in my power to find a new one as fast as possible.

In my experience I have found it very annoying to hear someone brag or find ways to constantly remind others of their accomplishments. That is just my advice to you to not take that path in your career. Modesty, will make you a much better person to work with.:smile: seem to be expert in engineering

I don't know what would give you that idea.

Remember, I am only trying to help you out.

  • #9
thanx matt
you know i am still 25 years old and this is my first job i just want to to be unique u know sometimes i was studyin the dynamics of an aerofoil very advanced fluid mechanics and more , but people around me sometimes frustrate me by saying " aerodoil it doesn't matter "
u know older people at work in this co are lazy doing routinely tasks , also they always talk about their acvhievments i don't know why
can you tell me how to keep myself away from them to prevent them from changing my basics and thougths
  • #10
Maxx, you're 25 and work a professional job. Learn how to type in proper English. Good Lord.
  • #11
I understand how you feel max. And I've found many that feel the same. If I am not mistaken (I easily could) you want to be the best and really find something challenging to make a difference in. And all of a sudden you find yourself in a job that you find terminally boring, and yet at the same time your peers seem quite content with it, and that is disturbing to you in x^n number of ways. Then you start wondering if it's going to be the same left right and center, and everywhere you go. If you've lost the momentum you needed and will never get it back.

To that end I recommend you watch the winter games. I know it has nothing to do with engineering, but in fact I think sports have a lot to do with everything, so here it goes. An athlete trains the hardest to be the best, and he exposes himself publicly for the sake of a medal. But in the end there is only one gold medal. The true stouthearted athlete is not the one that wins gold, but the one that messes it up bad, and has to wait another 4 years for a chance for that gold. Did you see Jacobellis compete? Do you have any idea what that effort entails? Heartbreaking. And THAT is sportsmanship.
  • #12
thanks dude you have covered everything i wanted to say
but just a last question
how can i keep my momentum ??
  • #13
Sometimes you can't. That's how serious it is.

Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out of mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.

Related to Problem because of mechanical engineering :S :S

1. What is mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of mechanical systems. This includes machines, engines, structures, and other mechanical devices.

2. What are some common problems encountered in mechanical engineering?

Some common problems in mechanical engineering include material failure, design errors, and issues with production or assembly processes. Other challenges may include managing complex systems, meeting regulatory requirements, and ensuring safety and reliability.

3. How does mechanical engineering contribute to society?

Mechanical engineering plays a crucial role in modern society, as it is involved in the design and production of many essential products and systems. This includes everything from transportation vehicles and medical devices to energy production and consumer goods.

4. What skills are necessary to be successful in mechanical engineering?

To be successful in mechanical engineering, one needs a strong foundation in mathematics and physics, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, good communication and teamwork abilities are essential, as mechanical engineers often work collaboratively on projects.

5. What are some emerging technologies in the field of mechanical engineering?

Some emerging technologies in mechanical engineering include 3D printing, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. These technologies are revolutionizing the way products are designed, manufactured, and operated, and are expected to have a significant impact on the field in the future.

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