Problem from a programming competition

In summary, the algorithm is to look for "1" and "2" swaps that move both into correct zone, look for "1" and 3" swaps that move both into correct zone, look for "2" and "3" swaps that move both into correct zone, which are the optimal swaps. Then look for swaps that move "1" into correct zone, and "2" into correct zone, which will automatically leave the "3"'s in the correct zone.
  • #1
Today there was an inter-school programming competition and I was there on my school team. There were a set of four questions, out of which we were able to do 3. The 4th question was a bit difficult and thereby we couldn't solve it in the given amount of time. Now, i'd like help frm u guys.. this is the question:

1. A list is to be sorted in an ascending order. The sorting has to take place via swaps only. Meaning, if there are two elements a and b at positions p and q in a list L, a swap at p and q would mean that a would be at position q and b would be at position a.

However, the elements in the list can have the values '1', '2' or '3' only. In that case, for a given list, there exists a optimal sequence of swaps which will result in a sorted array. Write a program which computes the minimum number of swaps required for a given list and also displays the swaps.

The input will consist of an integer(0 < n < 10000) on a line, which specifies the number of elements in the list. All elements are integers. This will be followed by n lines, each line holding an element of the list.

First line of the output should contain the minimum number of swaps (m) required to sort the given list. This should be followed by m lines, each line showing the swaps in the format: position-a <space> position-b, where position-a and position-b are the respective positions of the swapped elements in the given list.


1 3
4 7
2 9
9 5

We had to do this in C++.. bt any language would be fine. What I'm actually looking for is an algorithm to go about finding the minimum no. of swaps required.
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  • #2
The goal is to figure out the minimum number of in place swaps, but I'm assuming there's no limitation on using more memory than than to figure out the optimal swap sequence. Since there are only 3 numbers, 1, 2, 3, create a 3 entry array, and count up the number of each that there is in the list. In this example, there are two "1", three "2", and four "3", which will be the sorted order. Then create 3 arrays of indexes for all the numbers that are "out of place", the first array would be the indexes of all the "1"s out of place, the next array would be the out of place "2"s, and the third array the out of place "3"s. In your example there are two numbers "in place", a "3" in position 6, and a "3" in position "8", so they don't get added to the list.

The arrays would look like this:

out of place "1"s: 3 9
out of place "2"s: 1 2 7
out of place "3"s: 4 5

Look for swaps that move two numbers into their proper zone first, then for swaps that move one number into it's proper zone. If the same index is not used more than once, than the order doesn't matter. "1 3" "2 9" "4 7" "5 9" will work for your example.

So the algorithm is to look for "1" and "2" swaps that move both into correct zone, look for "1" and 3" swaps that move both into correct zone, look for "2" and "3" swaps that move both into correct zone, which are the optimal swaps. Then look for swaps that move "1" into correct zone, and "2" into correct zone, which will automatically leave the "3"'s in the correct zone. Note that if the same index is not used more than once, the swap sequence is optmized, and the order doesn't matter. Your example doesn't show this case so I made a new one:

2 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 1

Counts: 2 "1"s, 3 "2s", 4 "3"s

out of place "1"s: 3 9
out of place "2"s: 1 4 7
out of place "3"s: 2 5

original:: 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 1
swap "1 3" 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 1
swap "2 9" 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3
swap "5 7" 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

There may be times where the same index has to be used twice to do a rotate:

original:: 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 3
swap "2 8" 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3
swap "5 8" 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
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  • #3
thanks a lot mate.. we had just thought upto the part of making an array of the no. of instances each number occurs in the given list... though we then restarted on some silly logic and never got there.

thanks again..

FAQ: Problem from a programming competition

1. What is a "problem from a programming competition"?

A "problem from a programming competition" is a challenge or puzzle given to participants in a programming competition. These problems typically involve writing code to solve a specific task or problem within a limited amount of time.

2. How do programming competitions work?

In a programming competition, participants are given a set of problems to solve within a specified time frame. They must use their coding skills to come up with solutions to the problems and submit their code for evaluation. The solutions are then judged based on factors such as correctness, efficiency, and readability, and points are awarded accordingly.

3. What skills are necessary to excel in programming competitions?

To excel in programming competitions, one must have a strong understanding of programming concepts and algorithms, as well as good problem-solving skills. It is also important to be able to think creatively and efficiently to come up with optimal solutions within the given time constraints.

4. How can I prepare for a programming competition?

To prepare for a programming competition, you can practice solving various types of problems and challenges, familiarize yourself with different programming languages and tools, and participate in online coding challenges and practice competitions. It is also helpful to read through past problems and solutions from previous programming competitions.

5. What are the benefits of participating in programming competitions?

Participating in programming competitions can help improve your coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and time management skills. It also provides an opportunity to network and collaborate with other programmers and potentially win prizes or recognition for your skills and achievements. Additionally, participation in programming competitions can be a valuable addition to your resume and can help in securing future job opportunities in the tech industry.

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