Problem parameterising an off-center disk

  • Thread starter Amaelle
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In summary, the parametrization of an off-center disk with a center at (x_0, y_0) and a radius r is given by: x = x_0 + rcos(θ), y = y_0 + rsin(θ).
  • #1
Homework Statement
parametrisating an off center disk with a center o (0;3/2) and a raduis r=1/2
Relevant Equations
y-3/2= rsinθ




is my approch correct?
thank you!
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  • #2
Amaelle said:
Homework Statement:: parametrisating an off center disk with a center o (0;3/2) and a raduis r=1/2
Relevant Equations:: x=rcosθ
y-3/2= rsinθ


This would be the Cartesian equation if the center were at (3/2, 0).
Amaelle said:
Perhaps you have a typo in the first equation of the circle. This equation looks OK.
Amaelle said:
No, your discriminant is wrong.
Amaelle said:
No. You are using the Quadratic Formula to solve for r. The expression on the right side should not include r.
Amaelle said:
is my approch correct?
thank you!
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Likes Amaelle
  • #3
Mark44 said:
This would be the Cartesian equation if the center were at (3/2, 0).
Perhaps you have a typo in the first equation of the circle. This equation looks OK.
No, your discriminant is wrong.
No. You are using the Quadratic Formula to solve for r. The expression on the right side should not include r.
thank you

after correcting my mistakes we got
r1=[3sinθ-sqrt(sinθ^2-8)]/2 and r2=[3sinθ+sqrt(sinθ^2-8)]/2
but i go lost on how to choose the correct r because we have two constraints:
r must be postive and sinθ^2-8 also should be positive.

my other concern is how to choose the integral range for θ as we have an off center circle
  • #4
This was your incorrect discriminant from post #1:
Amaelle said:

Amaelle said:
after correcting my mistakes we got
r1=[3sinθ-sqrt(sinθ^2-8)]/2 and r2=[3sinθ+sqrt(sinθ^2-8)]/2
Your discriminant is still wrong, but in a different way. The quadratic equation you're working with is ##r^2 - (3\sin(\theta))r + 2 = 0##. The coefficients are ##a = 1, b = -3\sin(\theta), c = 2##.
Amaelle said:
r must be postive and sinθ^2-8 also should be positive.
Before deterimining this, you need to get the correct equations for r.
  • #5
yes so sorry it was a typo but still


r1=[3sinθ-sqrt(9sinθ^2-8)]/2 and r2=[3sinθ+sqrt(9sinθ^2-8)]/2
I'm still in the same confusion
  • #6
Amaelle said:
yes so sorry it was a typo but still


r1=[3sinθ-sqrt(9sinθ^2-8)]/2 and r2=[3sinθ+sqrt(9sinθ^2-8)]/2
I'm still in the same confusion
Much better.
For the square root to produce a real number, we must have ##9\sin^2(\theta) - 8 \ge 0##. This places restraints on the possible values of ##\theta##. Also, the largest possible value of ##9\sin^2(\theta)## is 9, so the quantity in the radical is at most 1.

For ##r_1, r_2## to be nonnegative, work with the numerators of the two fractions, keeping in mind the previous restrictions on ##\theta##.

Amaelle said:
my other concern is how to choose the integral range for θ as we have an off center circle
What is the integral you're working with?
  • #7
i want to compute the surface of the disk using the integral, and because the circle is off center i know i can't use [0. 2pi] and because we have constraint on theta because of the discriminant I'm confused
  • #8
Amaelle said:
i want to compute the surface of the disk using the integral, and because the circle is off center i know i can't use [0. 2pi] and because we have constraint on theta because of the discriminant I'm confused
Do you mean the area of the disk? If so, then you already know that its area is ##\frac \pi 4##.

Let's take things a step at a time. What constraints are there on ##\theta##? You must have ##9\sin^2(\theta) \ge 8##, right?
  • #9
sin(x)>2√2/3 or sin(x) <-2√2/3 x>70.52° or x<-70.52°
  • #10
Amaelle said:
sin(x)>2√2/3 or sin(x) <-2√2/3 x>70.52° or x<-70.52°
Look at the graph of the sine function. In the first arch, i.e., between 0° and 180°, won't ##70.53° < x < 109.47°## satisfy ##\sin(x) \ge \frac{2\sqrt 2}3##?

Regarding the two values of r produced by the Quadratic Formula, I suspect that the one with the + sign generates the upper half, more or less, of the disk, and the one with the - sign generates the lower part.
  • #11
Amaelle said:
i want to compute the surface of the disk using the integral, and because the circle is off center i know i can't use [0. 2pi] and because we have constraint on theta because of the discriminant I'm confused

The best parametrization of [itex](x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 \leq a^2[/itex] is [tex]
\begin{split}x &= x_0 + r\cos \theta,\\ y &= y_0 + r\sin\theta \end{split}[/tex] for [itex]0 \leq r \leq a[/itex] and [itex]0 \leq \theta < 2\pi[/itex].

FAQ: Problem parameterising an off-center disk

1. What is a problem parameterising an off-center disk?

A problem parameterising an off-center disk refers to the difficulty in accurately describing or quantifying the characteristics of a disk that is not perfectly centered. This can be a challenging task in various scientific fields, such as astronomy, physics, and engineering.

2. Why is it important to parameterise an off-center disk?

Parameterising an off-center disk is crucial for understanding its behavior and properties. It allows scientists to make accurate predictions, analyze data, and develop models that can be used to study similar systems. Additionally, it helps to identify any irregularities or anomalies that may affect the disk's performance or stability.

3. What are some common methods for parameterising an off-center disk?

There are several methods for parameterising an off-center disk, including mathematical modeling, computer simulations, and experimental measurements. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of approach depends on the specific characteristics of the disk and the research goals.

4. What are the challenges in parameterising an off-center disk?

Parameterising an off-center disk can be challenging due to the complexity of the system and the potential for errors or uncertainties in the data. Additionally, the accuracy of the parameters obtained may also depend on the chosen method and the assumptions made during the analysis. Furthermore, the off-center nature of the disk may introduce additional variables that need to be considered.

5. How can the accuracy of the parameterisation of an off-center disk be improved?

To improve the accuracy of the parameterisation of an off-center disk, scientists can use a combination of methods, such as combining experimental measurements with computer simulations or using multiple mathematical models. It is also essential to carefully consider and account for any potential sources of error or uncertainty in the data and to validate the results through comparisons with other studies or observations.
