Problems With Optical Encoders: Errors & Solutions

  • Thread starter knight92
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In summary, when creating a custom protractor system using optical encoders, there are a variety of errors that can occur. These include eccentricity in the readings if the shaft is not centered properly, low resolution if using simple encoders like those found in old computer mice, and the need for regular cleaning and maintenance with more advanced encoders. Dust can also be a factor in the accuracy of the measurements.
  • #1
Hi I was just wondering if I make a custom protractor system what errors can occur in the measurements using optical encoder ? I think if the fringes are of different sizes (human error) then it would give false data would it not ? What are some errors that can occur usually with optical encoders ?
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  • #2
There are a number of flavors of optical encoders from simple slotted disks to glass disks with photo markings on them. The latter can take you up to a resolution of about 4,000 ticks per revolution, but need to be kept clean and concentric. If the shaft wonders off from the center of the encoder, you get eccentricity in the readings and then total malfunction.

I believe DRC used to be a producer of high end optical encoders. As for the opposite extreme, the little wheels used in old fashioned computer mice are simple, but have little resolution.

  • #3
Hi Mike, cheers for the reply. I don't need a high resolution but I just want to find out what can go wrong if I have a custom built protractor system. Can dust be a factor ? because mine won't be machine made ?

FAQ: Problems With Optical Encoders: Errors & Solutions

What is an optical encoder?

An optical encoder is a sensing device that converts linear or rotary motion into a digital signal. It uses light patterns to detect and measure the position, speed, and direction of a rotating or linearly moving object.

What are the common errors associated with optical encoders?

The most common errors associated with optical encoders are misalignment, dirt or debris, signal interference, and electrical noise. These errors can result in incorrect readings or complete failure of the encoder.

How can misalignment affect the accuracy of an optical encoder?

Misalignment, whether it be angular or axial, can cause the encoder to read incorrect positions. This can lead to errors in control systems and impact the overall accuracy of the system.

What are some solutions for dealing with dirt or debris on an optical encoder?

To prevent dirt or debris from affecting an optical encoder, regular cleaning and maintenance should be performed. Using air or a non-abrasive cleaner can help remove any buildup on the encoder. Additionally, implementing protective covers or seals can help prevent debris from entering the encoder.

How can signal interference and electrical noise be minimized in optical encoders?

Signal interference and electrical noise can be minimized by using shielded cables, proper grounding techniques, and implementing filters to eliminate unwanted signals. Opting for higher quality encoders and selecting the appropriate encoder for the application can also help reduce these issues.

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