Problems with Fourier transformation: jump at discontinuity

You need to use the eigenstates of the square well as the basis functions for the expansion. This will give you a different form for a_n and b_n.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a particle in an infinite square well of width  = 1. The particle is in a state
given by:



b) Find the general form of the expansion coefficients (the Fourier coefficients, right?)
for expanding the function in terms of the square-well basis set.
c) On the same graph, plot the wave function and the expansion in terms of square well
functions (take the sum to at least five terms or so) to verify the notion of expanding
the wave function in eigenstates of the well.

Homework Equations

a_n=1/L *Integrate[f[x]*Cos(n*Pi*x/L),{x,-L,L}]
b_n=1/L *Integrate[f[x]*Sin(n*Pi*x/L),{x,-L,L}]


The Attempt at a Solution

I ran through the generalized form for a_n and b_n and got the following values:

a_n=2*(-(1/(2 n^2 \[Pi]^2)) + (-1)^n/(2 n^2 \[Pi]^2)) Cos[2 n \[Pi] x]

b_n=2*((-1)^n Sin[2 n \[Pi] x])/(2 n \[Pi])

I got these by splitting the transformation at 1/2 and rewriting 0 to 1/2 as A(1/2-(1/2-x)=x and 1/2 to 1 as A(1/2-(x-1/2)=(1-x). When :I graph my final transform it lines up nicely with the right side of my phi but not the left. I know I'm missing an a_0 but I can't explain why it is so off for tho 0 to 1/2 portion.
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  • #2
You might want to take the time to learn how to write the equations in LaTeX. I found your post incredibly hard to read.
kahn10 said:

Homework Statement

Consider a particle in an infinite square well of width  = 1. The particle is in a state
given by:


What does a represent?
b) Find the general form of the expansion coefficients (the Fourier coefficients, right?)
for expanding the function in terms of the square-well basis set.
c) On the same graph, plot the wave function and the expansion in terms of square well
functions (take the sum to at least five terms or so) to verify the notion of expanding
the wave function in eigenstates of the well.

Homework Equations

a_n=1/L *Integrate[f[x]*Cos(n*Pi*x/L),{x,-L,L}]
b_n=1/L *Integrate[f[x]*Sin(n*Pi*x/L),{x,-L,L}]


The Attempt at a Solution

I ran through the generalized form for a_n and b_n and got the following values:

a_n=2*(-(1/(2 n^2 \[Pi]^2)) + (-1)^n/(2 n^2 \[Pi]^2)) Cos[2 n \[Pi] x]

b_n=2*((-1)^n Sin[2 n \[Pi] x])/(2 n \[Pi])

I got these by splitting the transformation at 1/2 and rewriting 0 to 1/2 as A(1/2-(1/2-x)=x and 1/2 to 1 as A(1/2-(x-1/2)=(1-x). When :I graph my final transform it lines up nicely with the right side of my phi but not the left. I know I'm missing an a_0 but I can't explain why it is so off for tho 0 to 1/2 portion.
Right idea, but you need to think about what the eigenstates for the square well are. It's not the same as the Fourier basis.

FAQ: Problems with Fourier transformation: jump at discontinuity

1. What is Fourier transformation?

Fourier transformation is a mathematical tool used to convert a function from its original domain (such as time or space) to a representation in the frequency domain.

2. What is a discontinuity in Fourier transformation?

A discontinuity in Fourier transformation occurs when there is a sudden, abrupt change or jump in the function being transformed. This can result in unexpected spikes or artifacts in the transformed signal.

3. How does a jump at discontinuity affect the Fourier transformation?

A jump at discontinuity can cause the Fourier transformation to produce inaccurate or misleading results. This is because the sudden change in the function is not represented smoothly in the frequency domain, leading to unexpected spikes or artifacts in the transformed signal.

4. How can we deal with problems caused by jumps at discontinuity in Fourier transformation?

There are various methods for dealing with this issue, such as using windowing techniques or smoothing functions to reduce the impact of the jump. Another approach is to carefully select the sampling rate and resolution used in the transformation, as this can affect the appearance of the jump in the frequency domain.

5. What are the implications of problems with Fourier transformation on data analysis and interpretation?

Problems with Fourier transformation can lead to incorrect or misleading results, which can have significant implications for data analysis and interpretation. It is important to carefully consider the presence of jumps at discontinuity and take appropriate measures to mitigate their impact when using Fourier transformation in scientific research.

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