Problems compiling my gadget-2 executable

  • Thread starter Warch
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In summary, Dr. Ramhi moon77 is having problems with the simulation running correctly on his Ubuntu machine. He is trying to run the galaxy.param simulation but is not getting any results. He is also trying to verify the simulation by using htop but is not getting any results either. He is new to the forum and is looking for advice.
  • #1
Hey all,

I'm having some problems compiling my gadget-2 executable after installing all my libraries for GSL, fftw, and mpi correctly.

I'm trying to follow an install method from

and adapting it for ubuntu (albeit unsuccessfully)

I was wondering if someone could help me out going over how they would have installed the simulation software using unix based systems

Cheers and thanks for the help!
Physics news on
  • #2

Hey guys,

I was finally able to get Gadget-2 working when I finally noticed that fftw3 was not currently compatible with the software and i installed the previous version.

I was just wondering though, could someone recommend me some freely distributed visualization software to represent my data. I know gadget-2 has some programs written for IDL, but I can't afford to buy a liscense for the software especially since it costs a few thousand dollars...
  • #3

Hi there, I am currently using Gadget2 for simulations with large numbers of particles. The visualisation software i am using is SPLASH" and it is completely free and fairly straight forward to use.
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  • #4

Philerd, are you running pure N-Body, no SPH particles? If so how do you get them to render nicely in Splash instead of with circles, triangles, ect?
  • #5

I am using dark matter and boundary 1 particles in my simulations and no gas particles. All other particles have the same physical parameters except the gas ones which are treated as SPH. Reason I used two different types of particles is its easier to give them different markers and colours. In my example the orange particle is a small moon and the rest are ring particles. Its a close up image of the F-ring / Prometheus system.


For what I want I don't really need to render the non SPH particles, however I did try to originally with some poor results. You can stop SPLASH from plotting the markers over the rendered image by going into the options menu (just type o and enter once you have opened splash), this option also allows you to turn off certain particles, change their colour and whether you want to plot the particle over the rendered image and shape.
  • #6

Hi, I am new in this forum
i read your post about Gadget-2
I am also doing small simulation of gassphere using Gadget-2.0.7. It works perfectly and the snapshot files were also made by it. But i have the problem about visualizing the shapshot files created by gadget2. I use ParaView 3.8.0. It doesnot show my Gadget snapshot files.

Please could you help me.
  • #7

hi meballav,
I am also new to gadget2. Did you solve problem about visualization? Please guide me.
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Ram
  • #8

hi moon77,
Yes i have solved the problem about visualization. i use latest version of paraview 3.14.1
which shows my gadget snapshot files.
  • #9
Hi all
I'm new to the forum so please bear with. Thanks for this useful thread. I manage to install Gadget2 on my Ubuntu 12.04, 4CPU,6GigRAM system( bypassed the HDF5 option for now).
I did try to run the galaxy.param simulation. My system monitor claims that all four CPUs are working at 100% but my RAM is at 0.5Gig usage. Which clearly indicates that the simulation is not configured correctly. I did use htop to veridy this figures. I did fiddle with memory parameters in galaxy.param but this made not difference.

FAQ: Problems compiling my gadget-2 executable

1. What is the cause of the "Problems compiling my gadget-2 executable" error?

The most common cause of this error is a problem with the code itself. This could be due to syntax errors, missing libraries or dependencies, or incorrect compiler flags.

2. How can I resolve this error?

To resolve this error, you will need to carefully review your code and address any syntax errors or missing dependencies. You may also need to adjust your compiler flags or switch to a different compiler if necessary.

3. Can outdated software or hardware be the cause of this error?

Yes, outdated software or hardware can also contribute to this error. Make sure you are using the latest version of your compiler and that your hardware meets the necessary requirements for compiling the gadget-2 executable.

4. Are there any common mistakes that can lead to this error?

Yes, some common mistakes that can lead to this error include typos in the code, incorrect file paths or names, and not properly installing or linking necessary libraries or dependencies.

5. How can I prevent this error from occurring in the future?

To prevent this error from occurring in the future, it is important to carefully review your code and test it before attempting to compile. Make sure all necessary libraries and dependencies are properly installed and linked, and regularly update your software and hardware to avoid any potential compatibility issues.
