Problems Integrating an Infinite Series From E&M

In summary, the attempt at a solution to integrate the series above was to replace the exponential function exp(yr) by its power series and match the coefficients to get I=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} {\frac{y^{n} r^{(n+2)}}{n! \, (n+3)}}.
  • #1
Hi, guys. For an E&M/quantum mechanics problem I have to integrate the series below:

Homework Statement


[itex]\int{r^{2}e^{y r} \, dr}.[/itex]2. The attempt at a solution

Using integration by parts and and "differentiating under the integral" give the same answer:

[itex] I= \frac{2 e^{yr}}{y^{3}}-\frac{2 r e^{yr}}{y^{2}}+\frac{r^{2} e^{yr}}{y} + C [/itex],

where I is the solution to the integral and C is an arbitrary constant. I'd read about Newton trying to integrate infinite series, so I thought as a check and out of curiosity I'd express the integrand as an infinite series and integrate each term. Specifically I expressed exp(yr) as a Maclauren series, multiplied each term by the [itex]r^{2}[/itex] and used the "power rule" to get

[itex]I=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} {\frac{y^{n} r^{(n+2)}}{n! \, (n+3)}}. [/itex]

I can't see how this series could represent the other answer I found. Moreover, I've never seen this done before and I don't know to look up this kind of information. (Googling "Infinite Series and Integrals" was not helpful ><). Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
I wonder if you did it right, if you set r=0 then you should get the answer y^-3, but looking at the series, I don't think you do.
  • #3
JKreutz said:
Specifically I expressed exp(yr) as a Maclauren series, multiplied each term by the [itex]r^{2}[/itex] and used the "power rule" to get

[itex]I=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} {\frac{y^{n} r^{(n+2)}}{n! \, (n+3)}}. [/itex]

There is a mistake, the power of r has to be n+3. And you need to add a constant to the power series integral, too. Replace exp(yr) in the first integral by its power series. Supposed you are in the range of convergence, the power-series solution is equivalent to the first integral if you match the constants. Find the coefficients of r, r2, r3 and so on and compare them.


Related to Problems Integrating an Infinite Series From E&M

1. What is an infinite series in the context of E&M?

An infinite series in the context of E&M (electromagnetism) refers to a mathematical representation of a physical quantity that can be expressed as the sum of an infinite number of terms. In E&M, this often refers to the summation of the electric or magnetic fields over a continuous distribution of charges or currents.

2. Why is it difficult to integrate an infinite series in E&M?

Integrating an infinite series in E&M can be challenging because it requires the use of advanced mathematical techniques such as calculus and complex analysis. This is due to the infinite nature of the series, which makes it impossible to calculate an exact value for the integral. Instead, approximations and numerical methods must be used to solve the integral.

3. What are some common techniques for integrating an infinite series in E&M?

Some common techniques for integrating an infinite series in E&M include using power series expansions, contour integration, and the method of residues. These methods involve breaking down the integral into smaller, more manageable parts and using mathematical properties and identities to simplify the integration process.

4. How do problems arise when integrating an infinite series in E&M?

Problems can arise when integrating an infinite series in E&M due to the complexity of the integrals and the potential for errors in calculations. Additionally, the choice of integration technique can greatly impact the accuracy and efficiency of the solution. It is important to carefully consider the problem and choose an appropriate method for integration to avoid errors and inaccuracies.

5. Are there any real-world applications for integrating infinite series in E&M?

Yes, there are many real-world applications for integrating infinite series in E&M. For example, the integration of electric and magnetic fields over continuous distributions of charges and currents is essential in the analysis and design of electrical circuits, antennas, and other electromagnetic devices. Additionally, the integration of infinite series plays a crucial role in the development of mathematical models and simulations for various E&M phenomena.

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