Programming Function With Cut On Negative Imaginary Axis

In summary, the function to be programmed is a complex equation involving Bessel and Hankel functions. The goal is to plot this function along the negative imaginary half-axis with respect to k. The code is written in Python using NumPy and SciPy libraries. The article mentions that the function should be purely imaginary, but the output is coming out as a combination of real and imaginary parts. Attempts have been made to fix the issue, but the same results are produced. Further troubleshooting and hints are needed to solve this problem.
  • #1
The Function To Be Programmed

[itex]\sigma_m=\frac{4(n_r^2 -1)J_m(n_r k R)}{\pi^2kD_m^+(kR)D_m^-(kR)}[/itex]



The '+'/'-' superscripts indicate the limits as z approaches the branch cut, which lies along the negative imaginary half axis, from the positive and negative real sides. The J's and H's are the Bessel functions and Hankel functions of the first kind. I wish to plot this function along the negative imaginary half-axis with respect to k.

My Code

I'm coding this in Python using NumPy and SciPy. Here is my code at present:

import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import pi
from scipy.special import jv, iv, kv, jvp, ivp, kvp

m = 11 # Mode number
nr = 2 # Index of refraction
R = 1 # Radius of cylinder
eps = 10e-8 # The Dm's in the denominator are evaluated an amount eps to the left and right of the cutdef yv_imcut(n, z):
return -2/(pi*(1j)**n)*kv(n, -1j*z) + 2*(1j)**n/pi * (0.5j*pi) * iv(n,-1j*z)

def yvp_imcut(n, z):
return (n/z)*yv_imcut(n,z) - yv_imcut(n+1,z)

def hankel1_imcut(n, z):
return jv(n, z) + 1j*yv_imcut(n, z)

def h1vp_imcut(n, z):
return jvp(n, z, 1) + 1j*yvp_imcut(n, z)

# Define the characteristic equation
def Dm(n, z):
return nr*jvp(n, nr*z, 1) * hankel1_imcut(n, z) - jv(n, nr*z)*h1vp_imcut(n,z)

# Define the cut pole density function. The product in the denominator has been written out explicitly for computational reasons.
def sigma(k,n):
return 4*(nr**2 - 1)*jv(n,nr*k*R)/(pi**2 * k * ((Dm(n, k*R-eps).real)**2 + (Dm(n, k*R+eps).imag)**2))

k = np.linspace(0, -15j,1000)
y = sigma(k,m)
x = np.linspace(0,15,1000)

plt.plot(x, y.imag)

With the help of others, I have successfully moved the cut of the Hankel and Neumann functions from the negative real axis to the negative imaginary axis using argument transforms found here. You can confirm this by running the program and plotting the _imcut functions versus their regular counterparts.

Here's the plot of sigma.imag along the negative imaginary semi-axis:

Here's what it should look like (look at the blue m=11 curve at right):

As you can see, it looks sort of right, but it's taking on the wrong values.
These equations and the graph come from page 4 in this article: Something that the article mentions is that sigma should be a purely imaginary function. I examined the function to see what could be making it part real and part imaginary in my case. I found that the Dm's in the denominator of sigma have equal real and opposite imaginary parts, so I expanded the product to ensure that it comes out purely real (the precision of the two numbers lead to an imaginary part which shouldn't have been there). Still, it isn't working out. Any help would be appreciated! I've been stumped for half of the summer by this one.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I've made another attempt at the problem, but I get the exact same result. Here it is:

In Appendix B it is stated that

From this relation one can also find the difference of the first derivative of the Hankel function across the cut:

I wrote a script with these formulae:

def hankel1_minus(n,z):
return hankel1(n,z) - 4*jv(n,z)

def h1vp_minus(n,z):
return (n/z)*hankel1_minus(n,z) - hankel1_minus(n+1,z)

def Dm_plus(n, z):
return nr *jvp(n, nr*z, 1) * hankel1(n, z) - jv(n, nr*z)*h1vp(n,z)

def Dm_minus(n, z):
return nr *jvp(n, nr*z, 1) * hankel1_minus(n,z) - jv(n, nr*z)*h1vp_minus(n,z)

def sigma(k,n):
return 4*(nr**2 - 1)*jv(n,nr*k*R)/(pi**2 * k * (Dm_plus(n, k*R) * Dm_minus(n,k*R)).real)

Does anyone have even a vague clue as to what could be going wrong? I've rewritten the code in OCTAVE as well and have been met with the same results. This tells me that there is something fundamentally wrong with my process. Any hints?
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Related to Programming Function With Cut On Negative Imaginary Axis

1. What is a programming function with cut on negative imaginary axis?

A programming function with cut on negative imaginary axis is a mathematical function that is defined on the complex plane, with a cut or discontinuity along the negative imaginary axis. This means that when the function is evaluated at a point on the negative imaginary axis, the result is undefined or infinite.

2. Why is a cut on negative imaginary axis important in programming functions?

A cut on negative imaginary axis is important in programming functions because it allows for the definition of multi-valued functions, which cannot be represented by traditional single-valued functions. This allows for a more flexible and powerful representation of mathematical concepts and relationships.

3. How is a programming function with cut on negative imaginary axis visualized?

A programming function with cut on negative imaginary axis can be visualized using either a Riemann surface or a complex plane plot. In a Riemann surface, the cut is represented as a branch cut, while in a complex plane plot, the cut is represented as a dashed line along the negative imaginary axis.

4. What are some examples of programming functions with cut on negative imaginary axis?

Some examples of programming functions with cut on negative imaginary axis include the logarithm function, the square root function, and the complex logarithm function. These functions have cuts on the negative imaginary axis in order to represent all possible values of the function.

5. How is the cut on negative imaginary axis handled in programming languages?

The handling of the cut on negative imaginary axis depends on the programming language. Some languages, such as Python, have built-in support for complex numbers and multi-valued functions, while others may require the use of external libraries or custom functions to properly handle the cut. It is important for programmers to be aware of this concept in order to accurately implement and use programming functions with cut on negative imaginary axis.

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