Problem with function of sequence simple convergence

In summary: I think something not right in this part:##|f_n-f|*|g_n-g| < \epsilon_1*\epsilon_2= \epsilon_5####|f|*|g_n-g|< \epsilon_2*|f|= \epsilon_3####|g|*|f_n-f|< \epsilon_1*|g| = \epsilon_4##You can't just choose ε1, ε2, and ε3 arbitrarily. You have to choose them in a way that will allow you to prove the desired inequality. Also, what happened to ε4 and ε5? Did you mean to include them in the final result? In addition, you can't
  • #1
Hello. I have a problem. I don't know how to finish my proof. Maybe someone of you will be able to help me.

So task is:
Suppose that fn and gn are function of the sequence. fn simply convergence(? don't know if english term is same) to f, and gn simply convergence to g. Need to prove that gn*fn convergence to g*f.

my attempt:

for every ε1 there is N1 that |gn-g|<ε1
for every ε2 there is N2|that fn-f|<ε2
so i need to prove that |fn*gn-f*g|<ε.
So I make a few alterations |fn*gn-f*g|=|(gn-g)*fn+g(fn-f)|< |(gn-g)fn|+|g(fn-f)|<|gn-g|*|fn|+|g|*|fn-f|...
and don't know how to finish that... Maybe someone have a tip for me? Thanks.
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  • #2
trenekas said:
Hello. I have a problem. I don't know how to finish my proof. Maybe someone of you will be able to help me.

So task is:
Suppose that fn and gn are function of the sequence. fn simply convergence(? don't know if english term is same) to f, and gn simply convergence to g. Need to prove that gn*fn convergence to g*f.

my attempt:

for every ε1 there is N1 that |gn-g|<ε1
for every ε2 there is N2|that fn-f|<ε2
so i need to prove that |fn*gn-f*g|<ε.
So I make a few alterations |fn*gn-f*g|=|(gn-g)*fn+g(fn-f)|< |(gn-g)fn|+|g(fn-f)|<|gn-g|*|fn|+|g|*|fn-f|...
and don't know how to finish that... Maybe someone have a tip for me? Thanks.
It's just a matter of making clever choices of N1 and N2. It may also help to do rewrite ##f_n## as ##(f_n-f)+f##. If you don't know the term for the type of convergence you have in mind, you should post the definition. Then maybe we can tell you what it's called.
  • #3
Fredrik said:
It's just a matter of making clever choices of N1 and N2. It may also help to do rewrite ##f_n## as ##(f_n-f)+f##. If you don't know the term for the type of convergence you have in mind, you should post the definition. Then maybe we can tell you what it's called.

As you can see something like that i tried to do. |fn*gn-f*g|=|(gn-g)*fn+g(fn-f)| plus and minus fn*g.

definition of simply convergence is that N(ε) dependending not only from n, but also from x. For example in uniform convergence(? also don't know if its correct in english) N(ε) depend only from n, and for every x.

I found english term: and it is pointwise convergence, not simply :D
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  • #4
trenekas said:
As you can see something like that i tried to do. |fn*gn-f*g|=|(gn-g)*fn+g(fn-f)| plus and minus fn*g.
I meant that you may need to do what I suggested to deal with the factor of ##f_n## that appears in the result you got, without an ##f## next to it.

trenekas said:
I found english term: and it is pointwise convergence, not simply :D
##f_n\to f## pointwise if and only if for all x, ##f_n(x)\to f(x)##. Is this what you had in mind?
  • #5
ok understand. but nothing goes on for me :(
I got that
##|g_n*f_n|*|f_n| + |g|*|f_n-f|=|g_n-g|*|f_n-f+f|+|g|*|f_n-f|< |g_n-g|*(|f_n-f|+|f|)+|g|*|f_n-f|##
##= |f_n-f|*|g_n-g|+|f|*|g_n-g|+|g|*|f_n-f| ##
I do not think that progressed... or maybe i misunderstand you.
  • #6
Here is definition:
Let D be a subset of R and let {fn} be a sequence of real valued functions
defined on D. Then {fn} converges pointwise to f if given any x in D and
given any ε > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(x, ε) such that
|fn(x) − f(x)| < ε for every n > N.
Note: The notation N = N(x, ε) means that the natural number N depends
on the choice of x and ε.
  • #7
trenekas said:
ok understand. but nothing goes on for me :(
I got that
##|g_n*f_n|*|f_n| + |g|*|f_n-f|=|g_n-g|*|f_n-f+f|+|g|*|f_n-f|< |g_n-g|*(|f_n-f|+|f|)+|g|*|f_n-f|##
##= |f_n-f|*|g_n-g|+|f|*|g_n-g|+|g|*|f_n-f| ##
I do not think that progressed... or maybe i misunderstand you.
That is what I meant that you should do. It's an improvement because the assumption that ##f_n\to f## pointwise makes it easy to deal with ##|f_n(x)-f(x)|##, while it's not so easy to deal with ##|f_n(x)|##.

As in almost all convergence proofs, you will need to choose the N's of the sequences that are known to be convergent, and use them to define the N of the sequence that we want to prove is convergent. In other words, make a choice of ##N_1## and ##N_2##. Define ##N=\operatorname{max}\{N_1,N_2\}##. Prove that for all x and all positive integers n such that ##n\geq N##, we have ##|f_n(x)g_n(x)-f(x)g(x)|<\varepsilon##.

trenekas said:
Here is definition:
Let D be a subset of R and let {fn} be a sequence of real valued functions
defined on D. Then {fn} converges pointwise to f if given any x in D and
given any ε > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(x, ε) such that
|fn(x) − f(x)| < ε for every n > N.
Note: The notation N = N(x, ε) means that the natural number N depends
on the choice of x and ε.
OK. That definition is equivalent to saying that ##f_n\to f## pointwise on D if ##f_n(x)\to f(x)## for all x in D.
  • #8
or maybe: ##|f_n-f|*|g_n-g| < \epsilon_1*\epsilon_2= \epsilon_5##
##|f|*|g_n-g|< \epsilon_2*|f|= \epsilon_3##
##|g|*|f_n-f|< \epsilon_1*|g| = \epsilon_4##
So let ## \epsilon:= \epsilon_3+ \epsilon_4+ \epsilon_5 ##
Maybe correct? :D
  • #9
The proof should start with these statements:

Let ##x\in D## be arbitrary. Let ##\varepsilon>0## be arbitrary.

Since ##\varepsilon## is arbitrary, you can't define it in terms of the other "epsilons". You have to choose the other epsilons so that they add up to something no greater than this arbitrary one.
  • #10
Fredrik said:
The proof should start with these statements:

Let ##x\in D## be arbitrary. Let ##\varepsilon>0## be arbitrary.

Since ##\varepsilon## is arbitrary, you can't define it in terms of the other "epsilons". You have to choose the other epsilons so that they add up to something no greater than this arbitrary one.
ok understand. thanks for help
  • #11
can you help me to choose x, y, z that sum of them would be ε? or its possible of this =>? i think should be something with root of epsilon... but can't concoct
##|f_n-f|*|g_n-g| < z ##
##|f|*|g_n-g|< y##
##|g|*|f_n-f|< x##
  • #12
We have three terms and we want them to add up to something less than ##\varepsilon##. So we can try to make each of them less than ##\varepsilon/3##. This is very easy with the two terms that only have one n each. Unfortunately the obvious way to do this doesn't automatically make the term with two n's small enough. Similarly, there's an obvious way to make the term with two n's small enough, but that doesn't automatically ensure that the other two terms are small enough.

It's actually not hard to combine these two ideas. You just need to realize that if you have one choice of ##N_1,N_2## that takes care of two terms, and another choice that takes care of the third term, then the larger of the two choices takes care of all three.

It's also perfectly fine to e.g. choose ##N_1## such that ##|f_n(x)-f(x)|<\operatorname{max}\{\varepsilon,\varepsilon^2\}## when ##n\geq N_1##. I'm not saying that this is a good choice here. The point is just that the right-hand side of the inequality doesn't have to be a simple expression like ##\varepsilon## or ##\varepsilon^2## but can be anything that gets the job done.
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  • #13
Im found easier way i think. Found the fact that convergence sequence is smaller than some number. let |fn|<M
so |gn-g|<ε/2M and |gn-g|*|fn|<ε/2M*M
so ε/2+ε/2=ε. i think that is enough?
  • #14
That's a good strategy. But you will of course have to specify an N such that this holds for all integers n such that ##n\geq N##.
  • #15
Do you know that if ##x_n\rightarrow x## and ##y_n\rightarrow y## as sequence of real numbers, that then ##x_ny_n\rightarrow xy##?

FAQ: Problem with function of sequence simple convergence

1. What is a problem with the function of sequence simple convergence?

The problem with the function of sequence simple convergence is that it does not necessarily guarantee a unique limit. This means that a sequence can converge to multiple values or not converge at all, making it difficult to determine the behavior of the sequence.

2. How is the limit of a sequence affected by its convergence?

The limit of a sequence is affected by its convergence in that a convergent sequence has a well-defined limit, while a non-convergent sequence does not have a limit. Additionally, the behavior of the sequence may be different depending on whether it converges or not.

3. Can a sequence converge to more than one limit?

Yes, a sequence can converge to more than one limit if it is not a strictly increasing or decreasing sequence. This is known as oscillation and can occur when the sequence alternates between two or more values infinitely.

4. What is the difference between simple convergence and uniform convergence?

The main difference between simple convergence and uniform convergence is that in simple convergence, the limiting behavior of the sequence is determined by the individual terms in the sequence, while in uniform convergence, the limiting behavior is determined by the entire sequence as a whole. This means that uniform convergence guarantees a unique limit, unlike simple convergence.

5. How can we prove that a sequence has a unique limit?

To prove that a sequence has a unique limit, we can use the definition of convergence and show that the sequence approaches a single value as the number of terms in the sequence approaches infinity. Additionally, we can also use mathematical techniques such as the squeeze theorem or the monotone convergence theorem to prove the uniqueness of the limit.
