Problem in transition from phasor to normal

But on to your actual question. In summary, the Euler formula states that e^{ix} = \cos x + i\sin x. However, in the given image, e^{-ix} = \cos x - i\sin x. The reason for this is that the coefficient of sine is minus the imaginary part. This may seem confusing, but it is simply a result of the properties of complex numbers.
  • #1

oiler formula says

but here they multiply by minus the imaginary part of the phasor representation
the coefficient of sine is minus the imaginary part
Physics news on
  • #2
nhrock3 said:
oiler formula says

That's "Euler" formula. A Frenchman, not a oil tanker. And I suppose you mean the identity

[tex]e^{ix} = \cos x + i\sin x[/tex]

but here they multiply by minus the imaginary part of the phasor representation
the coefficient of sine is minus the imaginary part

I have no idea what your image has to do with your question. Do you mean this? :

[tex]e^{-ix} = \cos{(- x)} + i\sin {(-x)} = \cos x - i\sin x[/tex]
  • #3
LCKurtz said:
That's "Euler" formula. A Frenchman, not a oil tanker. And I suppose you mean the identity

A nitpick: Euler was Swiss, not French.
  • #4
CEL said:
A nitpick: Euler was Swiss, not French.

You are right! And I see upon looking him up, I would also have misspelled his first name had I mentioned it. :redface:
  • #5

The reason for the coefficient of sine being the negative imaginary part in this case is due to the way complex numbers are represented in the phasor domain. In the phasor domain, a complex number is represented as a magnitude and phase angle, while in the normal domain, it is represented as a real and imaginary part.

When converting from the phasor domain to the normal domain, the magnitude remains the same, but the phase angle is converted to the imaginary part. Since the phase angle in this case is -90 degrees, the imaginary part in the normal domain will be -1. This is why when using the oiler formula, the coefficient of sine is the negative imaginary part.

It is important to remember that these representations are just different ways of expressing the same complex number and do not change the underlying mathematical principles. It is a common practice to use the negative imaginary part in the normal domain when converting from the phasor domain, but it is also possible to use the positive imaginary part by adjusting the phase angle accordingly. Ultimately, it is a matter of preference and ensuring consistency in calculations.

FAQ: Problem in transition from phasor to normal

1. What is a phasor and how is it different from a normal function?

A phasor is a complex number representation of a sinusoidal function. It includes both the magnitude and phase of the function. In contrast, a normal function only includes the magnitude of the function and does not take into account its phase.

2. Why is the transition from phasor to normal a problem?

The transition from phasor to normal can be a problem because it involves converting a complex number into a real number. This can be a difficult and error-prone process, especially for more complex phasors. Additionally, the phasor representation is often more convenient for mathematical calculations, making the transition to a normal function less desirable.

3. What techniques can be used to solve problems in transitioning from phasor to normal?

One technique is to use the inverse Fourier transform, which allows for the conversion of a phasor into a normal function. Another technique is to use the properties of phasors, such as Euler's formula, to simplify the conversion process. Additionally, using complex analysis methods can also aid in solving problems in this transition.

4. What are some common applications where problems in transitioning from phasor to normal arise?

Problems in transitioning from phasor to normal often arise in the fields of electrical engineering and physics. This is because phasors are commonly used to represent and analyze AC circuits, electromagnetic waves, and other oscillating systems. In these applications, the conversion to normal functions is necessary for further analysis and calculations.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using phasors in these applications instead of normal functions?

One drawback is that phasors do not capture the full complexity of a function, as they only represent the magnitude and phase. This can lead to loss of information and potential errors in calculations. Additionally, phasors may not be as intuitive to understand as normal functions for some individuals. However, in many cases, the convenience and efficiency of using phasors outweigh these drawbacks.

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