Problem of conservative and non-conservative forces

  • Thread starter dmatador
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In summary, a 65.1 kg person jumps from rest off a 3.04 m-high tower into water and comes to rest 1.11 m under the surface. The magnitude of the average force exerted by the water on the diver can be calculated by using the equation (m)(g)(h_f) + (.5)(m)(v_f)^2 = (m)(g)(h_i) + (.5)(m)(v_i)^2 and eliminating the terms for initial height and velocity. By solving for the final velocity and using it to find work, then dividing this by the distance traveled by the work, the force can be determined. It is important to show calculations to avoid any potential errors.
  • #1
A 65.1 kg person jumps from rest off a 3.04 m-high tower straight down into the water. Neglect air resistance during the descent. She comes to rest 1.11 m under the surface of the water. Determine the magnitude of the average force that the water exerts on the diver. This force is nonconservative.

I've tried to solve the first part using that fact that the initial energy and the final one right before entering the water will be equal, then finding the final velocity and using this to find work and then force, but it doesn't work. I need some help.
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  • #2
Please show how you calculated initial and final energies so we can see where you may have gone wrong. You don't have to find the 'final' energy at the water surface (although it's OK to do so), but you can find the final energy at the rest point below the water surface, and save a step.
  • #3
sorry about the notation...

(m)(g)(h_f) + (.5)(m)(v_f)^2 = (m)(g)(h_i) + (.5)(m)(v_i)^2

I then eliminated the m's, the terms (m)(g)(h_f) and (.5)(m)(v_i)^2 because the final height is zero and the initial velocity is zero. I then just solved for v_f, the final velocity.

Then I used W = (m)(g)(h_f) + (.5)(m)(v_f)^2 - (m)(g)(h_i) - (.5)(m)(v_i)^2

This is because once the swimmer hits the water, there is a change in total energy. I used the final velocity, v_f, from the other equation as v_i in this one. This is because she hits the water with this speed. I then used 0 as initial height h_i to eliminate the term (m)(g)(h_i) and v_f = 0 to eliminate (.5)(m)(v_i)^2. I then solved for W and divided this by the distance 1.11 done by this work to get the force.
  • #4
You seem to be on the right track, but you are not showing your calcs. You may have made a math error, or perhaps you slipped up on a minus sign when calculating the potential energy at the 'rest' position.
  • #5

The problem of conservative and non-conservative forces is a fundamental concept in physics that is crucial for understanding the behavior of objects in motion. In this specific scenario, the 65.1 kg person jumping off a 3.04 m-high tower and coming to rest 1.11 m under the surface of water raises the question of the magnitude of the average force exerted by the water on the diver.

Firstly, it is important to note that a force is considered conservative if the work done by the force on an object is independent of the path taken by the object. On the other hand, a non-conservative force is one in which the work done by the force depends on the path taken by the object.

In this case, the force exerted by the water on the diver is a non-conservative force. This is because the work done by the water on the diver will depend on the path taken by the diver through the water. For example, if the diver were to enter the water at a different angle or with a different velocity, the work done by the water would be different.

To determine the magnitude of the average force exerted by the water on the diver, we can use the concept of work and energy. As the diver jumps off the tower, they possess potential energy due to their position above the water. As they descend, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. When the diver enters the water, they come to rest, meaning that all of their kinetic energy has been dissipated. This means that the work done by the water on the diver is equal to the change in the diver's kinetic energy.

Using the equation for potential energy (PE = mgh) and kinetic energy (KE = 1/2mv^2), we can set up the following equation:

mgh = 1/2mv^2

Where m is the mass of the diver, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height of the tower, and v is the final velocity of the diver just before entering the water.

Solving for v, we get v = sqrt(2gh).

Now, using the equation for work (W = Fd) and substituting in the values we know (W = mgh), we can solve for the force exerted by the water on the diver:

F = W/d = mgh/d = (65.1 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)(3.04 m)

FAQ: Problem of conservative and non-conservative forces

1. What is the difference between conservative and non-conservative forces?

Conservative forces are those that do not dissipate energy and follow the principle of conservation of energy. They do not depend on the path taken by an object and only depend on the initial and final positions of the object. Non-conservative forces, on the other hand, are those that dissipate energy and do not follow the principle of conservation of energy. They depend on the path taken by an object and not just the initial and final positions.

2. How does the work done by conservative and non-conservative forces differ?

The work done by conservative forces is path-independent, meaning it is the same regardless of the path taken. This is because conservative forces do not dissipate energy and therefore the total work done is equal to the change in potential energy. Non-conservative forces, on the other hand, are path-dependent, meaning the work done is different depending on the path taken. This is because they dissipate energy and the total work done is equal to the change in both potential and kinetic energy.

3. Can you provide an example of a conservative force?

One example of a conservative force is gravity. The work done by gravity is only dependent on the initial and final positions of an object, and not the path taken. This is because gravity does not dissipate energy and follows the principle of conservation of energy. Another example is a spring force, which also follows the principle of conservation of energy and is path-independent.

4. How do non-conservative forces affect an object's motion?

Non-conservative forces can change the speed and direction of an object's motion. This is because they dissipate energy and the work done by these forces is dependent on the path taken. As a result, the object's kinetic energy can increase or decrease, and its direction of motion can also change.

5. Can conservative and non-conservative forces coexist?

Yes, conservative and non-conservative forces can coexist. For example, in a pendulum, gravity is a conservative force while air resistance is a non-conservative force. Both forces act on the pendulum, but the work done by gravity is balanced by the work done by air resistance. However, the total work done by both forces is not zero as some energy is dissipated by air resistance.

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