Problems with a humanistic background

  • Thread starter Kolmin
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In summary: In some cases, you may be able to translate it if you have a strong foundation. For example, if you know basic calculus and have studied linear algebra (or a related field), you may be able to translate something in terms of vector spaces/algebras. However, this is not always the case. In my case, I would need to read the whole book to understand it fully and use it in my work, if that makes sense.
  • #1
I am not sure on how I should put what I feel are my doubts in this thread, so I will start from the scratch, trying to give you the bigger picture. Obviously, I hope that's the right section of the forum.

I had a mainly humanistic background. It means that I literally grow up spending my spare time mostly on novels, philosophical books and so on. This is what I would call my mothertongue: I feel language (not English, cause I am not a native English speaker) as most of you feel integrals and so on.

At the same time I was always interested in maths, in particular in logic at the beginning, due to my philosophical interests. The interesting side is that, due to my stubbornness, an amazing interest and some peculiar choices (related to my interest in economics), my life (in terms of potential job and so on) came to be mainly math-oriented so to speak.

The problem is that this is not my mothertongue, but instead it is a second language I gradually acquired with a lot of efforts and problems without having any help (I am completely self-thaught). So what I would like to find out is if my efforts on maths are basically doomed. Indeed, I have in particular two doubts (or problems):

1) I hardly remember mathematical things (concepts, structure and so on). Basically, I always need to start from the scratch. I always need to remember why something is something else and it seems I cannot impress it in my memory (at least that's my feeling - maybe I overemphasize it...), even things that I read many times. I understand them, I can explain them to anybody, I can apply them, but give me a month and I will have the feeling that I have forgotten them. They are somewhere, but I need an external input to remember them. So, is it a real problem?
Interestingly, I have what can be considered a very good memory in almost any other field you can think about. I explain this lack of memory in maths with the fact that when I started to study it, I was focusing more on remembering than understanding (bad high school teachers), and that was a clearly idiotic choice (but nobody was there to give me decent advice). So I assume that at a certain point, when I decided to seriously studied it, I unconsciously (and smartly) bypassed memory in order to focus completely on comprehension.
Just consider also that I think that to remember something, you need to express it and discuss it (it is a sort of active process) and having nobody to discuss about maths, I completely lack this part of the learning/memorizing process.
Still the question stands: is it such a problem in terms of long-term studying (and career) project?

2) A bit more technical question. Let’s imagine that in an article to describe a certain economic structure an author uses Polish spaces. Now, I think “Ok, let’s figure out what Polish spaces are?”. So I find out that they are not present in the index of most of the topology or infinite dimensional analysis books I have. Then I find that they are in the middle of the second volume of Bourbaki’s Topology. The problem is: should I read the whole book? Can I really understand and use (!) something that comes to me out of nowhere simply cause I have read quickly the definition without deeply knowing most of the background?
The point is: in fields in which math is ancillary, do you first get the idea and then translate it in mathematical terms trying to find out the most adequate one or you need to be a math-savant from the beginning?
In other words, how can somebody who is not mathematically driven work backward to build up mathematical definitions? Moreover, is it possible?

In a certain way I think that both questions drive towards the last on: should I pursue a career on economics (which is now strongly related to mathematics) if I am not completely trained in mathematics?

Thanks a lot for any comment or feedback.
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  • #2
1)This is more common than you may believe. To keep this brief, unless you use something often or teach it a lot, I find a lot of math memory just becomes more vague. For example, I have a solid handle on most statistical tools, but if you ask me to state green theorem, i'll look at you like you're speaking swedish. The important aspect of this is this though, once you tell me what green theorem is again, I will go "oh yea" and it'll (slowly) all come back to me. So even if something becomes vague after a while, that's cool as long as you can refresh yourself. This is why many professionals have reference books.

2)As for your second question, this depends. Let's say I'm working in Algebraic Statistics and come across the term "Wold's decomposition" and I go "hmm what is this?" I will usually look it up in a book or online and if I can understand the definition, I can more than likely apply it to my knowledge; however, if I feel confused still, then I'll read the book or section that I'm not familiar with. This comes with experience. The less you know about mathematics, the more you'll find that you need to read the entire book or books.
  • #3
Just consider also that I think that to remember something, you need to express it and discuss it (it is a sort of active process) and having nobody to discuss about maths, I completely lack this part of the learning/memorizing process.

That would help, but it is not necessary. I hardly discuss math with anyone, yet I remember books full of it. This is not because I have an exceptional memory. My memory seems to be pretty good, but not out of the ordinary. The trick is just to know how to review, to structure your knowledge so that it reinforces itself (a web of connected ideas, rather than a random collection of facts), to use visualization, mental rehearsal, and to understand things deeply. Maybe that's easier said than done, but there it is.

Still the question stands: is it such a problem in terms of long-term studying (and career) project?

You have to ask yourself what the point of working so hard to learn stuff is if you just end up forgetting it all, anyway. Some forgetting is okay. I'm not sure how important it is to remember. I guess I would say if you remember more, you can do more, although memory isn't everything. But, generally, people don't know how to use their memories, so your competition probably forgets a lot of stuff.

Actually, Atiyah said he chose math because he had a bad memory, but with math, he could just derive everything again if he forgot it. Feynman also said he just remembered the facts and then invented explanations for them if he needed to remember them. On the other end of the spectrum, Steven Hawking is known to have an incredible memory, being able to remember thousands of pages of math. Seems to me, if you have the memory, you can put it to use, but people who don't remember things that well can also get by, if they can find ways to reconstruct their knowledge by re-deriving it. There may be something to be said for having a lot of stuff at your fingertips, though. If you have to derive it again, it may not be at your fingertips.

Personally, I get a certain kind of pleasure from going over all this knowledge that I have in my mind. Also, it fits in with my general goal of trying to make as many of nature's secrets obvious to me as I can. If you forget why they are obvious, then, they aren't obvious anymore, until I recall why it's obvious again.
  • #4
The less you know about mathematics, the more you'll find that you need to read the entire book or books.

The trick is just to know how to review, to structure your knowledge so that it reinforces itself (a web of connected ideas, rather than a random collection of facts), to use visualization, mental rehearsal, and to understand things deeply.

True and enlightening.

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks and sorry for this late reaction. :smile:

PS: IMO, this...
I get a certain kind of pleasure from going over all this knowledge that I have in my mind not that far from the active process I thought about. In some way, you discuss about math with somebody (as Woody Allen would put "nobody else than yourself, somebody that in the end you respect a lot"). Simply to do that, you also need to assume you trust your mathematical knowledge and feeling.
  • #5

I understand your concerns and doubts about your background in mathematics and how it may affect your career in a field like economics. However, I believe that your humanistic background can actually be an asset in your pursuit of a career in economics. Your interest in literature and philosophy can bring a unique perspective to the field and allow you to approach problems in a different way than someone with a strictly mathematical background. In fact, many economists have backgrounds in fields like philosophy, history, and psychology, which have helped shape their thinking and contribute to the diversity of ideas in the field.

Regarding your first question about your difficulty in remembering mathematical concepts, I would say that this is not a major problem as long as you continue to understand and apply those concepts effectively. In many cases, understanding the underlying principles and being able to apply them is more important than mere memorization. However, if you do find yourself struggling to remember certain concepts, I would suggest seeking out study groups or finding a mentor who can help you actively discuss and apply the concepts to solidify your understanding and memory.

As for your second question about understanding and using mathematical concepts that you come across in your field, I would say that it is not necessary to fully understand all of the background and technical details in order to apply a concept effectively. It is important to have a basic understanding, but as long as you can grasp the main idea and how it relates to your work, you should be able to use it effectively. And as you continue to work in the field, you will likely encounter these concepts and definitions multiple times, which will help solidify your understanding.

In terms of pursuing a career in economics despite not having a strong math background, I would say that it is definitely possible. As long as you are willing to put in the effort and continue learning and improving your mathematical skills, you can be successful in the field. Many economists come from diverse backgrounds and have different levels of mathematical expertise, but what matters most is your ability to think critically and apply economic principles to real-world problems.

Overall, I would encourage you to continue pursuing your interests in economics, while also working on improving your mathematical skills. Your unique background can bring valuable insights to the field, and with dedication and hard work, you can overcome any challenges in your mathematical training. Best of luck in your career pursuits.

FAQ: Problems with a humanistic background

1. What is humanism?

Humanism is an ethical and philosophical perspective that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, as well as their ability to reason and make rational decisions.

2. How does humanism influence our understanding of social and global problems?

Humanism places a strong emphasis on individualism and personal responsibility, which can lead to the belief that social and global problems are the result of individual actions rather than systemic issues. This can make it difficult to address and solve these problems effectively.

3. What are some common problems that have a humanistic background?

Some common problems that have a humanistic background include poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and human rights violations. These issues are often interconnected and can be attributed to a lack of empathy and consideration for the well-being of others.

4. How can a humanistic approach be used to address and solve problems?

A humanistic approach can be used to address and solve problems by promoting empathy, compassion, and cooperation. By recognizing the interconnectedness of human beings and the importance of social and environmental well-being, a humanistic perspective can help to guide solutions that benefit both individuals and society as a whole.

5. What are some potential criticisms of humanism in relation to problem-solving?

Some potential criticisms of humanism in relation to problem-solving include its focus on individualism and personal responsibility, which can overlook systemic issues and place blame on individuals rather than addressing larger social and structural problems. Additionally, humanism may prioritize the needs and well-being of certain groups over others, leading to inequalities and exclusion.

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