Problem with the Haversine Formula in C++ Help

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter DeepSeaBiscuit
  • Start date
  • Tags
    C++ Formula
In summary, the programmer attempted to calculate the distance between two points in Wales, but the program kept giving out a distance of 28 kilometers instead of the correct 55 kilometers. The problem was solved by converting the lat and long coordinates into radians and using a haversine function to calculate the distance.
  • #1
Hello, I have the haversine function within my C++ program to calculate the distance between to points, the two tester points I have chosen are Swansea and Cardiff both located in Wales.
Swansea lat = 51.622559, long = -3.934534
Cardiff lat = 51.475661, long = -3.174688

The problem I am having is that the actual line distance for these two points is 55.02 km but my program keeps giving out 28.30 km and I am not sure why?

My function that I am using to calculate the distance is #include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double calcDistance(double lat2, double lat1, double long2, double long1)
double toRadians = 3.1415 / 180;
double dLat = (lat1-lat2)*toRadians;
double dLong = (long1-long2)*toRadians;
double a = pow(sin(dLat / 2), 2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*pow(sin(dLong/ 2),2);
double c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
double R = 6371;
double distance = R * c;
return distance;

Any help?
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  • #2
DeepSeaBiscuit said:
Hello, I have the haversine function within my C++ program to calculate the distance between to points, the two tester points I have chosen are Swansea and Cardiff both located in Wales.
Swansea lat = 51.622559, long = -3.934534
Cardiff lat = 51.475661, long = -3.174688

The problem I am having is that the actual line distance for these two points is 55.02 km but my program keeps giving out 28.30 km and I am not sure why?

My function that I am using to calculate the distance is#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double calcDistance(double lat2, double lat1, double long2, double long1)
double toRadians = 3.1415 / 180;
double dLat = (lat1-lat2)*toRadians;
double dLong = (long1-long2)*toRadians;
double a = pow(sin(dLat / 2), 2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*pow(sin(dLong/ 2),2);
double c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
double R = 6371;
double distance = R * c;
return distance;

Any help?
What you calculate for a looks OK as far as it goes. The wikipedia page ( differs from what you have for the code after your calculation of a.

It gives this for the great circle distance: d = 2r * arcsin(##\sqrt{a}##).

BTW, your value for ##\pi## is not very precise. You could do much better using 4.0 * atan(1.0).
  • #3
I have altered the function according to what you suggested however this still hasn't solved the issue some how? As a calculated distance I get 5926.76 km which isn't too far off the radius of the earth! I have been stuck on this problem for a day now I really can't figure out the problem? Could there be something else I'm missing?

double toRadians = 3.14159265359 / 180;
double dLat = (lat1-lat2)*toRadians;
double dLong = (long1-long2)*toRadians;
double a = pow(sin(dLat / 2), 2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*pow(sin(dLong/ 2),2);

double R = 6371;
double distance = 2*R*asin(sqrt(a));

return distance;
  • #4
I may have figured the problem out, I converted the lat and long individually from deg to radians and the program works perfectly! Thank you for the help!
  • #5
Your value for R will cause you grief - the Earth is a spheroid - like a ball with middle age spread. The WGS-84 ellipsoid has:
Equatorial radius (6,378.1370 km)
Polar radius (6,356.7523 km)

Which, going from the equator to the poles, with all other considerations ignored is 3m/km. Beyond a few hundred km this error can become unacceptably large. Which is the exact idea Mark44 is trying to convey about the PI constant you have. In C/C++ the default precision for a double is 15 digits. So you may want to tweak your code to actually work to something closer to that level of accuracy. The radius for your example should be correct to 8 significant digits. Ditto PI. Not four. Nine would be better for all possible inputs.

Google for Meridional radius or Gauss radius of curvature maybe. Usually a decent app using haversines will calculate distances over small changes in Lat with a recalculated radius for each Lat delta.

FAQ: Problem with the Haversine Formula in C++ Help

1. What is the Haversine Formula in C++?

The Haversine Formula is a mathematical equation used to calculate the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere, such as the Earth. It takes into account the curvature of the Earth's surface and is commonly used in navigation and mapping applications.

2. What is the problem with the Haversine Formula in C++?

The problem with the Haversine Formula in C++ is that it may result in inaccurate calculations due to the limited precision of floating-point numbers in the language. This can lead to errors in distance calculations, especially for longer distances.

3. How can I fix the problem with the Haversine Formula in C++?

One way to address the problem is to use a more precise data type, such as double or long double, for the variables involved in the calculation. Another solution is to use a different formula, such as the Vincenty formula, which can provide more accurate results for longer distances.

4. Are there any libraries or functions that can help with the Haversine Formula in C++?

Yes, there are several libraries and functions available that can assist with implementing the Haversine Formula in C++. Some popular options include the Boost Geometry Library, the GeographicLib library, and the haversine() function in the header of the C++ standard library.

5. Can I use the Haversine Formula in C++ for all types of distances?

The Haversine Formula is most commonly used for calculating distances on a spherical surface, such as the Earth. It may not be as accurate for distances on an ellipsoidal surface, such as the surface of Mars. In these cases, it is recommended to use a different formula that takes into account the specific shape of the surface.

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