Problem, Newton's 3rd Law Astronaut/Satellite

  • Thread starter DantheMan10
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In summary, the conversation discusses a homework problem involving an astronaut pushing off a satellite while spacewalking. The question asks for the distance between the astronaut and the satellite after 1.50 minutes. The conversation explores using Newton's laws and kinematics to solve the problem, but eventually concludes that the impulse-momentum theorem is the most appropriate approach. Using this approach, the distance between the astronaut and satellite is calculated to be 46.46 meters after 1.50 minutes. The conversation also discusses the formula for impulse and the importance of understanding conservation of momentum in solving the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An 92.0kg spacewalking astronaut pushes off a 625 kg satellite, exerting a 90.0 N force for the 0.460 seconds it takes him to straighten his arms.

Question: How far apart are the astronaut and the satellite after 1.50 mins ?

Homework Equations

Newton's 3rd and 2nd law, and kinematics i guess

The Attempt at a Solution

I did F=ma to find the accel of the man and the sat, F = 90N for both of them because of Newton's 3rd law.

I then took that into the kinematics but I also took 90 (1.5mins) - the .46seconds and used that to find position with vi = 0 and accel = to what I found earlier. From there I took the same kinematic eq. pluged in what I got previous for the inital distance, turned accel to velocity and accel to 0 since now the guy and sat were no longer accelerating. I did this for both bodies and got approx 193m which is wrong.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong and/or how to implement the laws as needed. I already looked at a similar problem on here but all that was said is use the laws. But that person only offered the problem no attempt at the solution, so I am hoping my attempt will get me more noteworthy help. If you need me to I can scan my work, it however is not going to be pretty
Physics news on
  • #2
I'd start with the impulse-momentum theorem.
  • #3
which is... I've read my book, haven't seen that in there or implemented, it may be called something different
  • #4
There's no mention of it in your book? I'm not sure what else it would be called. It is based on Newton's second law.

[tex] I=\Delta{p}=F\Delta{t} [/tex]

where I is the impulse, delta(p) is the change in momentum, F is the force, and delta(t) is the time interval the over which the force acts.

Think conservation of momentum.
  • #5
I was under the impression that the impulse-momentum theorum, can be derived from N-2,3 and kinematics, in other words, the approach of the OP should work; eg

Vsat=a*t=90/Msat and Vast=a*t=-90/92 so Vsat=90/625*t and Vast=-90/92*t so the relative velocity apart from each other is
90(1/625+1/92)*t= 1.12*0.46=0.52m/s; 90 seconds later, 46.46m apart. Not sure why this is so different than the 193 offered as none of the work is shown.
  • #6
ok I'm going to go through this and try to understand it and I went through again and there is no impulse formula in my book...hmm.. but i do remember it now from HS phys. Thank you for the help so far guys
  • #7
DantheMan10 said:
ok I'm going to go through this and try to understand it and I went through again and there is no impulse formula in my book...hmm.. but i do remember it now from HS phys. Thank you for the help so far guys


did you reconcile your results with mine? Just curious. If you take the impulse/delta P approach you end up with
Force*time=M1V1+M2V2 for the two objects.
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  • #8
denverdoc, using the impulse theorem, I get the same answer you do.
  • #9
I have yet to go completely over it, I have been working on Statics and Aerospace programming for the evening, I should get to it sometime tonight or tomm morning.

The only problem with this Force*time=M1V1+M2V2, is I do not have their velocities
  • #10
hage567 said:
denverdoc, using the impulse theorem, I get the same answer you do.

Hage for my own edification, can you tell me how you did it.
  • #11
denverdoc, I'll send you a PM.

Dan, I don't understand why you are subtracting the 0.46s from the 90s in your original post (assuming I'm understanding what you did). Can you show more of your calculation?

FAQ: Problem, Newton's 3rd Law Astronaut/Satellite

1. What is Newton's 3rd law of motion?

Newton's 3rd law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when an object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal and opposite force back.

2. How does Newton's 3rd law apply to astronauts and satellites?

Newton's 3rd law applies to astronauts and satellites in that the force of gravity between the Earth and the satellite is equal and opposite. This means that the Earth exerts a force on the satellite, pulling it towards the Earth, while the satellite also exerts an equal and opposite force on the Earth, pulling it towards the satellite. This balanced force allows the satellite to maintain its orbit around the Earth.

3. Can an astronaut in space push themselves just by pushing on the air?

Yes, an astronaut in space can push themselves by pushing on the air. This is because of Newton's 3rd law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When the astronaut pushes on the air, the air pushes back on the astronaut with an equal and opposite force, propelling the astronaut in the opposite direction.

4. Why do astronauts float in space?

Astronauts float in space because of the absence of gravity. In space, the force of gravity is greatly reduced, allowing astronauts to experience weightlessness. However, it should be noted that astronauts are still affected by the force of gravity from larger objects, such as planets and moons.

5. How does Newton's 3rd law affect the movement of a satellite in space?

Newton's 3rd law plays a crucial role in the movement of a satellite in space. As the satellite orbits the Earth, it continuously experiences an equal and opposite force of gravity from the Earth, keeping it in orbit. It also exerts an equal and opposite force on the Earth, which helps to maintain the balance and stability of the Earth's orbit around the sun.
