Problem with SU(3) generators's trace

In summary, the conversation is about a mathematical equation involving generators and representations of SU(3). The speaker is questioning the accuracy of the equation and seeking clarification. They also mention the Dynkin index and their own reasoning, but are unsure if they are making a mistake. They suggest asking for clarification from their professor.
  • #1
Hi everyone. I'm not sure this is the correct section for this topic and if not my apologiez.
I'm studying SU(3) and my professor wrote down the following equality:

$$Tr\left(\left[ T^a_8,T^b_8\right] T^c_8\right)=i\frac{3}{2}f^{abc}$$

where Ts are generators of the adjoint representation. I'm not sure this relation is correct and I would like to have your opinion. The Dynkin index of the adjoint representation is 3 so:


Now, my reasoning is:


The difference is just a 1/2 factor but I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks everybody
Mathematics news on
  • #2
The index for SU(3) should be 3 in the adjoint representaion (and N generally). You should probably ask him to clarify.

FAQ: Problem with SU(3) generators's trace

1. What is SU(3) and why is it important in physics?

SU(3) is a type of Lie group, which is a mathematical concept used to describe symmetries in physics. It is important in physics because it is a fundamental part of the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the interactions between elementary particles.

2. What is the trace of a SU(3) generator?

The trace of a SU(3) generator is a mathematical quantity that describes the sum of the diagonal elements of the generator matrix. In physics, it is used to calculate the symmetry breaking in the strong interactions between quarks.

3. What is the problem with the trace of SU(3) generators?

The problem with the trace of SU(3) generators is that it is not a conserved quantity in the strong interactions. This means that it can change depending on the state of the system, leading to difficulties in making predictions and calculations in particle physics.

4. How do scientists deal with the problem of SU(3) generators' trace?

Scientists have developed various techniques and theories, such as QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics), to deal with the problem of SU(3) generators' trace. These methods involve using mathematical models and simulations to make predictions about the behavior of particles in the strong interactions.

5. Is there ongoing research to solve the problem with SU(3) generators' trace?

Yes, there is ongoing research in the field of particle physics to better understand the problem with SU(3) generators' trace and to develop more accurate and reliable methods for predicting the behavior of particles in the strong interactions. This research is crucial for advancing our understanding of the universe and its fundamental building blocks.
