Projectile motion apple throw question

In summary, the problem involves a person falling into a hole and their friend throwing an apple to them. The apple is caught 12.0 m away from where it was thrown and it took 1.6 seconds for the apple to return to the friend's hand when thrown straight up. The person in the hole is at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. Using the equations for vertical and horizontal motion, it can be determined that the initial speed of the apple when thrown down to the person is 8.66 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

you have fallen into a hole in the ground. your friend throws an apple to you to keep you happy. you catch the apple 12.0 m from where your friend threw it. (basically range is 12 m). before throwing the apple to you, she threw it at the same speed directly up in the air, and it took 1.6 s to return to her had. how far below your friend are you?

since you guys can't see the diagram:
the angle above the horizontal is 30.
t = 1.6s
range or horizontal distance is 12 m
how do i find the height ( how many meters am i below the person on the cliff)
i don't know if i am doing it right how do find the height?

Homework Equations

y = (Viy)(t) + 0.5(ay)(t)^2

range = Vix x t

The Attempt at a Solution

Vix = 12 m / 1.6s = 7.5 m/s

Vix = cos30 x Vi
Vi = 7.5m/s / cos30 = 8.66 m/s

then Viy = sin 30 x 8.66m/s = 4.33 m/s
Physics news on
  • #2
Why are you assuming that the time for your friend to toss the apple up and catch it is the same as the time it takes the apple to reach you? One velocity was directed straight up, the other is launched at an angle.
  • #3
i don't undrstand?
ty = tx
  • #4
It's your equation!

Vix = 12 m / 1.6s = 7.5 m/s

The 1.6 seconds was the time for your friend to toss the apple straight up and catch it on its return. What makes you think it applies to her tossing it down to you?
  • #5
so how would you solve it?
  • #6
I would first determine the speed at which she throws the apple (both times). The problem statement says that they are the same. So how would you go about determining that initial speed from her first toss?

FAQ: Projectile motion apple throw question

1. What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object through the air under the influence of gravity. It follows a curved path known as a parabola.

2. How is projectile motion different from regular motion?

Regular motion is the motion of an object on a flat surface, while projectile motion involves the motion of an object through the air which is affected by the force of gravity.

3. How does the angle of launch affect projectile motion?

The angle of launch determines the shape and distance of the projectile's path. The higher the angle, the longer the projectile will stay in the air and the farther it will travel.

4. What is the role of initial velocity in projectile motion?

The initial velocity is the speed and direction at which the projectile is launched. It determines the horizontal and vertical components of the motion and affects the overall trajectory of the projectile.

5. How can we calculate the maximum height and range of a projectile?

The maximum height and range of a projectile can be calculated using the equations of motion and the initial velocity and angle of launch. Alternatively, it can also be determined by graphing the motion and finding the peak and furthest point from the origin.
