Problem in verifying Stoke's Theorem

  • Thread starter shaiqbashir
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In summary, the conversation discusses the verification of Stoke's theorem for a given vector field and surface. After solving the problem, it is discovered that the normal vector used was not normalized, resulting in an incorrect answer. The correct answer is found by normalizing the normal vector and integrating over the unit disk in the xy-plane. The conversation ends with the acknowledgement of the mistake and gratitude for the help provided.
  • #1
Hi guys!

well! in the following question i need to verify The Stoke's Theorem:

Q: Verify Stoke's theorem for

F=6zi +(2x+y)j -xk

where "S" is the upper half of the sphere [tex]x^2+y^2+z^2=1[/tex]
bounded by a closed curve "C" [tex]x^2+y^2+z^2=1[/tex] at z=0 plane.

Now here is the stoke's theorem:

[tex]\oint F.dr = \int\int (curl of F).n ds[/tex]

OKz so when i just solved this problem, i found:

Curl of F = 7j + 2k

and [tex]n=\bigtriangledown (x^2+y^2+z^2-1)= 2xi+2yj+2zk[/tex]

and then

(curl of F). n= 14y+4z

now i put it under the integral sign like :

[tex]\int\int (14y+4z)ds[/tex]

i put here the value of z as


[tex]\int\int [(14y+4(\sqrt{1-x^2-y^2})]ds[/tex]

now what i have done is this that i take


and i finally put it in the integral sign

[tex]\int\int [14r\sin\theta+4(\sqrt{1-r^2\cos^2\theta-r^2\sin^2\theta})]rdrd\theta[/tex]

where [tex]0 \leq r\leq 1[/tex]
[tex]0\leq \theta \leq 2\pi [/tex]

now when i solve it

i found its answer to be


but when i solved the left hand side of the stoke's theorem:


[tex]\oint F.dr[/tex]

i found it that

[tex]\oint F.dr = 2\pi[/tex]

and the result is that

the stoke's theorem is not getting verified. please tell me where I am making mistake in this problem.

both sides should be equal to each other. but I am not getting both of them equal to each other . please help!

thanks in advance!
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  • #2
You have two problems. First, your "normal" vector isn't actually normalized (ie. it is not a unit vector). Second, your expression for [itex]ds[/itex] is wrong.

You have not written it down, but you have also implicitly parameterized [itex]z = \sqrt{1 - x^2 - y^2} = \sqrt{1 - r^2}[/itex]. This affects [itex]ds[/itex].

One way of expressing [itex]ds[/itex] for a parameterization [itex] x = f(u,v), y = g(u,v), z = h(u,v)[/itex] is as

[tex]ds = \| T_u \times T_v\| du \, dv,[/tex]

where [itex]T_u = (f_u, g_u, h_u)[/itex] and [itex]T_v = (f_v, g_v, h_v)[/itex]. If you try that calculation in your scenario, I think you'll find [itex]ds[/itex] isn't quite [itex]r dr d\theta[/itex]. :smile:

(Note that there is another parameterization you could use that would make this much simpler!)
  • #3
thanks mr. data. what i have found is this that the only problem that i ws making was this that i was not taking n as a normal vector which should be first made a unit vector. when i make it a unit vector and make


i found the answer which is equal to [tex]2\pi[/tex]

which I am also getting from my LHS.

now is there any problem that i have made in it?
  • #4
"Normal" means perpendicular. A normal vector does not have to be a unit vector. In fact, the simple way to do this would be to go ahead and write [itex]\vec{n}\cdot dS[/itex] as (2xi+ 2yj+ 2zk)/2z= (x/z)i+ y(y/z)j+ k, multiply that by the gradient: 7y/z+ 2 and integrate that over the unit disk in the xy-plane: in polar coordinates that is
[tex]\int_{\theta=0}^{2\pi}\int_{r=0}^1 \left(\frac{7r cos(\theta)}{\sqrt{1- r^2}}+ 2\right) rdrd\theta[/tex]
The "cos" term in the first part, integrated from 0 to 2[itex]\pi[/itex] is 0 so we don't have to worry about that square root. The integral of the "2r" term is 2[itex]\pi[/itex] so the integral is 2[itex]\pi[/itex].
  • #5
thanks a lot hallsofivy

FAQ: Problem in verifying Stoke's Theorem

1. What is Stoke's Theorem?

Stoke's Theorem is a mathematical theorem that relates the surface integral of a vector field over a surface to the line integral of the same vector field over the boundary of the surface. It is named after the mathematician Sir George Gabriel Stokes.

2. What is the purpose of Stoke's Theorem?

The purpose of Stoke's Theorem is to simplify the calculation of surface integrals by relating them to line integrals, which are often easier to calculate. It also provides a connection between the geometry of a surface and the behavior of a vector field on that surface.

3. What are some common problems encountered when verifying Stoke's Theorem?

One common problem is ensuring that the vector field and surface in question satisfy the necessary conditions for Stoke's Theorem to be applicable. Another challenge is accurately setting up the line integral and surface integral expressions, as they can be complex and involve multiple variables.

4. How can one verify Stoke's Theorem?

To verify Stoke's Theorem, one must first check that the vector field and surface satisfy the necessary conditions. Then, the line integral and surface integral expressions must be set up correctly and evaluated. If the values match, then Stoke's Theorem is verified.

5. Why is Stoke's Theorem an important concept in mathematics and physics?

Stoke's Theorem is important because it provides a fundamental connection between the geometry of a surface and the behavior of a vector field on that surface. It is also a useful tool for simplifying calculations and solving problems in various fields such as fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, and differential geometry.

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