Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health. It was also mentioned that finding a form of exercise that one enjoys can make it easier to stick to a regular routine. Additionally, the importance of rest and recovery was emphasized, as well as the potential negative effects of over-exercising. Overall, it was agreed that exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy mind and body.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem!


Problem: Prove that $\Bbb{RP}^n$ is orientable if and only if $n$ is odd.


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  • #2
No one answered this week's problem. You can find the solution below.

[sp]We begin the proof with a lemma (with proof).

Lemma: The reflection $r:\Bbb{S}^n\rightarrow \Bbb{S}^n$ given by $r(x)=-x$ is orientation reversing when $n$ is even and is orientation preserving when $n$ is odd.

Proof of Lemma: Define a continuous normal vector field on $\Bbb{S}^n$ by $n(p) := p$. Then, we can define an orientation on $\Bbb{S}^n$ by stating that a basis $(b_1(p),\ldots,b_n(p)$ of $T_p\Bbb{S}^n$ lies in the orientation class of $T_p\Bbb{S}^n$ provided that $(b_1(p),\ldots,b_n(p), n(p))$ lies in the standard orientation class of $\Bbb{R}^{n+1}$. To see if $r$ is orentation preserving, we need to check whether or not $(dr(b_1(p)),\ldots,dr(b_n(p)),n(r(p)))$ lies in the orientation class of $\Bbb{R}^{n+1}$. However, $dr$ is just the restriction of $d\overline{r}$ to $\Bbb{S}^n$ where $\overline{r}:\Bbb{R}^n\rightarrow \Bbb{R}^n$ is the reflection through the origin of $\Bbb{R}^n$. Since $\overline{r}$ is linear, we have $d\overline{r}=\overline{r}$ and thus $dr=\overline{r}$. Furthermore, note that \[n(r(p)) = n(-p) = -p = -n(p) = \overline{r}(n(p)).\] Thus, we see that \[(dr(b_1(p)),\ldots,dr(b_n(p)),n(r(p))) = (\overline{r}(b_1(p)),\ldots \overline{r}(b_n(p)),\overline{r}(n(p))).\] Since the standard orientation class of $\Bbb{R}^{n+1}$ contains $(b_1(p),\ldots,b_n(p),n(p))$ by assumption, the above basis belongs to the orientation class of $\Bbb{R}^{n+1}$ if and only if $\overline{r}$ is orientation preserving, which is the case only when $n$ is even (or $n+1$ is odd).$\hspace{.25in}\blacksquare$

We now prove the main result.

Proof: Consider the natural mapping $\pi:\Bbb{S}^n\rightarrow\Bbb{RP}^n$ which is a local diffeomorphism given by $\pi(p)=\{p,-p\}$. Now, let $r:\Bbb{S}^n\rightarrow \Bbb{S}^n$ be the reflection through the origin. Then $\pi\circ r=\pi$. If $\Bbb{RP}^n$ is orientable, then we may assume that $\pi$ preserves orientation. Then the above equality implies that $\pi\circ r$ preserves orientation as well. This is not possible only if $r$ preserves the orientation which is the case only when $n$ is odd. Thus $\Bbb{RP}^n$ is not orientable when $n$ is even.We now seek to show that $\Bbb{RP}^n$ is orientable when $n$ is odd. Let us orient each tangent space $T_{[p]}\Bbb{RP}^n$ as follows: Let $q\in[p]=\{p,-p\}$. Choose a basis of $T_q\Bbb{S}^n$ which is in its orientation class, and let the image of this basis under $d\pi$ determine the orientation class of $T_{[p]}\Bbb{RP}^n$. This orientation is well defined because it is not affected by wheter $q=p$ or $q=-p$. If $(b_1,\ldots, b_n)$ is a basis in the orientation class of $T_p\Bbb{S}^n$ and $(b_1^{\prime},\ldots,b_n^{\prime})$ is a basis in the orientation class of $T_{-p}\Bbb{S}^n$, then it follows that \[(d\pi_p(b_1),\ldots,d\pi_p(b_n)) \quad\text{and} \quad(d\pi_{-p}(b_1^{\prime}),\ldots, d\pi_{-p}(b_n^{\prime}))\]
belong in the same orientation class of $T_{[p]}\Bbb{RP}^n$ (this is because
\[d\pi_p(b_i) = d(\pi\circ r)_p(b_i) = d\pi_{r(p)}\circ dr_p(b_i) = d\pi_{-p}\circ dr_p(b_i)\]
and $r$ preserves orientation; hence we have $(dr_p(b_1),\ldots,dr_p(b_n))$ belonging to the same orientation class as $(b_1^{\prime},\ldots,b_n^{\prime})$). $\hspace{.25in}\blacksquare$[/sp]

FAQ: Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014

What is the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014"?

The "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014" is a weekly challenge presented by a scientific organization or community to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills among scientists and students.

Who can participate in the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014"?

The "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014" is open to anyone who is interested in science and problem-solving. It is commonly participated by students, researchers, and professionals in the scientific community.

What is the purpose of the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014"?

The purpose of the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014" is to challenge individuals to think critically and creatively to come up with solutions to scientific problems. It also aims to promote collaboration and discussion among participants.

How can I submit my answer to the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014"?

Submission instructions for the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014" may vary depending on the organizing institution. However, it is usually submitted through an online form or via email.

Are there any prizes for participating in the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014"?

Prizes for the "Problem of the Week #86 - January 20th, 2014" may also vary depending on the organizing institution. Some may offer cash prizes, certificates, or recognition for the winning solution. However, the main reward is the opportunity to exercise critical thinking skills and engage with the scientific community.
