Program to help calculate an integral

In summary, the conversation is about a person trying to calculate a difficult integral for a personal project but encountering difficulties with WolframAlpha and not being able to make online purchases. They ask for free software options and a link to an integral calculator is provided.
  • #1
Insights Author

I have this integral that I really want to calculate for a personal project (not for school), so I typed it into WolframAlpha and it said that the it took too long to compute and to get it computed I would have to pay money. Is there any free software that may be able to calculate this integral? I can't make online purchases as I do not have a credit card, and I don't think my dad would be too thrilled for me to use his credit card to buy an online calculator (when I have a graphing calculator) just to calculate an integral or two. Plus, I am not positive that it could be calculated with just 2x the computing time.

If it means anything, here's the integral:
$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{\frac{-(x-b)^2 -(x-c)^2}{2a^2}}\cos(rx)dx$$
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  • #3
fresh_42 said:
Does this help?
Input line: e^{{-(x-b)^2 -(x-c)^2}/{2a^2}}cos(rx)
Wow... I didn't even see that on my google search... Thank you!
  • #4

FAQ: Program to help calculate an integral

What is an integral?

An integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve in a graph. It is used to find the total value or quantity of a function within a given range or interval.

How does a program calculate an integral?

A program uses numerical methods, such as the Riemann sum or Simpson's rule, to approximate the value of the integral. It divides the area under the curve into smaller, simpler shapes and calculates their individual areas to estimate the total area.

What are the inputs and outputs of an integral calculator?

The inputs of an integral calculator are the function, the limits of integration, and any necessary parameters. The output is the approximate value of the integral.

Can an integral calculator handle all types of functions?

No, an integral calculator may not be able to handle all types of functions. It may encounter difficulties with complex or discontinuous functions or functions with no closed form solutions. It is important to check the accuracy of the results and make adjustments if necessary.

Are there any limitations to using an integral calculator?

Yes, there are limitations to using an integral calculator. It can only provide an approximation of the integral and may not be able to handle all types of functions. It is also important to choose the appropriate numerical method and adjust the parameters to ensure accurate results.
