Problem with half power frequencies ?

In summary, when plotting the function of |z| vs ω for a parallel R-C circuit connected to an alternating current source of frequency ω, the maximum occurs at ω = 0 and is equal to I2R. The half power frequency is ω = 1/RC, where the power by the resistor is half the maximum value. This can be calculated by deriving an expression for the current in the resistor and using the RMS values of current and voltage. The average power when ω = 0 is 1/2I2R, which is consistent with the RMS values of current and voltage.
  • #1
there is a parallel R - C circuit connected with a alternating current source of frequency 'w'.
on plotting the function of |z| vs 'w' we get max at w=0; and max/2 at 'w'= 1/RC.
while calculating power absorbed by resistor,
we get Pmax = 1/2I^2R( >>>? how)..
and at w = 1/RC power by resistor is Pmax/2.
my question is how can Pmax be 1/2I^2R as power is max at w = 0 and at that its a DC where
power max must be I^2R...
can some1 enlighten me in this topic pls...

also at w = 1/RC,power is 1/2 of above defined power which is easily calculated.. so it is termed as half power freq..
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  • #2
At ω = 1/RC, the |z| should be max/√2.

In order to show that the power dissipated by the resistor is half the maximum I2R when ω = ωo = 1/RC, you can derive an expression for the current in the resistor (the RC circuit is behaving as a current divider), and then square that current and multiply by the resistance. What's the magnitude of the power?
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  • #3
it will be half of I2R but aren't we talking about average power dissipated or rather its instantaneous power that must be taken to calculate half power frequencies?
  • #4
here's the snap of text m consulting... its calculated for average power...
even for w = 0, average power is said to be 1/2I*I*R


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  • #5
the_kool_guy said:
it will be half of I2R but aren't we talking about average power dissipated or rather its instantaneous power that must be taken to calculate half power frequencies?

If your current is specified as an RMS value then the power calculated will be RMS, too. If you like doing the math you can take I as a peak value and then calculate the instantaneous current through the resistance, then find the instantaneous power, and finally use an integral to calculate the RMS value. Seems like a lot of work to me :smile:
  • #6
my question is that...
AVERAGE power when w = 0 should be I*I*R.
and when w = 1/RC Average power comes(by resistor) to 1/4*I*I*R...
this thing is confusing me as the text declares AVERAGE power with w = 0 as 1/2*I*I*R
  • #7
Ah. Well, if V is specified as RMS, then when ω = 0 the continuous voltage applied will be the PEAK value, or √2*V. Square that and you get 2*V2. The "1/2" in (1/2)V2/R takes care of cancelling with the "2" in the square of the voltage.
  • #8
In the text there is no mention of RMS .
there is just written for I.i am writing the complete statement of text..

GIven the current I,then |V| is max when |z| is max or w = 0 where |Z| = R so avg power absorbed by resistor is Po=1/2|V|^2/R...however when w=1/RC then |Z| = R/sqrt(2)...P1=1/4*|I|*|I|*R=Po/2..

pls explain
  • #9
Average power for an AC circuit is given by [itex]P = V\overline{I}[/itex], where V is the RMS voltage and [itex]\overline{I}[/itex] is the complex conjugate of the RMS current.

Suppose that the peak value of the current is given as I. Then its RMS value is I/√2. Now let's look at the impedance and voltage across the RC circuit.

The impedance is Z = R || Zc, where Zc is the impedance of the capacitor. In this case we're interested in the impedance when ω = 1/(RC), which makes Zc = -jR. The impedance of the circuit is thus

[itex] Z = \frac{R}{2}(1 - j) [/itex]

The voltage across the RC pair will be:

[itex] V_{RMS} = I_{RMS}Z = I_{RMS}\frac{R}{2}(1 - j)[/itex]

The current through the resistor in particular will then be:

[itex] I_R = V_{RMS}/R = \frac{I_{RMS}}{2}(1 - j)[/itex]

The power in the resistor is then

[itex]P_R = V_{RMS} \overline{I_R} = \left(I_{RMS}\frac{R}{2}(1 - j)\right) \left( \frac{I_{RMS}}{2} (1 + j) \right)[/itex]

[itex] P_R = \frac{1}{2} (I_{RMS})^2 R [/itex]

But IRMS is I/√2, so

[itex] P_R = \frac{1}{4} I^2 R [/itex]

FAQ: Problem with half power frequencies ?

1. What is a half power frequency?

A half power frequency, also known as the 3dB frequency, is the frequency at which the power of a signal is reduced by half from its maximum value.

2. What causes the problem with half power frequencies?

The problem with half power frequencies is caused by the frequency-dependent attenuation of electronic components such as filters, amplifiers, and cables. This attenuation can result in a reduction in the signal power, leading to distortion and loss of accuracy in measurements.

3. How does the problem with half power frequencies affect experimental results?

The problem with half power frequencies can significantly affect experimental results, especially in fields such as telecommunications, signal processing, and measurement systems. It can cause errors in measurements, alter frequency response curves, and impact the accuracy of data analysis.

4. How can the problem with half power frequencies be mitigated?

The problem with half power frequencies can be mitigated by using high-quality and well-matched components, such as filters with high Q-factor and amplifiers with low noise and distortion. Additionally, proper shielding and grounding techniques can also help reduce the impact of half power frequencies.

5. Are there any other solutions to address the problem with half power frequencies?

Other solutions to address the problem with half power frequencies include using active filters, which have a flat frequency response and can compensate for the attenuation caused by passive components. Digital signal processing techniques can also be used to correct for any distortions and inaccuracies caused by half power frequencies.

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