Produce a resonance curve for this circuit between 6 kHz and 10 kHz

  • #1
Homework Statement
circuit is as follows
Relevant Equations
series circuit
Voltage 20V 5khz - R10 ohms Inductor 1.5mh Capacitor = 270 nF
this is what i created so far, but not quite sure how to get the resonance curve, i tried to enter it in settings and do an AC sweep
Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 11.35.04.png
6k 10k resonance.png
Physics news on
  • #2
What voltage are you measuring? Where is the ground node?
  • #3
20V 5khz, should i be looking at the current ?
Resonant 1.png
resonant sweep 1.png
  • #4
I don't know what you are supposed to do. Your supposed to tell us.

But, that looks good to me. Except somethings wrong with the magnitude scale. At resonance the current should be ##I = V1/R1##. This is because at resonance the complex impedances of the reactive components will cancel each other and sum to zero. Does your voltage source have any impedance built in?

The phase looks good though, so it's something about the plot scale, I think.

edit: Oops! No sorry. There is something wrong with the magnitude. With Q=7.5 you should have more peaking at resonance. The asymptotes should intersect about 7.5x lower than the current peak at resonance.

edit#2: Never mind the peaking bit. I misread the plot. I'm more familiar with a log(f) scale which will show the linear asymptotes more clearly.
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  • #5
The same circuit as simulated by LTSPICE. The magnitude, in dB, is of the current in the series circuit.

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Likes DaveE
  • #6
I would imagine plotting magnitude of impedance Z would be a valuable learning experience :) what does L and C do at the resonant frequency, and impedance should you see when that happens?

If you had time and wanted to explore, then I would put another pair of these in parallel to it with a different set of LRC something like 500 uH, 100 Ohm, and... 561 nF just to see what happens. I think that would be fun.
  • #7
i think i need to download LT spice and try to run some circuits, been struggling to install it for some reason
  • #8
LT Spice is quite good and, I would guess, the most popular on-line Spice tool. But Spice has been around for a really long time, and for basic circuits like this they are all going to give you a good answer. Whatever that green one you used in previous posts is probably fine for this. So, go for it, if you like, but don't expect that a different simulator is going to clear anything up.

Honestly, most EEs that I know learned this stuff from a physics or EE text book, not a simulator. Simulators are good at giving answers, but are usually not good for teaching concepts.
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Likes berkeman

Related to Produce a resonance curve for this circuit between 6 kHz and 10 kHz

What is a resonance curve?

A resonance curve is a graph that shows the response of a circuit, typically represented by its voltage or current, as a function of frequency. It highlights the frequencies at which the circuit naturally oscillates with maximum amplitude.

How do you determine the resonant frequency of a circuit?

The resonant frequency of a circuit is determined by the values of its inductance (L) and capacitance (C). It can be calculated using the formula f_r = 1 / (2π√(LC)), where f_r is the resonant frequency.

What equipment is needed to measure the resonance curve between 6 kHz and 10 kHz?

To measure the resonance curve, you need a signal generator to provide the input frequencies, an oscilloscope to measure the output response, and possibly a frequency counter to ensure accurate frequency readings. Additionally, the circuit under test should be properly set up and connected.

What steps are involved in producing a resonance curve?

First, set up the circuit and connect it to the signal generator and oscilloscope. Then, sweep the input frequency from 6 kHz to 10 kHz in small increments. At each frequency, record the output amplitude. Plot these amplitude values against their corresponding frequencies to produce the resonance curve.

What does the shape of the resonance curve indicate about the circuit?

The shape of the resonance curve provides insights into the circuit's characteristics. A sharp peak indicates a high Q-factor, meaning the circuit has low energy loss and is highly selective. A broader peak suggests a lower Q-factor, indicating higher energy loss and lower selectivity. The position of the peak indicates the resonant frequency of the circuit.
