Product topology, closed subset, Hausdorff

In summary, To prove that the graph of a continuous function from a Hausdorff topological space is a closed subset of the product space, we can use the fact that every point not on the graph can be separated from the graph by neighbourhoods, using the continuity of the function.
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Homework Statement

Let [tex](X,\tau_X)[/tex] and [tex](Y,\tau_Y)[/tex] be topological spaces, and let [tex]f : X \to Y[/tex] be continuous. Let [tex]Y[/tex] be Hausdorff, and prove that the graph of [tex]f[/tex] i.e. [tex]\graph(f) := \{ (x,f(x)) | x \in X \}[/tex] is a closed subset of [tex]X \times Y[/tex].

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Which property of closed set should I use to prove this? Should I assume a sequence inside the graph set converging to some [tex](x,y) \in X[/tex] and then somehow show that this limit point belongs to the graph? Or should I prove that the complement of the graph set is not open? I don't know how to finish the proof with either approach. Please give me some hint.
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  • #2
The idea here is to find (x,y) not on the graph such that every neighbourhood misses the graph. To do this, pick (x,y) not on the graph, so it is different than (x,f(x)) and separate them by neighbourhoods. You must also use continuity here.

FAQ: Product topology, closed subset, Hausdorff

1. What is product topology?

Product topology is a type of topology in mathematics that is used to study the properties of topological spaces formed by the cartesian product of two or more topological spaces. It is defined as the coarsest topology that makes all the projection maps continuous.

2. What is a closed subset?

A closed subset is a subset of a topological space that contains all its limit points. In other words, every point in the subset is either a member of the subset or a limit point of the subset.

3. What is the significance of closed subsets in product topology?

In product topology, closed subsets play an important role in defining the topology of the product space. They help to determine whether a given space is Hausdorff or not, and also play a role in understanding the convergence of sequences in the product space.

4. What is a Hausdorff space?

A Hausdorff space is a topological space in which every pair of distinct points can be separated by open subsets. This means that for any two points in the space, there exist open sets containing each point that do not intersect.

5. How is the notion of Hausdorff related to product topology?

In product topology, the product of two Hausdorff spaces is always a Hausdorff space. This is because the product topology ensures that the projection maps are continuous, which in turn guarantees that the space is Hausdorff. However, the product of a finite number of Hausdorff spaces may not be Hausdorff if an infinite number of spaces are considered.
