Product rule in probability and more

In summary, the product rule and sum rule are both axioms of probability theory, but they can also be proven from more general principles under certain conditions. The product rule states that the probability of two independent events occurring together is the product of their individual probabilities, while the sum rule states that the probability of either of two mutually exclusive events happening is the sum of their individual probabilities. These rules help us understand and calculate probabilities in various situations, and are fundamental to the study of probability theory.
  • #1
I have always wondered:

Is the product rule and addition rule for that matter axioms of the probability theory or can they actually be proven from more general principles? The reason I ask is, and it might be a bit silly, that I have always thought I missed out on something in probability theory. As an example:
Consider tossing two coins. You can get:
tails heads, heads tails, tails tails, heads heads
Then by the product rule the chance of each of these out comes is 1/4, and their sum adds up to 1 as it should. But I came to think: Why is it that it necessarily adds up to 1? So I thought that's simply the binomial theorem, so you can sort of say that the binomial theorem fits nicely with the way we "count" different outcomes. But what if it had not? What is it that assures that no matter what the rules for calculating probability of events will preserve the fact that Ʃp=1?
Maybe this is gibberish to you, but if you can help me understand any of this just a little better, I'd be glad.
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  • #2
The sum real states that

[tex]P(A\cup B) = P(A) + P(B)[/tex]

if ##A\cap B=\emptyset## (and it holds more generally too). Under the usual probability axioms, this is an axiom. However, given a known probability distribution, we can prove this for that distribution. It is merely checking that the distribution satisfies the axioms.

The product rule states that

[tex]P(A\cap B) = P(A)P(B)[/tex]

if ##A## and ##B## are independent. This is the definition of indpendence, so it cannot be proven. However, given specific events, we can check whether they are independent or not.
  • #3
Hey aaaa202.

With regards to the product rule, you can show intuitively why it is as it is.

Remember that independence between two random variables means that information about one random variable does not give any extra information about another.

Mathematically we describe this relationship as P(A|B) = P(A) for any other event B.

Since the definition of conditional probability is P(A|B) = P(A and B)/P(B) then by equating P(A|B) = P(A) we get P(A and B) = P(A)P(B) which is the definition of independence.

If information about B were to affect information about A then P(A|B) would also be a function of B in some sense but if it is independent, then the probabilities remain static and don't change.
  • #4
The sum rule is an axiom from measure theory. The sets in a probability space are Lebesgue measurable by construction/definition. The probability measure p (probability of getting a "3" on a six-sided die for example) is a Lebesgue measure, a special kind of set function on the probability space, that satisfies "countable additivity over countable disjoint unions of sets." That is, for some countable and disjoint collection of sets (events) in the probability space,

$$\{S_k\}_{k=1}^{\infty}, \ \ S_k \cap S_{k'} = \emptyset \ \ \mbox{for} \ \ k \neq k'$$

you have

$$p(\cup_{k=1}^{\infty} S_k) = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} p(S_k)$$

FAQ: Product rule in probability and more

What is the product rule in probability?

The product rule in probability is a basic principle that states the probability of two independent events occurring together is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. It is represented by the formula P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B).

How is the product rule applied in probability?

The product rule is applied in probability by multiplying the probabilities of two independent events occurring together. This is useful in calculating the probability of complex events with multiple independent components.

What is the difference between the product rule and the sum rule in probability?

The product rule and the sum rule are two basic principles in probability. The product rule is used for calculating the probability of two independent events occurring together, while the sum rule is used for calculating the probability of either one of two mutually exclusive events occurring. The product rule involves multiplication, while the sum rule involves addition.

Can the product rule be used for dependent events?

No, the product rule is specifically used for calculating the probability of two independent events occurring together. For dependent events, a different approach such as the conditional probability formula is necessary.

How can the product rule be used in real-life scenarios?

The product rule in probability can be used in real-life scenarios such as calculating the probability of winning a lottery (where the winning numbers are selected independently), the probability of rolling a certain combination of numbers on a pair of dice, or the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads twice in a row. It can also be used in fields such as genetics and epidemiology to calculate the probability of certain genetic traits or diseases occurring together.

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