Professor added a twist to the conservation of energy problem.

In summary, the force on a particle, acting along the x axis, varies as shown in the figure below. For part (a) and (b), I found the areas under or above the red line - that was fairly straightforward, BUT the professor added in his own part (c), that being to find the speed of the particle at each slope change and x-intercept. I am certain the solution to part (c) has something to do with the conservation of energy. I thought maybe the total work done on and by the particle would cancel each other out, and therefore I can set the conservation of energy equation to zero and solve
  • #1

Homework Statement

The force on a particle, acting along the x axis, varies as shown in the figure below. (a) Determine the work done by this force to move along the x-axis from x=0.0 to x = 10.0m and (b) from x=0.0 to x=15.0m and (c) what is the speed of the particle at each slope change and x-intercept.

(graph of force applied in the x-direction vs distance attached - please ignore all pencil markings, those are a part of a different discussion).

Homework Equations

W=F x d (work = force x distance)
W=PE + KE (work = potential energy + kinetic energy)
PE = mgh (potential energy = mass times gravity times height)
KE = (1/2)mv^2 (kinetic energy = 1/2 times mass times velocity squared
PE initial + KE initial = PE final + KE final (conservation of energy)

The Attempt at a Solution

For part (a) and (b), I found the areas under or above the red line - that was fairly straightforward, BUT the professor added in his own part (c), that being to find the speed of the particle at each slope change and x-intercept. I am certain the solution to part (c) has something to do with the conservation of energy. I thought maybe the total work done on and by the particle would cancel each other out, and therefore I can set the conservation of energy equation to zero and solve for particle speed, and the mass (which is not given) would simple cancel out, but since the amount of work done on and by the particle are different areas on the graph, they don't cancel each other out. Therefore, I am left with two unknowns in my equation, that being the velocity and the mass. There is another equation I am not considering, I am sure of it.


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  • #2
Randall said:
W=F x d (work = force x distance)
W=PE + KE (work = potential energy + kinetic energy)
That's what you'll need. (There's no PE term in this problem.) But...

Randall said:
Therefore, I am left with two unknowns in my equation, that being the velocity and the mass. There is another equation I am not considering, I am sure of it.
You'll need to be given the mass to find the velocity. Ask your prof if he just forgot to specify it.
  • #3
Since he doesn't give the mass of the particle, you need to express your answers in terms of m.

  • #4
Hello Randall, and welcome to PF.
Perhaps you want to make life easier for yourself and consider this as a horizontal movement. In other words, work is converted into kinetic energy. (Ergo no conservation as in your last eqn!). And if you aren't given the mass, you can't do better than express speed in terms of mass.

Well, we all agree...
  • #5

Your approach to part (c) is correct - the conservation of energy equation is the key to finding the speed of the particle at each slope change and x-intercept. However, in this case, you are correct in noting that the work done on and by the particle are not equal, so they cannot be set to zero in the conservation of energy equation.

To solve for the speed at each point, you will need to use the work-energy theorem, which states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. This can be written as W = ΔKE. Using this equation, you can set the work done on the particle equal to the change in its kinetic energy and solve for the speed at each point.

For example, at the first slope change at x = 5.0m, the work done on the particle is equal to the area under the curve from x = 0.0m to x = 5.0m. This work is also equal to the change in the particle's kinetic energy from its initial speed (which is zero) to its speed at x = 5.0m. Using the work-energy theorem, you can set these two quantities equal to each other and solve for the speed at x = 5.0m.

You will need to repeat this process for each slope change and the x-intercept to find the speed at each point. Remember to also consider the direction of the work done on the particle - positive work will increase the kinetic energy, while negative work will decrease it.

I hope this helps you solve the problem!

FAQ: Professor added a twist to the conservation of energy problem.

1. What is the conservation of energy problem?

The conservation of energy problem is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

2. What is the twist that the professor added to the conservation of energy problem?

The twist that the professor added is likely a new variable or factor that affects the conservation of energy in the problem. This could be a change in the initial conditions, the introduction of a new energy source or sink, or a modification to the laws of physics that govern the system.

3. How does the professor's twist impact the solution to the conservation of energy problem?

The professor's twist can significantly alter the solution to the conservation of energy problem. It may require a new approach or formula to accurately calculate the energy transfers and changes in the system. The twist can also reveal new insights or complexities in the problem that were not apparent before.

4. Why is the conservation of energy problem important?

The conservation of energy problem is essential because it is a fundamental principle that governs the behavior of energy in the universe. It is used in various fields of science and engineering to understand and predict the behavior of systems, from simple objects to complex systems like the Earth and the universe.

5. How does the conservation of energy problem relate to real-world situations?

The conservation of energy problem is applicable to many real-world situations, such as energy production and consumption, transportation, and climate change. Understanding and applying this principle can help us make informed decisions about energy use and management, leading to more sustainable and efficient practices.
