Product of opposite Heaviside Steps

In summary: The Heaviside step function is a function that exists at the origin but has no limit as x approaches 0. It is also well-defined for all other points except at the origin. When differentiated, it produces the following equation:h^2(x) = h(x), \ x \neq 0This equation holds for all points except at the origin, where it becomes:h(x) \left( h(x) - 2 h(0) \right) = 0If x<0, h(x) satisfies h(x) - 2 h(0) = 0. If x>0, h(x) satisfies h(x) - 2
  • #1
Dear all,

I would like to give you the physics context in which this question emerged, but that would be a very long explanation (sorry!). So, since the question is almost self contained, I am just going to tell you what it is.

Consider the product Y(x)=H(x)(1-H(x)), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. Of course, Y(x) is zero everywhere. Except, at the origin there is a big problem: the value of Y(0)=H(0)(1-H(0)) depends on the choice of H(0).

To make things worse, in the context where this question emerged, there is no particular reason to choose a specific value for H(0).

To make things even worse, apparently one cannot use the theory of distributions, since the product of distributions is ill-defined!

Does anyone have any suggestions for a rigorous way to deal with the problem?

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
What is your definition of the heaviside step function?

Mine is

H(t) = 0 for t[itex]\leq[/itex]0
H(t) = 1 for t>0

This H(t) and 1-H(t) are well defined at t=0

H(t)(1-H(t)) = (0)x(1) = 0
  • #3
Strictly speaking, [itex]h(x)[/itex] does not have a limit at [itex]x = 0[/itex]. For all other points, the following identity holds:
h^2(x) = h(x), \ x \neq 0

So, for those points, what will you get if you expand out the product [itex]h(x) ( 1 - h(x))[/itex]?

Mind you, however, that the limit of this function is still not defined at [itex]x = 0[/itex]. You may want to make it continuous at [itex]x = 0[/itex]. What are the choices for defining [itex]h(0)[/itex]?

Nevertheless, for integration purposes, this set where the product does not have a limit is of measure zero, and the function does not behave like a Dirac delta-function, so the definition of the value at [itex]x = 0[/itex] is irrelevant.

However, if you differentiate this product and use [itex]h'(x) = \delta(x)[/itex], then you will get, by the product rule:
\frac{d}{d x} h(x) (1 - h(x)) = h'(x)(1 - h(x)) + h(x) (-h'(x)) = (1 - 2 h(x)) \, \delta(x) = (1 - 2 h(0)) \, \delta(x)

So, if you find the antiderivative back again, you will get:
Y(x) = (1 - 2 h(0)) h(x)
Equating the two definitions of [itex]Y(x)[/itex], you will get:
h(x) \left( h(x) - 2 h(0) \right) = 0
For [itex]x < 0[/itex], this is satisfied because of the first factor. For [itex]x > 0[/itex] it goes to [itex]1 - 2 h(0) = 0[/itex]. This gives another choice of [itex]h(0)[/itex].
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  • #4
Thanks for the replies!

@studiot: the problem is precisely the fact that different definitions give different Y(x).

@dickfore: your final argument, in favour of h(0)=0.5, is interesting. I am not competent enough to say if it conclusive...

Thanks again!
  • #5
Difficult to comment further without more input from ivl.

What is your application?

Are you studying the Heaviside expansion theorem, Laplace transforms, Z transforms or what?
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  • #6
Ah, yes, you can also consider the Fourier transform of a heaviside step function:

\tilde{h}(\eta) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{h(x) e^{-i \eta x} \, dx} = \int_{0}^{\infty}{e^{-i \eta x} \, dx} = \left. \frac{e^{-i \eta x}}{-i \eta} \right|^{\infty}_{0}
The integral converges on the upper bound iff:
|e^{-i \eta x}| = e^{\mathrm{Re}(-i \eta x)} e^{x \mathrm{Im}(\eta)} \rightarrow 0 \Leftrightarrow \mathrm{Im}(\eta) < 0
This means that the Fourier transform only exists in the lower half-plane of the complex number [itex]\eta[/itex] and the transform is:
\tilde{h}(\eta) = \frac{1}{i \eta}, \mathrm{Im}(\eta) < 0
Alternatively, you can consider [itex]\eta[/itex] as a purely real number, but add a small infinitesimal imaginary part [itex]\eta \rightarrow \eta - i \epsilon, \; \epsilon > 0[/itex].

Then, expanding the product in the definition of [itex]y(x)[/itex], and applying the convolution theorem for the product of the two Heaviside step functions, we get:
\tilde{y}(\eta) = \tilde{h}(\eta) - \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{\frac{ds}{2 \pi} \, \tilde{h}(s) \tilde{h}(\eta - s)}
The poles of the integrand are at [itex]s_{1} = i \epsilon[/itex] and [itex]s_{2} = \eta - i \epsilon[/itex]. You can analyze all the possible cases and evaluate it.
  • #7
Hi all!

@studiot: Sorry, I refrained from giving further input, as I now realize that the question has multiple answers. Consider for example the last equation put forward by Dickfore, expressing the product Y(x) of opposite step functions as a convolution. The convolution contains two poles, whence it is possible to choose different paths. Different paths will give different results for Y(0).

@Dickfore: see my reply to studiot above. Is this right?

Thanks both!
  • #8
I agree different authors use different definitions for H(t)

Attached is the reason I like mine - it also happens to be the original.


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FAQ: Product of opposite Heaviside Steps

1. What is a "Product of opposite Heaviside Steps"?

A "Product of opposite Heaviside Steps" is a mathematical term used to describe a function that is created by multiplying two Heaviside step functions that have opposite signs. It is commonly represented as P(t) = u(t) * u(-t), where u(t) is the Heaviside step function.

2. What is the significance of a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps?

The significance of a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps lies in its ability to model a wide range of real-world phenomena. It is commonly used in fields such as engineering, physics, and economics to represent systems that exhibit both positive and negative behaviors.

3. How is a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps graphed?

A Product of opposite Heaviside Steps is graphed by first plotting the two individual Heaviside step functions on a graph. The resulting graph will have a "step-like" shape, with one step rising from 0 to 1 at t=0 and the other step falling from 0 to -1 at t=0. The product of these two steps will create a "V-shaped" curve.

4. Can a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps have multiple steps?

Yes, a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps can have multiple steps if there are multiple pairs of Heaviside step functions with opposite signs. Each pair of steps will create a new "V-shaped" curve, resulting in multiple steps on the graph.

5. How is a Product of opposite Heaviside Steps used in practical applications?

A Product of opposite Heaviside Steps is used in practical applications to model systems that have both positive and negative components. This can include economic models that have both profits and losses, or physical systems that have both increasing and decreasing values. It is also commonly used in signal processing and control systems to represent on-off signals.

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