Problem with implication and bi-implication.

In summary: Correct, v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b is correct, and v^2=b => v=sqrt(b) is correct. They are both true statements. However, they are not equivalent to each other. The first one only works in one direction, while the second one works in both directions. In summary, we have determined that both "v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b" and "v^2=b <=> v=sqrt(b)" are correct statements. They both express the relationship between a number and its square root. However, the first statement only works in one direction, while the second statement works in both directions.
  • #1
I have a problem which is best explained with an example:

sqrt(A)=B => A=B^2 <=> B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)

Since A=B^2 <=> B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A) I should be able to reverse the order of this into

B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A) <=> A=B^2

But if this is done in the first equation you obviously run into a problem:

sqrt(A)=B => B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)

What is it that I'm doing wrong, what wasn't allowed in above calculation?
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  • #2
"sqrt(A)=B => B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)". Notice the "or" there, if sqrt(A)=B then obviously the statement "B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)" holds, since only one of B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A) needs to be true, and B=sqrt(A) is true...
  • #3
ehj said:
I have a problem which is best explained with an example:

sqrt(A)=B => A=B^2 <=> B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)

Since A=B^2 <=> B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A) I should be able to reverse the order of this into

B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A) <=> A=B^2

But if this is done in the first equation you obviously run into a problem:

sqrt(A)=B => B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)

What is it that I'm doing wrong, what wasn't allowed in above calculation?

I presume you mean "(B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)) <=> A=B^2" and "sqrt(A)=B => (B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A))". I see nothing wrong with either of those.
  • #4
okay great
  • #5
HalsofIve the sqroot of 9 is 3 and not 3 or -3 but how do you guarantee that in the definition of sqroot??

If you write sqroot(A)=B <===> B^2=A ,only.... then sqroot(9)=B <===> B^2=9 <==> (B=3v B =-3) AND hence sqroot(9)= 3 or -3

So what is the proper definition of the sqroot??
  • #7
The proper definition of square root is, of course, "sqrt(a) (for a a non-negative real number) is the positive real number b such that b2= a".

Now, back to the implications. Using that definition,
"(B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)) <=> A=B^2" is correct.

The statement "sqrt(A)=B => (B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A))" is also a correct statement but has nothing to do with the definition of sqrt(A). It is true simply because "A=> (A or B)" is a tautology.

In particular, I did NOT write, nor would I, "sqrt(A)=B <===> B^2=A". That is false.
  • #8
So if I have an expression, for instance a speed squared equals something, but I'm only interested in writing the positive solution, it would only be mathematically correct to write:

v^2 = b <= v=sqrt(b)

  • #9
If you are only interested in the positive solution, you don't need to write "[itex]\pm[/itex]". Although I think it would be better to write v^2= b => v= sqrt(b) since the implication is going that way.
  • #10
But you said earlier: "(B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)) <=> A=B^2" is correct."
The statement "sqrt(A)=B => (B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A))" is also a correct statement"
Which gives you that sqrt(A)=B => A=B^2
If that is rearranged and B replaced with v and A with b you get:
v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b
which is the same as
v^2=b <= v=sqrt(b)
Which was what I asked about the correctness of earlier.
If what you said is also true, that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b) you have implications both ways and actually a biimplication: v^2=b <=> v=sqrt(b) which is not correct! So it has to be either.. But you seem to be giving two different answers HallsofIvy :P
  • #11
ehj said:
But you said earlier: "(B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A)) <=> A=B^2" is correct."
The statement "sqrt(A)=B => (B=-sqrt(A) or B=sqrt(A))" is also a correct statement"
Which gives you that sqrt(A)=B => A=B^2
If that is rearranged and B replaced with v and A with b you get:
v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b
which is the same as
v^2=b <= v=sqrt(b)
Which was what I asked about the correctness of earlier.
If what you said is also true, that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b) you have implications both ways and actually a biimplication: v^2=b <=> v=sqrt(b) which is not correct! So it has to be either.. But you seem to be giving two different answers HallsofIvy :P
No, it is the difference between "or" and "and".

If "A is true" then "either A is true or B is true" is a tautology.

"sqrt(A)= B=> (B= -sqrt(A) and B= sqrt(A))" is a false statement: "sqrt(A)= B" does NOT give "B= -sqrt(A)".

But "sqrt(A)= B=> (B= -sqrt(A) or B= sqrt(A)" is a true statement because "sqrt(A)= B" does give "B= sqrt(A)" and so the "or" statement is true whether "B= -sqrt(A)" is true or false.

I did not and would not say "v2= b <=> v= sqrt(b)".

I would say "v2= b <=> (v= sqrt(b) or v= -sqrt(b))"
  • #12
"I did not and would not say "v2= b <=> v= sqrt(b)"." I know, I didn't say you did. I completely agree with your latest post, but I don't see it's relevance? I never mentioned "and" in any of the math?
The only problem I have now is that you said that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b)
It gives rise to a problem.
Do you agree that v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b ?
This has to be correct since I'm simply squarring both sides, applying the _function_ f(x) = x^2 on both sides. By the definition of a function, it relates only one element in the codomain for each element in the domain, which makes it impossible for the second statement v^2=b to be false. So v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b has to be correct. This is the same as v^2=b <= v=sqrt(b)
You wrote in an earlier post that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b). Clearly one of these has to be wrong since we would otherwise have a biimplication between the two statements (which is wrong, like you said yourself). You agree that A => B and B => A can be put together to A <=> B right? This post seems to be very much like the last i posted :/
  • #13
I think in post #9, Halls meant to switch the order of the statements, so that we don't have this awkward <= in the middle, but forgot to actually do it.
  • #14
ehj said:
"I did not and would not say "v2= b <=> v= sqrt(b)"." I know, I didn't say you did. I completely agree with your latest post, but I don't see it's relevance? I never mentioned "and" in any of the math?
The only problem I have now is that you said that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b)
It gives rise to a problem.
Do you agree that v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b ?
This has to be correct since I'm simply squarring both sides, applying the _function_ f(x) = x^2 on both sides. By the definition of a function, it relates only one element in the codomain for each element in the domain, which makes it impossible for the second statement v^2=b to be false. So v=sqrt(b) => v^2=b has to be correct. This is the same as v^2=b <= v=sqrt(b)
You wrote in an earlier post that v^2=b => v=sqrt(b). Clearly one of these has to be wrong since we would otherwise have a biimplication between the two statements (which is wrong, like you said yourself). You agree that A => B and B => A can be put together to A <=> B right? This post seems to be very much like the last i posted :/

Please read ALL of post 9:
If you are only interested in the positive solution, you don't need to write "[itex]\pm[/itex]". Although I think it would be better to write v^2= b => v= sqrt(b) since the implication is going that way.
I have added the emphasis.

This was in response to post 8:
So if I have an expression, for instance a speed squared equals something, but I'm only interested in writing the positive solution, it would only be mathematically correct to write:

v^2 = b <= v=sqrt(b)

where again I have added the emphasis.
  • #15
HallsofIvy said:
Please read ALL of post 9:

I have added the emphasis.

This was in response to post 8:

where again I have added the emphasis.

Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but assuming all is real numbers, it is always true that

v = sqrt(b) => v^2 = b


v = -sqrt(b) => v^2 = b


v^2 = b => v = +/- sqrt(b) (sqrt meaning the principle square root)

if you know that v is positive also then you of cause have

v^2 = b => v = sqrt(b).

But for it to mathematical correct it would be better to write

(v^2 = b and v > 0) => v = sqrt(b).
  • #16
So you say that saying "v is positive" is like adding a condition like

v^2=b and v>0 => v=sqrt(b)
  • #17
yeah or else i would write

v^2 = b => v = +/- sqrt(b)

and then as a physicist, write something like: Because of the context (of some given exercise fx.), only the positive solution makes sense so the negative is rejected.
  • #18
Maybe you can even say v^2=b and v>=0 <=> v=sqrt(b)
where >= means bigger than or equal to
  • #19
mrandersdk said:
yeah or else i would write

v^2 = b => v = +/- sqrt(b)

and then as a physicist, write something like: Because of the context (of some given exercise fx.), only the positive solution makes sense so the negative is rejected.

The plus-or-minus sign is an evil shorthand used to confuse students of algebra.

This is actually a case of abuse of the equals sign. When you see a teacher write that x^2 = 4 implies x = +/- 2, he or she means something that cannot be expressed using standard algebraic notation. He or she *means* to say that the *set of solutions* to that equation is {-2, 2}. He or she *means* to say that x = -2 OR x = 2. But it can't be both, and you cannot correctly express it using a single equals sign.

One thing that algebra teachers often neglect to teach their students is that the sqrt function is in fact NOT the inverse of squaring! The equation sqrt(x^2) = x is true sometimes, but not all the time. It's only true when x >= 0! Squaring is an operation that has no inverse. Once you square something, you can't undo it safely.

Related to Problem with implication and bi-implication.

1. What is the difference between implication and bi-implication?

Implication is a logical operator that indicates a relationship between two statements, where the truth of one statement (the antecedent) leads to the truth of another statement (the consequent). Bi-implication, also known as if and only if, is a logical operator that indicates a relationship where both statements must have the same truth value.

2. Why is bi-implication considered a stronger form of implication?

Bi-implication is considered a stronger form of implication because it requires both statements to have the same truth value, whereas implication only requires the truth of the antecedent to lead to the truth of the consequent.

3. What is the symbol used for implication and bi-implication in logic?

The symbol for implication is "->" or "⊃" while the symbol for bi-implication is "<->" or "≡".

4. How are implication and bi-implication used in mathematical proofs?

Implication and bi-implication are used in mathematical proofs to show the logical relationships between statements and to make logical deductions. They can also be used to define mathematical concepts and properties.

5. Can implication and bi-implication be used interchangeably?

No, implication and bi-implication cannot be used interchangeably. They have different meanings and represent different logical relationships between statements. However, bi-implication can be expressed in terms of implication, but not vice versa.

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