Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill

In summary, the problem asks for the maximum possible uphill acceleration of a cross-country skier on a slope with a 5º angle to the horizontal. The skier is skating with her skis providing the propulsion, and the static and kinetic friction coefficients are given as μs = 0.12 and μk = 0.07 respectively. The calculation for the maximum acceleration involves finding the net force in the x-direction and dividing it by the skier's mass. However, there are errors in the geometry and normal force calculations, and assumptions must be made about the distribution of the skier's weight on her skis.
  • #1
Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill!

Homework Statement

cross-country skier is going up a slope at angle 5º to the horizontal. She is skating so only her skis provide the propulsion (i.e. she does not push with her ski poles). The static and kinetic friction coefficients for this situation are μs = 0.12, μk = 0.07 respectively.

Find the magnitude of her maximum possible uphill acceleration?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So Far:

Fnet(x)= F(static) - F(kinetic) - Fg = ma

Fnet(x) = (0.12 x m x 9.8cos85) - (0.07 x m x 9.8cos85) - (9.8cos85 x m) = ma

Divide by m you get:

Fnet(x) = (0.12 x 9.8cos85) - (0.07 x 9.8cos85) - 9.8cos85 = a

Therefore a= - 0.81m/s^2

But this gives me a negative accelleration, Where did I go wrong? as it asks for the Max acceleration up the hill and that acceleration would point down hill.

Physics news on
  • #2

How can she possibly accelerate uphill?
  • #3

She uses her skis to push against the ground which propells her forward through static friction.
  • #4

I thought the question said "i.e. she does not push with her ski poles".
  • #5

she DOES NOT use her poles, but she DOES use her skis - the same way people ice skate
  • #6

Please do not double post.

You should first correct your geometry/trig/normal force calculation errors. Friction is a function of the normal force. The normal force is not mgcos85; what should it be?
Then, once you make your correction for the normal force equation, you must make certain assumptions about the distribution of the skiers weight ...that all of it is one one ski as she pushes back against the snow, causing static friction to propel her forward, while the gravity component downhill (which you have calculated correctly) is at the same time working against her. But what about the sliding friction on the other ski..what's the normal force on the other ski with all her weight initially shifted to the 'propelling' ski??
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FAQ: Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill

1. What causes a problem with maximum acceleration up hill?

A problem with maximum acceleration up hill can be caused by a combination of factors such as the vehicle's weight, engine power, and the steepness and length of the hill. Other factors may include the condition of the road surface and the driver's skill in shifting gears.

2. How does gravity affect maximum acceleration up hill?

Gravity plays a significant role in maximum acceleration up hill. As the vehicle ascends the hill, gravity pulls it back, causing resistance and making it more difficult for the vehicle to accelerate. The steeper the hill, the stronger the force of gravity, and the harder it is for the vehicle to maintain a high acceleration.

3. Can a vehicle's weight impact its maximum acceleration up hill?

Yes, a vehicle's weight can greatly impact its maximum acceleration up hill. Heavier vehicles require more power to overcome the force of gravity and the resistance caused by the incline. This can result in a slower acceleration and a longer time to reach the top of the hill.

4. Is there a way to improve a vehicle's maximum acceleration up hill?

There are a few ways to improve a vehicle's maximum acceleration up hill. One way is to reduce the vehicle's weight by removing unnecessary items. Another way is to improve the engine's power by adding performance parts or tuning it. Additionally, choosing a lower gear or utilizing a manual shifting mode can also help improve acceleration up hill.

5. Can a driver's technique impact a vehicle's maximum acceleration up hill?

Yes, a driver's technique can have a significant impact on a vehicle's maximum acceleration up hill. Shifting gears at the right time and using smooth and steady acceleration can help maintain momentum and improve the vehicle's performance. Additionally, maintaining a constant speed and avoiding rapid acceleration can also help improve maximum acceleration up hill.
