Product of polynomials over non-integral domain is 0

In summary: So $d_0$ is a maximal sum of terms of the form $a_r*b_s$, and so $d_0$ cannot be $0$. In summary, the two polynomials f(x) and g(x) are not equal if and only if the coefficient of x^(i+j) in f(x)*g(x) is not zero.
  • #1
Let n belongs to N, let p be a prime number and let \(\displaystyle Z/p^n Z\)denote the ring of
integers modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\) under addition and multiplication modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\)
.Consider two polynomials \(\displaystyle f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 +...a_n x^n\) and \(\displaystyle g(x)=b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 +...b_m x^m\),given the coefficients are in \(\displaystyle Z/p^nZ\).
\(\displaystyle f(x)*g(x)=0\). Show that \(\displaystyle a_i*b_j=0 $ for all $ 1<=i<=n, 1<=j<=m\)

I can't seem to use the fact that the coefficents belong to a ring of prime power order.I started by imposing an order on the coefficient and assuming that there is a smallest index in that order for which ai*bj is not 0, and proceeded from there, but that didn't lead anywhere.
I'll admit that my interest in algebra is of a casual nature, so maybe I'm not aware of a few important results that ones with professional interest would. In any case, i'd liek a pointer in the right direction.
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  • #2
Kindly ignore the degrees of the two polynomials, they have no relation to the index n of the ring \(\displaystyle Z/Z p^n\)
  • #3
cupofcoffee said:
Let n belongs to N, let p be a prime number and let \(\displaystyle Z/p^n Z\)denote the ring of
integers modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\) under addition and multiplication modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\)
.Consider two polynomials \(\displaystyle f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 +...a_{\color{red}r} x^{\color{red}r}\) (not the same n, of course) and \(\displaystyle g(x)=b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 +...b_m x^m\),given the coefficients are in \(\displaystyle Z/p^nZ\).
\(\displaystyle f(x)*g(x)=0\). Show that \(\displaystyle a_i*b_j=0 $ for all $ 1<=i<=n, 1<=j<=m\)

I can't seem to use the fact that the coefficents belong to a ring of prime power order.I started by imposing an order on the coefficient and assuming that there is a smallest index in that order for which ai*bj is not 0, and proceeded from there, but that didn't lead anywhere.
I'll admit that my interest in algebra is of a casual nature, so maybe I'm not aware of a few important results that ones with professional interest would. In any case, i'd liek a pointer in the right direction.
Hi cupofcoffee and welcome to MHB!

Thinking about this problem, I started by trying to concoct a counterexample, in the hope that this would point towards a proof of the result. So suppose we take $p=2$ and $n=4$, so that all the coefficients are in the ring $Z/16$. Let $f(x) = 8+8x+4x^2$ and $g(x) = 2+4x+8x^2$. The constant term in $f(x)*g(x)$ is $8*2$, which is $0$ mod $16$. The coefficient of $x$ is $8*4 + 8*2$ (also $0$ mod $16$). But the coefficient of $x^2$ is $8*8 + 8*4 + 4*2$, which is congruent to $8$ mod $16$ and is therefore not $0$. Thus the product $f(x)*g(x)$ is not zero, and this is reflected by the fact that the product of coefficients $a_2*b_0$ (the coefficient of $x^2$ in $f(x)$ times the constant term in $g(x)$) is nonzero.

Can we use that example to form a proof? For $g\in Z/p^nZ$, let $d(g)$ be the power of $p$ that occurs in the prime factorisation of $g$. We want to show that, for the coefficients of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$, $d(a_i) + d(b_j) \geqslant n$ for all $i$ and all $j$. Choose $a_i$ with $d(a_i)$ minimal among all the coefficients of $f(x)$. If there is more than one such $a_i$, choose the first one (in other words, the one with the smallest $i$). Similarly, choose $b_j$ with $d(b_j)$ minimal among all the coefficients of $g(x)$, and again if there is more than one, choose the first one. Your job is now to show that if $d(a_i) + d(b_j) < n$ then the coefficient of $x^{i+j}$ in $f(x)*g(x)$ cannot be $0$ (mod $p^n$) and therefore $f(x)*g(x) \ne0$.
  • #4
Umm , let's say i and j are our chosen indices. I's not clear to me why the coefficient of
\(\displaystyle x^(i+j)\) should be non zero, (as i and j appear in the coefficients of other terms as well.)
While it might seem natural to check for \(\displaystyle x^(i+j)\) first, it would be rather pointless to go looking for a proof if we're no sure one exists.
I hope u undersand the issue
  • #5
cupofcoffee said:
Umm , let's say i and j are our chosen indices. I's not clear to me why the coefficient of
\(\displaystyle x^{i+j}\) should be non zero, (as i and j appear in the coefficients of other terms as well.)
While it might seem natural to check for \(\displaystyle x^{i+j}\) first, it would be rather pointless to go looking for a proof if we're no sure one exists.
I hope u undersand the issue
Let $k=i+j$, and let $d_0 = d(a_i) + d(b_j)$. The coefficient of $x^{i+j}$ in $f(x)*g(x)$ will be a sum of terms of the form $a_r*b_s$, where $r+s=k$. For each such term (other than $a_i*b_j$), either $r<i$ or $s<j$. In the first case, since $r<i$ and $i$ is the smallest index for which $d(a_i)$ is minimal, it follows that $d(a_r)>d(a_i).$ Also, since $d(b_j)$ is minimal, we must have $d(b_s)\geqslant d(b_j).$ Thus $d(a_r*b_s) = d(a_r) + d(b_s) > d_0.$ In the second case, where $s<j$, a similar argument shows that, again, $d(a_r*b_s) > d_0.$

Therefore, in the coefficient \(\displaystyle \sum_{r+s=k}a_r*b_s\) of $x^k$, the only term in which the power of $p$ is as low as $d_0$ is the single term $a_i*b_j.$ That is therefore the power of $p$ that occurs in the coefficient of $x^k$. But that coefficient has to be zero (in $Z/p^nZ$), because $f(x)*g(x) = 0.$ Therefore $d_0\geqslant n$, so that $a_i*b_j = 0.$
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  • #6
cupofcoffee said:
Let n belongs to N, let p be a prime number and let \(\displaystyle Z/p^n Z\)denote the ring of
integers modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\) under addition and multiplication modulo \(\displaystyle p^n\)
.Consider two polynomials \(\displaystyle f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 +...a_n x^n\) and \(\displaystyle g(x)=b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 +...b_m x^m\),given the coefficients are in \(\displaystyle Z/p^nZ\).
\(\displaystyle f(x)*g(x)=0\). Show that \(\displaystyle a_i*b_j=0 $ for all $ 1<=i<=n, 1<=j<=m\)

I can't seem to use the fact that the coefficents belong to a ring of prime power order.I started by imposing an order on the coefficient and assuming that there is a smallest index in that order for which ai*bj is not 0, and proceeded from there, but that didn't lead anywhere.
I'll admit that my interest in algebra is of a casual nature, so maybe I'm not aware of a few important results that ones with professional interest would. In any case, i'd liek a pointer in the right direction.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that there is a correspondence between this question and this one:

The idea would be as follows:
Let $f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 +...a_n x^n$ and $g(x)=b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 +...b_m x^m$ be polynomials in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$. Then, we can take the following corresponding polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$, namely consider the polynomials
$$p(x)=\frac{a_0}{p^k}+\frac{a_1}{p^k}x+\cdots+ \frac{a_n}{p^k} x^n\\
$f(x)\,g(x)$ is equal to zero in $\mathbb{Z_{p^k}}[x]$ iff $p(x)\,q(x)\in \mathbb{Z}[x]$.

Just an initial idea, I'll try to put more thought into it.

EDIT: in fact, this is a valid way to prove the statement. However, it does presuppose Gauss's lemma. Also, my other proof wasn't very well stated.

DOUBLE EDIT: ends up Opalg's steps amount to the same under sufficient scrutiny
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FAQ: Product of polynomials over non-integral domain is 0

What does it mean when the product of polynomials over a non-integral domain is 0?

When the product of polynomials over a non-integral domain is 0, it means that the resulting polynomial has all of its coefficients equal to 0. In other words, the polynomial can be written as 0x^n + 0x^(n-1) + ... + 0, where n is the degree of the polynomial.

Why is it important to study polynomials over non-integral domains?

Studying polynomials over non-integral domains is important because it allows us to understand and solve problems in a wider range of mathematical contexts. Non-integral domains, such as rational or complex numbers, have different properties and behaviors compared to integral domains, and studying polynomials over these domains helps us gain a deeper understanding of these concepts.

What are some examples of non-integral domains?

Some examples of non-integral domains include rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, and matrices. These domains have elements that are not integers, and therefore, have different algebraic properties compared to integral domains.

How do we determine if a polynomial over a non-integral domain is equal to 0?

To determine if a polynomial over a non-integral domain is equal to 0, we can use the zero product property. This property states that if the product of two or more numbers is equal to 0, then at least one of the numbers must be equal to 0. Therefore, if we can factor the polynomial into smaller polynomials, we can check if any of the factors have coefficients equal to 0, which would result in a product of 0.

Can a polynomial over a non-integral domain have a non-zero product?

Yes, a polynomial over a non-integral domain can have a non-zero product. This can occur when the polynomial has at least one non-zero coefficient, or when the polynomial is not fully factored into smaller polynomials. In these cases, the resulting product would have a non-zero coefficient and would not be equal to 0.

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