Projectile Motion here then simulated in a different gravity

In summary, the conversation is about an experiment involving projectile motion simulation on Earth and the desire to know how it would differ in a low gravity environment such as the moon. The common parameter is the force used to make an object jump a certain height. However, there are two missing parameters, duration and distance of force application, preventing the variables from being solved. The discussion leads to the conclusion that the maximal height is proportional to the take off velocity and inversely proportional to mass. The final formula is derived to be h = Δp2 / (2*g*m2), assuming impulse is the same for both cases and not affected by mass or gravity.
  • #1
So I'm working on an experiment where I do a projectile motion simulation here on Earth and want to know how it will fair in a low gravity environment such as in the moon with one common parameter in between, Force.

Imagine, here on earth, I have a mass that I push up with a force(F) for it to jump y meters. I record the mass, the height at which it reached and the time it took for it to reach that height which will then allow me to compute for my Force(F).

Now I want to know, if I used this same Force(F) on a different mass under a different gravity, how high it will reach?

I`ve come up so far with this.

My problem is, when I do solve for the Force, I still have 2 missing parameters which is y and t which is preventing me from solving each variable. Any suggestions?
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  • #3
Hi, A.T.!

Thank you for your reply and pointing the thread out to me. Learned a lot about the duration the force is applied. The only most important information to my experiment that helped me understand my problem was:

sgphysics said:
I think bahamagreen's comparision to a compressed spring would be an ok representation of the problem. The energy of the compressed spring ##E_c## must be spent on partly lifting an object with a mass while extending the spring ## E_{ext}=mg\delta## and partly on the objects flight ## E_f=mgh ##. The only difference between moon and Earth here are the value of g, beeing 6 times larger for earth. (I neglect the possible difference in ##\delta##).
In other words we get:
## E_{f}=E_{c}-E_{ext} ##
so from this you can show that the ratio of jumping heights are:

##\frac{h_m}{h_e}=\frac{g_e}{g_m} \frac{E_c-mg_m\delta}{E_c - mg_e\delta}## (index m=moon, e=earth)

In reality, my experiment is not a finger pushing but a spring of some sort which will be attached inside the mass. The spring is this:

My theory is that the impulse of the spring when it `snaps` will pass on to the object which it is attached to and will then make the whole thing jump.

Any ideas on how I can proceed? The snap is instantaneous so I can`t (dont know how) to do record the duration on which the force acts on it`s joints...
  • #4
Tomas1337 said:
The snap is instantaneous
For a very short impulse, the take off velocity will be approximately the same in both cases. So the maximal height is proportional to g.
  • #5
I thought as much if it were the same mass yeah, any idea on how to factor in different masses of the objects? Using the equation above would require me to Solve for the Spring`s potential energy which in my case is... kind of hard since it`s not a conventional spring. Is there a more straightforward way?
  • #6
Tomas1337 said:
any idea on how to factor in different masses of the objects?
Take off velocity is inversely proportional to mass. The maximal height is proportional to velocity squared.
  • #7
Okay so, sorry i`m really having a hard time here.

Can you verify if this is correct? Based on what you said... And if it is, I still don`t get the derivation.

  • #8
Tomas1337 said:
I still don`t get the derivation.
Assuming the short impulse Δp is independent of m and g:

v = Δp / m
h = v2 / (2*g) = Δp2 / (2*g*m2)
  • #9
Got it!
I think I finally got it right.
Assuming impulse is the same for both cases and the mass and gravity do not affect impulse at all.

So the relation is*

Am I right?

FAQ: Projectile Motion here then simulated in a different gravity

1. What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object that is launched into the air and then moves along a curved path under the influence of gravity.

2. How does gravity affect projectile motion?

Gravity is the force that causes objects to fall towards the ground. In projectile motion, gravity affects the vertical motion of the object, causing it to accelerate downwards.

3. Can projectile motion be simulated in different levels of gravity?

Yes, projectile motion can be simulated in different levels of gravity. By changing the value of the gravitational constant, the simulation can be adjusted to mimic the effects of gravity on different planets or celestial bodies.

4. What factors affect projectile motion?

The factors that affect projectile motion include the initial velocity, angle of launch, air resistance, and the force of gravity. These factors can be manipulated to change the trajectory and distance of the projectile.

5. How is projectile motion simulated in a different level of gravity?

To simulate projectile motion in a different level of gravity, the gravitational constant in the equations for calculating the motion needs to be changed. This can be done using computer software or by adjusting the parameters in a physical experiment.
